Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Translation: things can only be discussed here if they make me happy and no matter what evidence you have and what you think is right and what your definition of knowledge and evolution is only things that I deem as positive are allowed because i'm too fucking stupid but to do anything but deal in baseless new age hucksterism so keep all this stuff about the real world away from me

And again Brad remains such an extremely obvious and annoying example of how using this dodgy new agey speak you can make excuses for any fucking stupid thing. I love how hard Brad is trying to sound all important and knowledgeable but to me it seems so obvious he's forcing his whole community into a stupid lala land where real world evidence and discussions can be replaced by hooey fooey airy magic land bullshit...and why would he be doing this you ask? Because we all know Brad won't give up till he's achieved his ego maniacal fantasies. Maybe he's already tired of Kerry and now wants back into the "mentor" role so he can cheat on another woman in front of everyone's eyes and ban whoever dosen't like it.

This could very well just be the beginning of Brad really trying to build up his cult, now that the fascist rules are in place he can begin purging out all the true things about life that are yes, very often harder to deal with than the prospect of everyone living in a magic land where they create gold by meditating and fly around on magic alien ships. I'm very interested to see how this fucking pile of garbage of a human being plans to play things from now on...


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LOL, it's getting whackier by the minute! :P

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I swear it does...

DeusEx said:
LOL, it's getting whackier by the minute! :P

Pies you made a very good analogy.

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I feel sorry for whoever LilBunnyFufu is. She doesn't know WTF she is getting into. I love this quote from her:

Easter bunny, UFOs, Illuminati, Santa Claus, NWO, Jesus and the list goes on. Let us grow together and evolve past all these fairy tales.

I wonder if she has time to have my baby before she posts next.

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This definitly without the shadow of a doubt shows that Brad is essentially trying to rebuild his empire having had his first fall apart at the seams. It's so painfully obvious that he wants SOE to be all about him but hey love and light justifies everything especially if it feeds ego. Someone ought to get in touch with LilBunnyFufu and point her in the general direction of this place. She's going the right way about being banned from there and she seems completely oblivious about what she's getting into.

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it is all about him, he thinks he can get away with it as long as he dosent make it too obvious, but what he wants to do is focus all of whats acceptable into areas that he can take over, and take over the easiest because people will always bow down before the comforting lie before the painful truth, especially if some dickshit is there to guide the way for them. Brad thinks he can get away with this shit cause he says shit like "im not a leader im a teacher see they're different words"

"I'm not an evil dictator, I'm a happy life coach, now go work in the fields until you die peasant"

james_uk said:
This definitly without the shadow of a doubt shows that Brad is essentially trying to rebuild his empire having had his first fall apart at the seams. It's so painfully obvious that he wants SOE to be all about him but hey love and light justifies everything especially if it feeds ego. Someone ought to get in touch with LilBunnyFufu and point her in the general direction of this place. She's going the right way about being banned from there and she seems completely oblivious about what she's getting into.

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I'm still trying to understand why he isn't out of SOE and gone...Is there anyone with half a brain left over there? Or have they just banned everyone but the drone zealots?

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james_uk said:
This definitly without the shadow of a doubt shows that Brad is essentially trying to rebuild his empire having had his first fall apart at the seams..

LOL. And, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he doing some "project" similar to Cloverfield that got abandoned, too? And, there was some really boring animation -and I am using that word generously- that I saw on youtube that was supposedly another of his ventures? I wish I could remember the name of it, but it was toooooo boring and poorly put together.

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lol I think LilBunnyFufu has the potential to become Brads next victim oops I mean soul mate rofl

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Ozone said:
james_uk said:
This definitly without the shadow of a doubt shows that Brad is essentially trying to rebuild his empire having had his first fall apart at the seams..

LOL. And, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he doing some "project" similar to Cloverfield that got abandoned, too? And, there was some really boring animation -and I am using that word generously- that I saw on youtube that was supposedly another of his ventures? I wish I could remember the name of it, but it was toooooo boring and poorly put together.

The other project he did was called "Grayshot". It was originally going to be called Cloverfield then he started being his usual stubborn self in the forums after people started advising him about copyright infringement.

I think you'll find that poor animation your talking about is his crappy spritesapiens series. You can tell he actually made these with his own hand unlike the CGI sections of the intro to his Saviors of Earth video series because no effort has clearly been put into them.

The whole Spritesapiens series lasted all of 23 days........... Must have been a huge success with a massive cult following. /sarcasm Note how he praises his own videos using his eseow2007 account which he's now closed.....

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james_uk said:
Ozone said:
james_uk said:
This definitly without the shadow of a doubt shows that Brad is essentially trying to rebuild his empire having had his first fall apart at the seams..

LOL. And, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he doing some "project" similar to Cloverfield that got abandoned, too? And, there was some really boring animation -and I am using that word generously- that I saw on youtube that was supposedly another of his ventures? I wish I could remember the name of it, but it was toooooo boring and poorly put together.

The other project he did was called "Grayshot". It was originally going to be called Cloverfield then he started being his usual stubborn self in the forums after people started advising him about copyright infringement.

I think you'll find that poor animation your talking about is his crappy spritesapiens series. You can tell he actually made these with his own hand unlike the CGI sections of the intro to his Saviors of Earth video series because no effort has clearly been put into them.

The whole Spritesapiens series lasted all of 23 days........... Must have been a huge success with a massive cult following. /sarcasm Note how he praises his own videos using his eseow2007 account which he's now closed.....

LOL. Thanks for the information! He was really going to use "Cloverfield" as the name at first? Oh, no.
And, yes, that's what the animation was: Spritesapiens. Yeah, the eseow2007 account rings a bell, too. I remember that was mentioned before somewhere, and I saw comments on his youtube videos from people about how he was using that account to leave positive comments on his own posted videos, and to attack anyone who said anything negative about Brad. ROFL. It's all coming back to me now.

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many ppl have been seduced and convinced to brad's teaching. If members in SoE were confident enough and have a strong sense of self, most forms of manipulation used by Brad often don't affect them. But recognizing what does affect them and actively thinking about it is a great way to seek out in which areas they need more confidence.

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