Comments - Brad Johnson Ascends - Bradcension 2009 - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-06T19:51:02Z, darn it! I would,2009-05-02:2827019:Comment:137442009-05-02T13:20:30.470ZOzone
Ohhh, darn it! I would love to come, but I am all the way across the Atlantic in the UK. Boooooo! Maybe next time... :-(
Ohhh, darn it! I would love to come, but I am all the way across the Atlantic in the UK. Boooooo! Maybe next time... :-( LMAO!!!,2009-05-02:2827019:Comment:136802009-05-02T01:14:32.954ZBianchi
LMAO!!! XD i hope the Mc Donaldes are,2009-04-12:2827019:Comment:110802009-04-12T06:51:52.441ZCatherine Blundell
i hope the Mc Donaldes are bought and not provided by Mr Johnson as they will be from a bin.
i hope the Mc Donaldes are bought and not provided by Mr Johnson as they will be from a bin. Updated event name with,2009-04-08:2827019:Comment:107242009-04-08T23:50:57.296ZDeusEx
Updated event name with Bradcension 2009
Updated event name with Bradcension 2009 Guess I better lone Brad a,2009-04-04:2827019:Comment:102292009-04-04T10:14:34.700Zjames_uk
Guess I better lone Brad a car that does'nt contain a catalytic converter to make the ascension process easier.<br />
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<p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p>
Guess I better lone Brad a car that does'nt contain a catalytic converter to make the ascension process easier.<br />
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<p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p>,2009-04-04:2827019:Comment:102162009-04-04T04:37:41.493ZLeavingSOE
<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border="0" width="0" height="0" src="*xJmx*PTEyMzg4MTk4NDM1OTMmcHQ9MTIzODgxOTg*NjU*NiZwPTE4MDMxJmQ9Jmc9MSZ*PQ==.gif"/><center><embed src="" flashvars="mycolor=4A535A&mycolor2=B5C2CF&mycolor3=EDEFF0&e=1&msg=Brad Johnson Ascends&yr=2009&m=11&d=26" quality="best" scale="noscale" bgcolor="#000000" width="300" height="200" name="" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed>
<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border="0" width="0" height="0" src="*xJmx*PTEyMzg4MTk4NDM1OTMmcHQ9MTIzODgxOTg*NjU*NiZwPTE4MDMxJmQ9Jmc9MSZ*PQ==.gif"/><center><embed src="" flashvars="mycolor=4A535A&mycolor2=B5C2CF&mycolor3=EDEFF0&e=1&msg=Brad Johnson Ascends&yr=2009&m=11&d=26" quality="best" scale="noscale" bgcolor="#000000" width="300" height="200" name="" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed>
<br/> Think of it as an SOSOE,2009-04-04:2827019:Comment:102102009-04-04T04:23:47.621ZLeavingSOE
Think of it as an SOSOE party, Claudia. After a long night of partying, we'll need some chicken mcnuggets.
Think of it as an SOSOE party, Claudia. After a long night of partying, we'll need some chicken mcnuggets. hahahahahaa im IN!,2009-04-04:2827019:Comment:102012009-04-04T01:45:56.668ZJesus Cries
hahahahahaa im IN!
hahahahahaa im IN!,2009-04-04:2827019:Comment:101952009-04-04T01:22:32.801ZTab