Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 14, 2009 at 1:46pm
Tony: Brad do you think that maybe just one time you can take an action that dosent prove SOSOE right PLEASE! anymore of this and I'm not gonna be able to sustain the proper ammount of happiness needed to maintain my delusions
Brad: How are you even able to talk right now you should have my dick in your mouth
Tony: Yes of course master I'm sorry please put it in now, did you at least shower today?
Brad: I've never showered in my entire life
Tony: Don't I know SOE administrator's duties are never don..*gulp* mmmffffmfffff
Tab Comment by Tab on July 14, 2009 at 9:40am
Tony is just a little frustrated that Brad has basically packed his shit and left SOE and is off to greener pastures. It's gotta sting that you've been a fucking peon all this time isn't that right Tony? It's gotta sting that you see now unfold everything we've been saying about Brad, doesn't it Tony? And you've got no one to blame but yourself for your behavior. You had a chance to denounce this shit and do the right thing, but you opted to keep your love and light blinders on.

So now out of frustration he comes on here and acts out, in such a condescending way as to call it being in a lower vibration. So gratz on being a confused little sad man Tony.
james_uk Comment by james_uk on July 13, 2009 at 11:41pm
Wow Tony what on earth rattled your cage to warrant calling me an asshole? Hell Tony I did'nt even insult you, Brad or even SOE for that matter yet for some strange reason you thought it'd be real funny to take a pot shot at me and call me an asshole purely because I was stating an opinion (Something not allowed on SOE unless it strokes Brads ego).

Truth be told it really says a lot about YOU sadly. I insulted nobody in that post apart from a makebelieve "god" created by humans. Really though condemning 6,706,849,152 of the worlds population to a life of hell would be classified as Genocide on a massive scale so tell me Tony. Now who's being the asshole here? Also while we're at it what makes YOU immune from being one of those 6,706,849,152? I mean "Love thy neighbour as thy self" or do you have diplomatic immunity which means the rules dont apply to you?

Really Tony if you were so vibrating so much you would'nt be managing Brads community if you truly saw him for what he was. Now what does that make you?

Oh and for the record I do have my own spiritual beliefs which have nothing whatsoever to do with any organised religions (Christianity ect) so I guess I'm doomed to being one of the 6,706,849,152 unless I "convert".
BIG GAY AL Comment by BIG GAY AL on July 13, 2009 at 9:00pm
HEY TONY.... FUCK YOU! hahahaha you fucking old child molester! hahaha
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on July 13, 2009 at 3:35pm
Just to add to what has been said, only members of the Watchtower organization will exist in Heaven and Earth if the Jehovah's Witnesses are correct. "Assholes like you" will continue to exist so long as they signed up for the Watchtower protection program. The remaining ~6.764 billion people on the planet will cease to exist, "assholes" and nice people alike.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 13, 2009 at 3:32pm
Now now. Brad can make every mistake possible and must be forgiven as that is the way of love and light. If any of us make a mistake, it's time to get nailed on the cross because we are "lower vibration". In any case none of us (including all you New Agers) would be considered "righteous survivors" or "resurrected dead individuals" to the Watch Tower Society. If you want to argue numbers, you can check out who they consider to be "righteous survivors", still a pretty small percentage of the world's population. There's a reason Jehovah's Witness are/were considered heretics by many Christians.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 13, 2009 at 3:10pm
lol and that makes it true somehow? that makes it totally ok? to think we're all living on some magical world being ruled from up above by JOHO'S? that sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but its the sort of thing I guess would seem to Tony to be an obvious mistake and thus he insantly comes back on here to correct it and remind us how low and evil and we are and then run away probably whilst eating a chocolate cake and crying back into the safety of his higher vibrational bullshit lala land, never returning to deal with the myriad of other issues that have come up, not the least of which brad basically ditching SOE entirely to create a site where he no longer had to tolerate this "no leaders no followers all opinions allowed" bullshit you shittily tried to maintain. No comment on Brad going around advertising himself as a professional channeler, charging money, trying to TEACH CHILDREN, when someone like Tony should know, even through his moronic new age lenses, that Brad is hardly qualified to do anything. (unless Tony thinks watching youtube videos make you qualified) no these will most likely not be dealt with by him beyond him taking out sentences and points and arguing against there exact literal accuracy or something. Most likely he'll just run and cry after making his little Joho point
Tab Comment by Tab on July 13, 2009 at 2:50pm

Tony Comment by Tony on July 13, 2009 at 2:43pm
James, you stil have no idea thus remaining an asshole.
Reread DeusEx post......"Since its inception, the Watch Tower Society has taught that humanity is experiencing the last days of the present world order. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that after the current world order is destroyed, righteous survivors and resurrected dead individuals will have the opportunity to live forever on a paradisaical earth, ruled by Christ and 144,000 people raised to heaven." .....

So to connect the dots for you, 1440k govern from heaven. The rest of the population reside on what the WTS describe as a paradise earth, free of death, disease, hunger, crime and assholes like you.

Just love these lower vibrations now and then.

outta here again.

James said...Only 144,000 people being saved and there's an estd 6,706,993,152 people on the planet. If thats the case then thats bordering on supporting Genocide on an insurmountable scale. I had no idea that Jehova's Witnesses effectively supported the Genocide of near enough the population of the Earth. What about the other 6,706,849,152 people on the planet? Would they get condemed to a life of hell which they dont deserve if they dont pass the communism test? Some asshole god that is.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 13, 2009 at 2:06pm

Read it and weep suckas :P


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