Grab MyJohnson's Latest Activity on Saviors of Saviors of Earth Thu, 06 Aug 2009 21:52:11 +0000 Thu, 06 Aug 2009 21:52:11 +0000 Grab MyJohnson's Latest Activity on Saviors of Saviors of Earth*zj83PlynU5f2gKRTAFt2FmV484hmcG4SvRzTLAYgv1I*nNn5Qx6dtG*0VcYv0I/SOSOEavatar.png?width=50&height=50&crop=1%3A1 50 00000000002b230b000000000269b48603156f1b4e2a1eaf Tab commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' Tab commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Yo brad just found a potential partner or soulmate for you: French Canada's own JOJO SAVARD!
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 15:46:53 +0000
00000000002b230b000000000269b486205aae2d8dbcd160 Tab commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' Tab commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Also Pies I SWEARTOGOD if he can manage to get off his couch and do some conference we are there with Brad "got astral?" tshirts.
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:37:08 +0000
00000000002b230b000000000269b48690c61c122d0b1af1 Tab commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' Tab commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
The lulz are strong in this picture. Also so far his advice has been on par with if not worse than that which you'd find in a fortune cookie. Let's try to develop a formula for Brad's psychic advice. 1. BS connection with powers shtick. 2. Strok...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:34:29 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000001bef1d899ce051fa4c11187 ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
the fact he's already talking shit about wanting to have province wide classes pretty much goes to show his adronis website isn't going as planned, he probably thought he would change some millionaires life with his rehashed shit about how loving ...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 07:27:24 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa267c7867497f99666 DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
*facepalms* Brad didn't even spend the money to reserve a real conference hall but opted for a free one. He isn't willing to spend a dime but always expects money in return for shit he pulls out of thin air. I know it'll be a no show like the las...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 05:50:11 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000024cd2c0c52082482cfe365d james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Channeling classes? Yes I expect this to go just as well as when Brad advertised his live seminar where it's STILL being advertised here: For posterity: # Founder, Brad Johnson takes you...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 05:26:03 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000024cd2c089297ffae4df809f james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Channeling classes? Yes I expect this to go just as well as when Brad advertised his live seminar where it's STILL being advertised here: For posterity: # Founder, Brad Johnson takes you...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 05:22:13 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000024cd2c0599c6b4de02ab2fb james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Channeling classes? Yes I expect this to go just as well as when Brad advertised his live seminar where it's STILL being advertised here: For posterity: # Founder, Brad Johnson takes you...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 05:18:25 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000001bef1d80a7deed07948aede ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
posted on brads facebook 4hours ago "Brad Johnson Is considering holding channeling classes British Columbia wide later this summer." every McDonalds worker has to have a dream... Luckily for Brad he's automatically qualified for everything caus...
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 05:03:08 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002220654d7021e9e22b7c012 LeavingSOE commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' LeavingSOE commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Hi, I'm Brad Johnson: webpreneur, actor, screen writer, director, producer, new age guru, a real celebrity! May I supersize your order today?
Wed, 17 Jun 2009 22:32:00 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa29977eb1f544cc4d9 DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
Just checked out the video where this pic was taken and Brad has claimed he is stopping making "SOE videos" for a while to focus on We've seen him do that before when he first tried to launch Adronis, EoS, and the other failsites. Chec...
Wed, 17 Jun 2009 07:10:17 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa22858c5079e423d81 DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
LOL Pies, I think you're right. I bet he stole that from work :P
Wed, 17 Jun 2009 05:12:37 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000001bef1d8a54f09a771f226a6 ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds' ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Welcome to BradDonalds'
LOL, he totally stole this from work, time for me to do some reconnaissance around the McDonalds in Vic He probably likes the hands free cause he can stroke his schlong with his hands while he strokes his ego with his lies
Wed, 17 Jun 2009 04:14:59 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000023447d3b6e6c299597c9298 Grab MyJohnson added a photo Grab MyJohnson added a photo
What would you like today? McChanneling for $100 McChakra Activation $200 McAstral FREE
Wed, 17 Jun 2009 03:34:50 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa2c54c4d061707a724 DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate' DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate'
Maybe he should have gone for the MySpace angle shot instead :P
Mon, 25 May 2009 19:51:57 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000001bef1d836bc122b3a2348d7 ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate' ilikepies commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate'
I can imagine Brad sitting in front of the computer for hours taking picture after picture, practicing his different looks trying to find the perfect picture that he can upload and somehow exonerate himself from all his past retardations that seem...
Mon, 25 May 2009 18:28:18 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000024cd2c016d3c082d0343142 james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate' james_uk commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate'
Rofl you can see the fear in his eyes where he's contemplating the prospect of having to make his own dinners or hunt around the dustbins for mcdonalds. Not to be boring old fart but I think that "dildo" is nothing more than a tear in the fabric o...
Mon, 25 May 2009 17:48:23 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002220654be4ff1027c143396 LeavingSOE commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate' LeavingSOE commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate'
Mon, 25 May 2009 06:39:58 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa2105a09c7df6cc60c DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate' DeusEx commented on Grab MyJohnson's photo 'Brad's new soulmate'
LOL! Holy shit, now I can't see anything but a penis looking object
Mon, 25 May 2009 05:48:46 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000023447d3f31b733ce326af7c Grab MyJohnson added a photo Grab MyJohnson added a photo
Mon, 25 May 2009 05:39:14 +0000