Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T01:13:50Z ParadigmShift GE Smart Grid,2009-06-08:2827019:Topic:18747 2009-06-08T20:09:02.281Z ParadigmShift <a href="">Smart Grid is on the Way</a><br /> <br /> Just curious about how you guys feel about GE "Smart Grid" aside from their lame little webcam hologram trick. If you don't know what GE Smart Grid is, do some reading up because it's just a matter of time before they make you even more their bitch than you already are. In summary, the new Smart Grid will manage energy trading (whether a power company gets power from wind, coal, nuclear, etc.), let the power company tu&hellip; <a href="">Smart Grid is on the Way</a><br /> <br /> Just curious about how you guys feel about GE "Smart Grid" aside from their lame little webcam hologram trick. If you don't know what GE Smart Grid is, do some reading up because it's just a matter of time before they make you even more their bitch than you already are. In summary, the new Smart Grid will manage energy trading (whether a power company gets power from wind, coal, nuclear, etc.), let the power company turn down your thermostat or A/C against your will, and will probably have "prime time" pricing. People with solar/wind at their house can also sell power back into the grid if they have smart meters.<br /> <br /> So far I've done a little bit of preliminary research into it and I'm 100% with the &lt;:| crowd on this one, it's a load of crap and as someone who actually cares about the environment I don't buy it. I'm all for people being responsbile with their energy usage, but I don't see how man dates, invasions of privacy, and unfair tiered payment systems as a practical path towards it.<br /> <br /> Well enough of my rambling, how do you feel about it?