A Message to the Members of SOE - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-06T21:08:20Zhttp://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/a-message-to-the-members-of?feed=yes&xn_auth=noI love lamptag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-30:2827019:Comment:226182009-07-30T00:41:43.194ZTab
I love lamp
I love lamp Dude man your like make'n m...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:225082009-07-29T05:13:04.055ZChoshu
Dude man your like make'n me blush and shit. Teheheh *blushblushblush* LOL<br />
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Yeah they can come to me I don't mind. :D I *was* on SOE and use to participate in the chatroom untill I was deemed "agressive" and people stopped talking to me. So I stopped talking in the chat rooms...that and everyone was using that Ventrillo room and I was using my room mate's comp at the time.<br />
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Then people started stealing my stuff and not giving credit where credit was due and I was still deemed *agressive* just be…
Dude man your like make'n me blush and shit. Teheheh *blushblushblush* LOL<br />
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Yeah they can come to me I don't mind. :D I *was* on SOE and use to participate in the chatroom untill I was deemed "agressive" and people stopped talking to me. So I stopped talking in the chat rooms...that and everyone was using that Ventrillo room and I was using my room mate's comp at the time.<br />
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Then people started stealing my stuff and not giving credit where credit was due and I was still deemed *agressive* just because I said that people needed to start standing up for what they believed in and fighting back in America before all our freedoms are taken away. blahblahblah.<br />
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But then God came down from the Heavens and took me by the hand...MUAHAHHAHAHH yeah no not really. :P LSOE invited me here..so I thought cool why not. The people here are sane. I'll lurk on SOE and go back and forth because I still talk to people on the other site...BUZZZ WRONG ANSWER. I got banned for NO REASON...much like everyone on here..<br />
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But yeah anyways I'm rambeling because I"m tired and Ineed to go to bed now. I run or rather attempt to run the Alien group here on this site So YEah umm this site is better because they're more open minded here. and patient<br />
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Come to the darkside we have cookies?<br />
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Zombie Choshu<br />
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<cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/a-message-to-the-members-of#2827019Comment22481"><div>Thanks for the replies. Let me also encourage any SOE visitors to check out our list of members who were banned from SOE: <a href="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/banned-censored-left-soe-for" target="_blank">http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/banned-censore...</a><br/><br/>I want to recommend you visit with a member of our site who has beliefs that I know a lot of us "skeptics" challenge sometimes, but who is always patient and honest and fun-loving. Choshu is a member here and has become a dear friend of mine. I'm intrigued with her experiences as an alien contactee, but I feel that she's one of the most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet. Her understanding of balance between light and dark makes her a model spiritualist, in my opinion. For any SOE members visiting the site, I recommend you visit with Cho, since I know the potential existence of extraterrestrial life is something that drew you to 10/14 and, subsequently, SOE. Cho will share with you her experiences, and I promise you it's not fluffy bunnies and love bombs galore. Thanks, Cho, for your friendship.</div>
</blockquote> To add to the stories here....tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:224962009-07-29T02:57:44.928ZDeusEx
To add to the stories here. I found the 10-14-08 blogspot due to Brad spamming some of the sites I frequented. I figured it was all over after 10-14 came and went but Brad decided to open SOE and things kept building and building until the suicide incidents that many here have mentioned. I also noticed the predation of women by Brad. This site was created and I joined it. I also decided to join SOE to help some of the people there and developed a decent rapport with one of the moderators there c…
To add to the stories here. I found the 10-14-08 blogspot due to Brad spamming some of the sites I frequented. I figured it was all over after 10-14 came and went but Brad decided to open SOE and things kept building and building until the suicide incidents that many here have mentioned. I also noticed the predation of women by Brad. This site was created and I joined it. I also decided to join SOE to help some of the people there and developed a decent rapport with one of the moderators there called Tony. During that time, Tony had developed a framework allowing members to propose new rules. I proposed a rule that would ban any SOE user, including Brad himself, from offering up paid for or donation based services. The members of SOE rallied and voted that rule in. Brad then banned me and the rule was removed b Tony later on.<br />
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I have given Brad so many chances to correct his behavior and have given him the benefit of the doubt too many times. After seeing his behavior today and especially his email to Sean, a standup guy that tried to help Brad over the past few weeks, I now understand how evil Brad is. He will pay for his crimes and will be arrested by the same police he seeks help from. The information here is more than enough to imprison him.<br />
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<b>To the people of SOE: We are not and never have been a hate site. We choose to be more rational and many of us are interested in what you have to say and the theories you believe in. Do not fall for the disinformation by Brad. If we sound harsh, it is because we have been unfairly treated by Brad and some of his moderators. We have been banned, called names, even physically threatened.</b> Thanks Pies for your compas...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:224942009-07-29T01:41:52.621ZTwilight_Child
Thanks Pies for your compassion- I am still deeply affected from the events that transpired :P<br />
Bring on the coppers I say.......I could write a crappy e book as opposed to a statement-<br />
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I'll name it the BRAD/CRAZY CONNECTION dedicated to my loving inspirer, Jewahandronis
Thanks Pies for your compassion- I am still deeply affected from the events that transpired :P<br />
Bring on the coppers I say.......I could write a crappy e book as opposed to a statement-<br />
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I'll name it the BRAD/CRAZY CONNECTION dedicated to my loving inspirer, Jewahandronis @BEN
I was just gonna come ...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:224912009-07-29T01:31:53.093Zilikepies
@BEN<br />
I was just gonna come on here cause i wanted to say something about how brad keeps talking about "i will not be silenced" and how hes the only one silencing people and I see you've expressed that perfectly and so much more, brilliantly written, one of the best posts i've ever read on this site<br />
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@TWI<br />
Oh dear god I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it sounds like it was a grotesque experience being on the end of brads crazy "ascension" lust *shiver*<br />
The awesome thing is THAT is exactly t…
@BEN<br />
I was just gonna come on here cause i wanted to say something about how brad keeps talking about "i will not be silenced" and how hes the only one silencing people and I see you've expressed that perfectly and so much more, brilliantly written, one of the best posts i've ever read on this site<br />
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@TWI<br />
Oh dear god I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it sounds like it was a grotesque experience being on the end of brads crazy "ascension" lust *shiver*<br />
The awesome thing is THAT is exactly the sort of shit that classified as "cyberstalking" I'm almost disappointed that brad will most likely never even walk through the doors of a police office. Brad you think we are haras...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:224872009-07-29T01:15:27.490ZTwilight_Child
Brad you think we are harassing you? Thats rich.<br />
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You harassed me to leave my partner- you harassed me by calling my mobile phone ALL THE TIME & leaving scary messages- you harassed me to let you move in with me- to quit my job- photoshopping my picture to look like I would be vaguely interested in you, sending me freaky videos of you meditating and describing what it does to you picturing me in a bikini, trying to force me to let you give me an astral orgasm HAHAHHAHAH oh gosh I feel sick t…
Brad you think we are harassing you? Thats rich.<br />
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You harassed me to leave my partner- you harassed me by calling my mobile phone ALL THE TIME & leaving scary messages- you harassed me to let you move in with me- to quit my job- photoshopping my picture to look like I would be vaguely interested in you, sending me freaky videos of you meditating and describing what it does to you picturing me in a bikini, trying to force me to let you give me an astral orgasm HAHAHHAHAH oh gosh I feel sick typing this- but yes WHOSE HARASSING & STALKING HERE? Be honest!!<br />
- whose in the wrong here?<br />
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Its your word against all of us here BRAD- you have been caught out so deal with it!!!!!<br />
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This site is just SAVING the SAVIORS OF EARTH- they sure saved me b4 I lost the plot listening to your incoherant rants. Brad, I’m going to be blunt...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:224832009-07-29T01:05:38.983ZBen
Brad, I’m going to be blunt here (my book is eloquent, I promise): fuck the defensive comments above. We don’t need to justify ourselves.<br />
Brad, please go to the police. I beg of you, go over to the nearest police station and file a complaint. Don't just say you did or will, but actually do it. For once in your sorry excuse for an existence, follow through on something. Make a stand and put your money where your mouth is. Your umpteenth threat and ultimatum does not make the slightest impression…
Brad, I’m going to be blunt here (my book is eloquent, I promise): fuck the defensive comments above. We don’t need to justify ourselves.<br />
Brad, please go to the police. I beg of you, go over to the nearest police station and file a complaint. Don't just say you did or will, but actually do it. For once in your sorry excuse for an existence, follow through on something. Make a stand and put your money where your mouth is. Your umpteenth threat and ultimatum does not make the slightest impression on us. Maybe it makes you feel tough and maybe it awes those three or four people over at SOE who still bother to listen when your beak starts flapping, but it just makes us smirk. So, this time, just go ahead and really do it. You’d make me so proud because it would show that you’re still capable of interacting with people outside the confines of your online communities. Don’t post another blog, don’t make another video that looks like it’s a fifth generation VHS tape. Just this once walk the walk and DO what you’ve told us hundreds of time you’d do. And why stop with filing a complaint? If this battle against SoSoe is to take place in the real world as opposed to the fantasy astral world, I dare you to sue us. I’d better speak for myself here: Sue ME. I dare you. I triple, quadruple dare you. I’m a left-brainer so I know better than putting my phone number and home address online, but if you’re half the sleuth we are here at SoSoe, it will only take you a minute or so to find out where I work. You can ask Tony Balony for help -- even though he’s every bit as squirrel shit nutty as you are, he seems to have been blessed with a few more ounces of grey matter and because he and I just so happen to live in the same Dutch providence, I’m sure he’d be able to track me down in no time. I ask you again: please sue me. I am so very fucking curious what the accusation will be! You are saying things like “we will no longer be silenced.” What the fucking hell is that supposed to mean? No-one is silencing you. You have your gazillion websites to put your shit on, you are free to use your countless youtube accounts to favorite and top-rate your own videos; you’re even free to come in here using your different accounts to speak your peace. NO-ONE is silencing YOU. The only one who’s silencing people, you miserable, hypocrite splash of monkey diarrhea, is YOU. When will you ever make a stand, make a choice and stick by it? Make a fucking choice and don’t changes stories every other minute. Don’t say you tolerate other opinions if you end up kicking and banning those who disagree with you; either you can cure all kinds of horrible diseases or you can’t; decide whether you want to preach tolerance, love, and light, or intimidation, manipulation and revenge; don’t say you’re so evolved that nothing we do or say bothers you if, at the end of the day, you’re slapping another laughable ultimatum our way. Sue me, you B.O. drenched fat fuck with bitch tits. Sue me and see everything come out in the open. You can’t brag on an open chat site about banging Miss Kerry in astral right under her oblivious husband's nose and then whine when the info of your own stupidity shows up on another site. We’re not digging through your dustbins looking for evidence of you being a fucking schmuck -- everything you did is right there plain in view. I’m ready to rumble. Are you? Do you realize that, even though in your sick mind it’s always others who are wrong, the real world works differently and every unethical and immoral thing you did will be brought out in the open during a trial? Are you ready for it when the Eseow2007 account you created so you could be your own attack dog and #1 fan will be mentioned? Are you ready for everyone to know that when you got all tough and said you were “living free” in nature, you were actually crashing at a friend’s place, shamelessly outstaying your welcome? There are tons of shit you tried to delete and hide and sweep under the carpet and all of it will be brought to the surface during a trial. The legitimacy of your online businesses will be checked, the girls you tried to manipulate will be heard, your “powers” will be tested. All this and a helluva lot more will be brought up. I’m game, Brad. Bring it on. So, either fucking put your money where your mouth is and follow through on your tough guy words, or shut the fuck up! Did I make myself understood, you deranged sack of shit? Thanks for the replies. Let...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:224812009-07-29T00:47:17.890ZLeavingSOE
Thanks for the replies. Let me also encourage any SOE visitors to check out our list of members who were banned from SOE: <a href="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/banned-censored-left-soe-for" target="_blank">http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/banned-censored-left-soe-for</a><br />
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I want to recommend you visit with a member of our site who has beliefs that I know a lot of us "skeptics" challenge sometimes, but who is always patient and honest and fun-loving. Ch…
Thanks for the replies. Let me also encourage any SOE visitors to check out our list of members who were banned from SOE: <a href="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/banned-censored-left-soe-for" target="_blank">http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/banned-censored-left-soe-for</a><br />
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I want to recommend you visit with a member of our site who has beliefs that I know a lot of us "skeptics" challenge sometimes, but who is always patient and honest and fun-loving. Choshu is a member here and has become a dear friend of mine. I'm intrigued with her experiences as an alien contactee, but I feel that she's one of the most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet. Her understanding of balance between light and dark makes her a model spiritualist, in my opinion. For any SOE members visiting the site, I recommend you visit with Cho, since I know the potential existence of extraterrestrial life is something that drew you to 10/14 and, subsequently, SOE. Cho will share with you her experiences, and I promise you it's not fluffy bunnies and love bombs galore. Thanks, Cho, for your friendship. Hi there and welcome
I'm g...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-28:2827019:Comment:224672009-07-28T23:01:57.597ZTab
Hi there and welcome<br />
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I'm going to try to keep this brief. First of all Brad is not doing himself any favors by sending you here in his defense; we have a veritable case history of his fraud documented here. As he would say "Just do the research", and you'll see that we did not just randomly decide to get together and bash someone.<br />
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There is clear and thorough evidence of his wrongdoing and charlatanry throughout SOSOE and if you have any questions at all as to specific events that prompted our…
Hi there and welcome<br />
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I'm going to try to keep this brief. First of all Brad is not doing himself any favors by sending you here in his defense; we have a veritable case history of his fraud documented here. As he would say "Just do the research", and you'll see that we did not just randomly decide to get together and bash someone.<br />
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There is clear and thorough evidence of his wrongdoing and charlatanry throughout SOSOE and if you have any questions at all as to specific events that prompted our intervention in his dealings, I'm sure that any member here would love to help...but I digress.<br />
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I came here for the lulz really. I heard of the whole oct 14th thing and started lurking around on SOE and their ventrilo confronting Brad and other when I thought they were out of line and saying crazy things. then came the video of him destroying all evil in the universe...and that was over the line for me.<br />
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I kept visiting SOE and eventually found this place, where I met some fucking brilliant and funny people that did not necessarily agree on certain beliefs but had one very important thing in common: We're human beings. And as humans we can't sit by and let someone do reckless bullshit that puts people in danger, misleads them for no better reason than profit.<br />
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So take my words for what they are worth to you, which isn't much probably because I will openly admit that I agree with almost none of what you SOE people believe. But since we do have one thing in common as well, being human, I urge you to look around this site, have a laugh, but most importantly use your reason and decide for yourself what you think of us and ask yourself how you want to remember you acted when faced with a crazy alien Jesus that was taking advantage of you over and over and trampling your beliefs for his own gain.<br />
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Also shoutout to Brad for helping us get the message out to the SOE people.<br />
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So...any sexy SOE people wanna spoon namaste style? Good Idea, I'll just start ...tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-28:2827019:Comment:224572009-07-28T22:27:04.029Zilikepies
Good Idea, I'll just start off by saying again that this site was created during a time on SOE that was very troubling for many people<br />
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The chain of events was kicked off when Brad released his video where he claimed that all the darkness in the world had been defeated (by him of course) and that all there was left to do for anybody was to ascend. What was more worrying was when talk started coming out of two people (also involved in saving the world apparently) were said to have "ascended" and…
Good Idea, I'll just start off by saying again that this site was created during a time on SOE that was very troubling for many people<br />
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The chain of events was kicked off when Brad released his video where he claimed that all the darkness in the world had been defeated (by him of course) and that all there was left to do for anybody was to ascend. What was more worrying was when talk started coming out of two people (also involved in saving the world apparently) were said to have "ascended" and that they would appear in the "3d plain" as DEAD. So maybe you think some of us were overreacting but nevertheless a few of us became very concerned, and at some point during this this site was made to discuss this potentially serious matter and do what we could to help people and make sure no one was really DEAD.<br />
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I won't go into how Brad acted during this issue, suffice to say he was MIA, but I will say that it was later revealed that these "astral battles" consisted mostly of brad and kerry and two other people talking about doing stuff on chat, inbetween having cyber sex on chat, which to them they imagined was all taking place in the "astral plane" Like a bunch of 4 year olds making up an adventure as they go along running around a playground.<br />
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The information on this site is not stalking, it is 99% material put out there on the internet, things we have on brad are simply things that he at one point put out there for all to see, and that he now wants gotten rid of. Then there are many cases of people coming forward with this information that was sent to them, which they have a right to share, these are e-mails and chats brad has with people and they are under no law of secrecy. Most of these cases involve woman who brad came on to extremely strong, like using his so called channeling abilities to tell girls "hey this is arcturus i sense that you must look to brad as a guide, you and brad are very close, i sense you are attracted to brad" If you think im kidding or lying or spreading hate simply ask us for the proof and, unlike brad, we will deliver<br />
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Thats all i can think to say to get the ball rolling, It'd be nice to sort of compile a list of all the pieces of evidence which we feel not only gives us the right to speak our minds about brad, but which may convince you that what we're doing here is not all evil stalking. If debunking frauds who prey on people is stalking then I'm queen of the fucking stalkers and im proud of it, unfortunately the law dosent see it that way