Choshu's Latest Activity on Saviors of Saviors of Earth Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:42:02 +0000 Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:42:02 +0000 Choshu's Latest Activity on Saviors of Saviors of Earth*au*NDyIgJJfNtTiz8rHrV6TVIsy8CSyhqR9a1hlwNF*BBQySUKND29hiiWCdm6mHSUX*Qs-Z-FLhuQ9e2/phbt.jpg?width=50&height=50&crop=1%3A1 50 00000000002b230b000000000305233c5e50f502c5a8f53c Mehee commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' Mehee commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D'
Remind you of something you have seen recently or someone...
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 06:53:07 +0000
00000000002b230b000000000305233ca41d168623e93e78 Mehee commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' Mehee commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' are are saved! Do you feel the power you feel it? Then praise me with your money...yes I am doing God's (ahem) Adronis' work. I am gifted...I am in direct contact with a higher being. You are not. That makes me...
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 06:33:13 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000003869d0069cc0068cd804c4f Sean Clark commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' Sean Clark commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D'
I like roller coasters! I like the ones that go up and down, round and round, loop-de-loop, that's the truth!!!
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 06:01:19 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000001bef1d879342a77bb1cc430 ilikepies commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' ilikepies commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D'
umm what the fuck is wrong with you brad, do you have any idea how insane you look. How many fucking DAYS ago was it you were talking about "ohh hey lets concentrate on the real world we're here in the 3D we need to take responsibility and see wh...
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:56:09 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e22119b95c94ff9dba3 Choshu commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' Choshu commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D'
Yeah you can tell that clip was just him with a synth voice. the least he could of done was had someone else do the voice.
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:25:31 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa2391a3fe2062b8897 DeusEx commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D' DeusEx commented on Choshu's video 'Ladies and Gentle men please keep all body parts inside the rollercoaster car at all times. :D'
2 minutes in is pure gold...Brad's trying to gain street cred by saying he got threatened LOL
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:17:28 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e2264b2852de0149c3c Choshu added a video Choshu added a video
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:16:10 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e2289a9b4e565bc9cb1 Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'Druanna and her husband visit the "extraterrestrial highway"' Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'Druanna and her husband visit the "extraterrestrial highway"'
is it just me or does dru's lips remind anyone else of Mr. Ed?
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 00:07:32 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e22a4a91d0d65c3c2e2 Choshu replied to DeusEx's discussion 'Brad Johnson reportedly under investigation' Choshu replied to DeusEx's discussion 'Brad Johnson reportedly under investigation'
If he's such a great channeler why didn't he ask Adronis or Faggoth what was up?
Mon, 10 Aug 2009 03:31:16 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000001b7212dc8a5a4ccc5c0c8c6 Linda commented on Choshu's video 'Epic Fail' Linda commented on Choshu's video 'Epic Fail'
hihihihihi... now that was funny!! Thank you Choshu ;-) ... that was just what the doctor ordered
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 07:41:25 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e22175855c3229f4012 Choshu added a video Choshu added a video
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 04:51:21 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e22d7ecae5a17ea4261 Choshu commented on bus73d's video 'LeavingSoE: "I'm Bo Yo"' Choshu commented on bus73d's video 'LeavingSoE: "I'm Bo Yo"'
wow I got all the way up to 2 whole minuets on this one. Him and Brad should get together and take notes off each other. :P
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 04:40:10 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e2222389a82afc64bfb Choshu replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Welcome Dawson and Randi - New SOSOE Mascots' Choshu replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Welcome Dawson and Randi - New SOSOE Mascots'
Thu, 06 Aug 2009 03:58:16 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e223d288f0a0b03a6d8 Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'Non stop YouTube video madness' Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'Non stop YouTube video madness'
I swear his videos are breading like rabbits.
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 04:16:57 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e2204fe0df87ac82179 Choshu commented on DeusEx's video '"It's Time For Us To Take Responsibility for Ourselves" - This should be rich' Choshu commented on DeusEx's video '"It's Time For Us To Take Responsibility for Ourselves" - This should be rich'
The beginning of Fagoth adronis clip sounds like darth vader. I don't know whats creppier him on vid or on audio. LOL come watch as Brad accends his big mac and t urns it into a Veggie burger.
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 03:57:47 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e22b515a277aaa50969 Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'Anya Briggs channels the Annunaki' Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'Anya Briggs channels the Annunaki'
ummm hwat happened to brad channeling Adronis? I thought that's what they were named now all of a sudden this chick is saying that the Annuki are being channeled through Brad?
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 23:03:33 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e220aeefdd128663d3b Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'New Adronis video and Ratings re-enabled for all Bradvids' Choshu commented on DeusEx's video 'New Adronis video and Ratings re-enabled for all Bradvids'
This is the same meditation I tell people to do to help them learn to focus. So it's nothing new nothing special. He's just added more to it.
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 03:38:09 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e228e6c1fed976dacc5 Choshu commented on teddycool's blog post 'Alex Jones becomes a super sayian' Choshu commented on teddycool's blog post 'Alex Jones becomes a super sayian'
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 03:32:39 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e22becec53378d82002 Choshu replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned' Choshu replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned'
Yanno, I'm pretty sure if the lapdogs of SOE would come here and talk to us Adult to Adult instead of pretending to be an "angry child" or some half crazed Arsehat (ZOMG I said ARSE. OH NOES quick ban me) and drop the bullshit they'd find out the...
Fri, 31 Jul 2009 11:55:05 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000013d7e2295b8feb34ae3edb6 Choshu replied to DeusEx's discussion 'Brad continues his threats against SOSOE on SOE' Choshu replied to DeusEx's discussion 'Brad continues his threats against SOSOE on SOE'
If there's no problem with being on both sites then why did everyone from this site that didn't do a damn thing wrong get banned? It's pure utter bullshit. My only "crime" was I was a member of both sites. The real reason we got banned was becaus...
Fri, 31 Jul 2009 05:12:50 +0000