Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T20:50:28Z Kahless Been banned from SoE and comment on my Facebook post,2009-05-09:2827019:Topic:14863 2009-05-09T23:31:09.006Z Kahless I've been banned from SoE for no apparant reason, no message back from the admins etc.<br /> <br /> I see they've now stopped non members from viewing the site.<br /> <br /> So much for kindless, Love and Light and non-judgement, more like fascistic lead cult if that's how they treat long standing members who contributed so much back when it was a reasonable community.<br /> <br /> If you've been banned from SoE as well, comment on my post on the SoE facebook group and let your views be known.&hellip; I've been banned from SoE for no apparant reason, no message back from the admins etc.<br /> <br /> I see they've now stopped non members from viewing the site.<br /> <br /> So much for kindless, Love and Light and non-judgement, more like fascistic lead cult if that's how they treat long standing members who contributed so much back when it was a reasonable community.<br /> <br /> If you've been banned from SoE as well, comment on my post on the SoE facebook group and let your views be known.<br /> <br /> <a href=";topic=10159">;topic=10159</a> Ventrilo servver shared between the new nings?,2009-03-01:2827019:Topic:4441 2009-03-01T20:53:05.946Z Kahless What about sharing a ventrilo server between all these PURE TRUTH nings? It would be the final place where ego and conflict cannot exist. No one central admin etc.<br /> <br /> I'm sure the need has arisen now for a new vent free of all old ways. What about sharing a ventrilo server between all these PURE TRUTH nings? It would be the final place where ego and conflict cannot exist. No one central admin etc.<br /> <br /> I'm sure the need has arisen now for a new vent free of all old ways.,2009-03-01:2827019:Topic:4422 2009-03-01T20:07:21.929Z Kahless We must send great thanks to the owner of this blog that many of us didn't listen earlier on! He was warning us back in Novermber. We must send great thanks to the owner of this blog that many of us didn't listen earlier on! He was warning us back in Novermber.