Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

I can not understand why people keep trying to control another thoughts, feelings, or where one can go on the internet. We have the most precious gift of all FREE WILL and what one decides to do or not do is up to the person who pays their own bills. I can not believe that there are some who will not just let dead dogs go. They have to keep painful feelings in the spot light and try to rewrite history. We all are free beings and as such stand up and declare you will not be dictated to by any. Each person must find their own truths, don't think any body is better then you because the have more posts, or friends, than you, nor should their words carry more weight than any one elses. We all put our pants on the same way. This evening I was told by another I belonged to a "hate site" and it would only bring me an open line to negativity simply because I was a member. A more preposterous statement I have never heard. One must seek and find what is right for them. Do not be led blindly because I say something. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!!
If it rings true for you than use the information, if not chuck it out. But you do not have to be dictated to by any one. Always always use your best ability. Also I would try to tune your B S meter this will keep you safe
Brightest Blessings
Moon Rider

Tags: free, will



DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on April 29, 2009 at 10:43pm
Hi Moon Rider. Long time no chat :) I don't consider this a hate site at all and I am sure many would say the same thing. Unlike many of those out there that want to bury their hands under the sand and not pay attention to what is going around, we choose to report things and give people a chance to have their say. These people here are some of the most wonderful people I've talked to online because they have respect for themselves and others, are passionate about what they believe in, and most of all fun. They don't go around with the false personas that many of these new age site members have. Thank you for your kind words and if anyone gives you shit about being here, maybe they should come say it to us face to face instead of harassing people like you who never did anything wrong but were brave enough to take a stand when they saw wrongdoing.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on April 29, 2009 at 10:54pm
Miss you lots, Moon Rider. Thank you for posting this. Though the circumstances of having met you were not the shiniest, I'm very happy to have met you all the same. I really appreciate your consistent integrity. I hope to talk to you soon, and thanks for stopping in again.
Moon Rider Comment by Moon Rider on April 29, 2009 at 11:28pm
Thank you for your kind words, I just call it as I see it and we are here to be our brothers (and sisters)keepers and to stand for those who can not speak for themselves I do not believe there is a higher calling that to work in the service of human kind Blessings Moon
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on April 30, 2009 at 7:42am
Yeah Tony you are entirely right here, we ARE all about shutting brad johnson down and hating his fascistic dictatorship regime of new age brainwashed drones. What we have here in common is the complete and utter disgust for the moral abuse of innocent & gullible people who fall for brads bullshit and actually believe into any of it. This man is a complete FRAUD and that is what we oppose(and in contrast you support).

While all the SOErs pretend to be full of unconditional love and light within the walls of SOE I can pull a bunch of quotes from SOErs who came here only for swearing racist slurs all over us who see past brad's bullshit lies. Remember salvador?...the list goes on.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on April 30, 2009 at 10:25am
LOL, Tony! Looks like you missed out on a lot while trying to do your homework. I'll give you a few hours to ask your master who these people are. Damn, does that mean you have to stop high fiving each other so soon? Ah well, I'm sure you can ban someone or something to help stop the disappointment.

ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on April 30, 2009 at 10:51am
Tony, how can you cite two quotes from Ilikepies, and one from some mystery former-SOE'er, and say that's representative of this site's behavior?...and you think people like you and Brad deserve respect after coming here and trying to pull some weasely shit like that? I don't think so.

Instead of pinning SOSOE as disrespectful, you've actually called out ilikepies so I hope you're ready to deal with that because I'm sure he's just itching to accommodate his attitude to your specifications.
james_uk Comment by james_uk on April 30, 2009 at 11:23am
All of three quotes and that unanimously represents the whole agenda of SOSOE as a whole? Do I really need to make a quote list from the amount of fear mongering, needless slander of the worlds governments and police forces and delusional fantasies where your members WANT the world to end with massive loss of life that consistently makes the rounds of SOE?

I guess that'd paint a more accurate picture of SOE than what you've been able to paint with SOSOE with all of three quotes.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on April 30, 2009 at 11:26am
Tony, Tony, Tony. You've managed to make the same mistake Brad made of judging the whole by the part. At least the active members you quoted have, with sincerity, demonstrated their multifacetedness. And even in their hours of anger, they remained honest about their feelings. Can you say the same? Can you show some courage and admit that you are not all love and light and fluffy bunnies and rainbows? Can you acknowledge the individuality of your anger, frustration, shame, or intolerance without finding some way to wrap it in love, in light, or in oneness? Or will you be one of those who walks around saying to himself "love love love love love love love love love love love," all the while avoiding mirrors?

Moon, you know I don't need to paste links to show you that the members here are both poetic in their anger and genuine in their compassion.

Any love zombies who may be reading this, it's much easier to look in the mirror when you acknowledge your true nature as a human granted the freedom of multidimensional emotions (no, not "multidimensional" in the 3d/5d/7d sense).
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on April 30, 2009 at 12:10pm
here's another quote for you Tony


I'm still waiting for your explanation on "love letters from brad" as to why thats not something to be very concerned about especially because it happened under your watch as a so called administrator. last you said you were all like "teehee one thing at a time pies, aren't I clever" then you ran away crying like the retard baby you are

Your just like Brad, you come here talking some bullshit like your so confident and evolved or whatever but you only talk about what you want and ignore what you can't possibly explain or defend.

Keep waiting for your magical ascension Tony, keep praying your crappy life will be saved by magical new age pixie dust and in a few years when your completely hopeless and depressed you'll start to realize maybe this site wasnt such an evil hate site after all.

Oh and about my 2 quotes you used, yes magenta pixie is a crazed idiot, just like your a crazed idiot and most people stupid enough to follow along with this SOE bullshit are crazed idiots.

Yes I do hope you get wiped out by swine flu because stupid people being killed off is good for the world and if someones just gonna ignore completely an epidemic that could become serious than they deserve to get it.

as for the other quote thats not mine.. well tony you sad lonely fucking idiot piece of shit (oooh theres another mean quote) compare that to how badly internet predator egomaniacal manchild brad johnson wants to shut us down, or how Brad defended someone who was coming here calling us all a bunch of "fags"

Basically Tony, In Conclusion, until your man enough to come here defending EVERYTHING that is so very wrong with your site and especially your insanely dangerous idiotic leader brad than eat shit and die of swine flu you crazed idiot. Try making a quote collection without me next time, everything knows i'm the baddasst mutha fucka on this site
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on April 30, 2009 at 12:43pm
One more question for you Tony. Do you think there's a chance maybe just a slighttt chance that maybe those quotes from me wouldn't exist, maybe things could have continued to be debated civily if maybe justtt maybe Brad and you retard administrators actually acted like fucking adults at ANY FUCKING POINT.

Like that day I did the horrible thing of calling out Brad when he was holding a public exorcism of his wife, I'm sorry I mean his ex wife who he abandoned with his children once he finally convinced one of the many girls he was going after on the internet to realize that they are "soul mates" (how many soul mates can one person have, another question for you tony the tiger). Anyway there was Brad all "please everyone the dark psyhcics are attacking me through my wife please focus your energies of ridding her of the dark energy so she'll stop annoying me and being ugly" and I came out and said horribly evil mean things like

Brad its time to grow up
Brad this is your godamn family take responsibility
Brad this is so unfair to whats going on with you and your wife
You need to stop this this is crazy

You know evil horrible things like that you remember dont you tony? and you know what happened next?

I was banned, banned form chat, cut off from saying anything more, but what did brad say?

"hey everybody I just used my powers to do a scan of friendlyskeptic, while most people have to rely on their own opinions and fallibility I am able to use my powers to give the final word and that is indeed that friendlyskeptic has pure darkness and hate and thats all I sense in him and I now I'm asking my inner self what to do
"hey inner self what should i do"
"Ban him forever"

Do you think..and i know you and all other people on that site have severe retardation caused from having hunks of petrified dinosaur shit lodged in your brains so try to keep you think maybe just maybe a bit of this was brought on to your site BY YOUR SITE. With all the bannings, all the revelations of Brad having cyber sex while other people were worried about people possibly dying, all the people coming to this site right at the beginning calling us all fags and swearing with every name in the book with brads blessing? Don't you think there is SOME RESPONSIBILITY that needs to rest on your sites retard shoulders? Shouldn't people have a right to question things like why Brad spent so long using the excuse of "i dont charge money money is evil" and then went ahead with something like expression of soul? These are the kinds of things that will at this point get you banned and deleted instantly for mentioning under the guise of "anti duality brads personal life wah"

Sorry if this made your mind work too much I know you tards mostly just like to sit in playpens eating pudding and this is not your forte the whole rational thought thing but I really want you to understand that, for me at least, it has gone wayyyy past any sort of friendly civil debate. I'm sick and fucking tired of trying to put my opinion out there trying to be civil and fair only to have some dickshit come along and delete everything I wrote cause it makes him look bad. No matter what excuses you make your site was never about unconditional love and understanding, your site was always a sort of pathetic fascist new age cult and you brought this kind of mocking on yourselves FAIR AND SQUARE.

thats just my opinion though, I dont expect retards to understand

note I'd like to apologize to all retarded people of the world for how much I like using that phrase since clearly the average 2 year old with downs syndrome is smarter than the average SOE'er

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