ParadigmShift's Latest Activity on Saviors of Saviors of Earth Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:41:20 +0000 Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:41:20 +0000 ParadigmShift's Latest Activity on Saviors of Saviors of Earth*RZhLtiwkA9ACYslc28yRAYu5UKbgG3AIRNAXJa1KVoVuev5fexTq0bAr-skDoqD9*h77Zpj2aL/titlegood_vs_evil.jpg?width=50&height=50&crop=1%3A1 50 00000000002b230b00000000018866caf7c20378822fedd9 ParadigmShift commented on ilikepies's video 'Final Showdown between Kissenger and SOE' ParadigmShift commented on ilikepies's video 'Final Showdown between Kissenger and SOE'
rofl HAHAHAHAHH now we know where brad got the idea from... nah what am I saying, he wouldn't be cool enough to watch venture bros
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 06:22:21 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca7d1af0ab4e00c15a ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video 'Druanna and her husband visit the "extraterrestrial highway"' ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video 'Druanna and her husband visit the "extraterrestrial highway"'
:P hmm I was gonna post a comparison of an elohim baby and a carefully chosen screencap of Druanna, but really this video doesn't have anything in it that would provoke me to post it.
Mon, 10 Aug 2009 22:44:40 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca8c269d5d3c26e22b ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video 'Druanna and her husband visit the "extraterrestrial highway"' ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video 'Druanna and her husband visit the "extraterrestrial highway"'
yes, but will they do a segment on possessed nutcrackers?
Mon, 10 Aug 2009 22:22:40 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866caac7125a041ddb400 ParadigmShift commented on ilikepies's video 'For the 86579th time...Times are a changin with big shifts and stuff' ParadigmShift commented on ilikepies's video 'For the 86579th time...Times are a changin with big shifts and stuff'
"So I ask, what is the new age position on knowingly deceiving people, knowingly lying to people in attempts to obtain their money (you know that evil monetary system money), telling people you are qualified to give them advice about serious issue...
Sat, 08 Aug 2009 19:49:26 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866cac5a778cbfc42d257 ParadigmShift replied to Ben's discussion 'Welcome to Saviorsofsaviorsofearth (SoSoe)' ParadigmShift replied to Ben's discussion 'Welcome to Saviorsofsaviorsofearth (SoSoe)'
Oh where are my manners: welcome to any new SOSOE members, and sorry for the derail. I guess sometimes it can't be helped around here.
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 06:46:49 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866cacc9c195405846335 ParadigmShift replied to Ben's discussion 'Welcome to Saviorsofsaviorsofearth (SoSoe)' ParadigmShift replied to Ben's discussion 'Welcome to Saviorsofsaviorsofearth (SoSoe)'
Tony...if you went any lower I'd have to scrape your ass off the floor with a spatula. What do you see in common between these SOE users: Kerry, Clinton, Antonella, Twilight Child, Indigo Bliss, and You? For one, as a group you guys were a big pa...
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 06:19:02 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866cac7f2d6504d356a06 ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Welcome Dawson and Randi - New SOSOE Mascots' ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Welcome Dawson and Randi - New SOSOE Mascots'
Do they bite?
Thu, 06 Aug 2009 06:10:20 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca490abd8e4e21c0ae ParadigmShift replied to bus73d's discussion 'A big thank you to you guys!' ParadigmShift replied to bus73d's discussion 'A big thank you to you guys!'
he he, that's cute :3 So how's trying to be clever and witty working out for you?
Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:53:59 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca59707c1df80b542d ParadigmShift replied to DeusEx's discussion 'Yoga instructor told his shorts are too short - Pic included' ParadigmShift replied to DeusEx's discussion 'Yoga instructor told his shorts are too short - Pic included'
lol that guy is the MAN
Wed, 05 Aug 2009 03:45:20 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca485b5067353ed9bd ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video '...and now for something completely different' ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video '...and now for something completely different'
Chaleb, those garbled noises you hear in the video isn't the sound quality--that's actually Druana's singing :P
Wed, 05 Aug 2009 03:44:12 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa26d8bbb3dcfdb7f84 DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's video 'Aborigine Cargo Spiritual Community' DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's video 'Aborigine Cargo Spiritual Community'
I vote that SOE sends Tony to teach these guys about chemtrails.
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 03:21:26 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa2e87d0ba111a178f4 DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's video 'Aborigine Cargo Spiritual Community' DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's video 'Aborigine Cargo Spiritual Community'
Reminds me of New Age communities like SOE where they believe something is owed to them but stolen by someone (Illuminati, shadow governments, etc) and just sit and stare at the skies waiting for deliverance or tell stories to each other. At least...
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 22:59:52 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca42c30ea94689075e ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video '"It's Time For Us To Take Responsibility for Ourselves" - This should be rich' ParadigmShift commented on DeusEx's video '"It's Time For Us To Take Responsibility for Ourselves" - This should be rich'
See, if Brad had made these kinds of froofy new age videos from the start, and hadn't showcased his disastrous life on the internet, I would have lost interest in criticizing him pretty quickly. I mean you could look at the negatives, that the vid...
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 19:43:24 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa2c7608245c413fbeb DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's video 'Aborigine Cargo Spiritual Community' DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's video 'Aborigine Cargo Spiritual Community'
This was pretty cool. Reminds me of "God is American". You can find it here:
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 02:58:11 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866cafaa4924790ca091d ParadigmShift added a video ParadigmShift added a video
Kind of silly but I thought it was interesting. Make your own associations :P
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 00:00:30 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca4fe52f92a260dae8 ParadigmShift replied to DeusEx's discussion 'A thanks to SOSOE from Tony (posted on SOE)' ParadigmShift replied to DeusEx's discussion 'A thanks to SOSOE from Tony (posted on SOE)'
Well I'll give it to Deus that he kicked it off kind of douchebag-style, but in the end he was able to do something that would require a sense of honor. My hat's off to Tony for that.
Sun, 02 Aug 2009 09:54:17 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca7893fe3242ff53eb ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned' ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned'
Did you forget you're not at SOE anymore? Blow it out your "arse".
Sun, 02 Aug 2009 03:47:28 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866cafd2b2bc5c56e317b ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned' ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned'
Yes, the content. Deus said pierre's post was left there by you because it contained attacks against SOSOE. You are arguing that by pointing out that his post also contained an attack on SOE. Apparently you're trying to make the ever-so-convenien...
Sun, 02 Aug 2009 02:35:03 +0000
00000000002b230b00000000018866ca2cd32ddc4248e25f ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned' ParadigmShift replied to LeavingSOE's discussion 'Society's Satan/Pierre Roemer/Funin Sun Banned'
I just thought I'd point out to you that you're arguing over the content of a thread started by Pierre.
Sun, 02 Aug 2009 00:39:57 +0000
00000000002b230b0000000002342aa23dced7eb3c2ae5f6 DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's photo 'classified' DeusEx commented on ParadigmShift's photo 'classified'
MULLET Brad pwns
Thu, 30 Jul 2009 05:30:12 +0000