Another little thingy - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T06:28:08Z OMFG TONY YOUR SO RIGHT I'M...,2009-05-15:2827019:Comment:15658 2009-05-15T00:24:31.015Z ilikepies OMFG TONY YOUR SO RIGHT I'M SO SORRY<br /> <br /> "why allow someone on a site when they are attacking the site somehwere else"<br /> <br /> but why stop there Tony, why should we allow people who attack the country the live in in the privacy of their homes to be allowed to live in that country? why should people who have opinions against other people be allowed to breath the same air as them KILL ALL THE LIBERALS AND BLACKS AND ATHEISTS AND PARAPLEGICS DERK DA DOOO<br /> <br /> I had no Idea you were such a big fan of Genocide wo&hellip; OMFG TONY YOUR SO RIGHT I'M SO SORRY<br /> <br /> "why allow someone on a site when they are attacking the site somehwere else"<br /> <br /> but why stop there Tony, why should we allow people who attack the country the live in in the privacy of their homes to be allowed to live in that country? why should people who have opinions against other people be allowed to breath the same air as them KILL ALL THE LIBERALS AND BLACKS AND ATHEISTS AND PARAPLEGICS DERK DA DOOO<br /> <br /> I had no Idea you were such a big fan of Genocide wow me too like when guys like me and tony see a movie like Hotel Rwanda we assume its a comedy and then people tell us actually its sposed to be sad, weird<br /> <br /> <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment15566"><div>It was already obvious, i thought i made it obvious. Why expect to be welcome at a site when you openly attack the members elsewhere? As stated earlier take it one-on-one or with mediation of an admin.<br/> <br/> <cite>Linda said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14797"><div>---there are quite a few who are member here and not banned at soe. It is the members who attack or actively support attacks on soe and its members who are banned.<br/><br/>Yes, and the one thing they have in common is that they haven't come out and said anything that Brad could cry about. Thanks for making it only more obvious to everyone.<br/><br/>YES EXACTLY !! tyvm para...</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> Same here, Linda. Rant aler...,2009-05-15:2827019:Comment:15647 2009-05-15T00:09:09.352Z Ben Same here, Linda. Rant alert: I said it before and will say it again: it’s absolutely useless to converse with someone who’s every bit as corrupted, deceitful, and prone to twisting the truth as the politicians and leaders SOE likes to describe as the illuminati. Tony will always find a way to get rid of someone he or Brad dislikes and think of some inconsistent bullshit to justify the ban. So far every one of Tony’s answers here has been as useless as Brad's transparent bullshit ("I'm awakened!&hellip; Same here, Linda. Rant alert: I said it before and will say it again: it’s absolutely useless to converse with someone who’s every bit as corrupted, deceitful, and prone to twisting the truth as the politicians and leaders SOE likes to describe as the illuminati. Tony will always find a way to get rid of someone he or Brad dislikes and think of some inconsistent bullshit to justify the ban. So far every one of Tony’s answers here has been as useless as Brad's transparent bullshit ("I'm awakened! O, wait, I wasn't channeling my Higher Self when I said such and I'm truly awakened though, an internet celebrity who has accelerated faster than anyone on earth and who’s in possession of great channeling- and healing powers...damn, I am so great! O-oh, I’m confronted with a mistake so I’ll better say that I’m just a regular member sharing his humble beliefs and that I never forced anyone to listen to me…ah, the dust settles and I can behave like a self-righteous jerk again: how dare you question my personal truth?! That sickens me! I’m disappointed! I'll ban you for duality! Hey, a pretty young girl signed up…hey, baby, check out my ten year old photo and this shirtless photo and let me tell you that we are soulmates meant to be together...excuse me a minute while I give my own videos 5 star ratings and once again change my ‘attends an event’- status so the post about my upcoming channeling will remain on top of the list…hmm, seems I wasn't really channeling Adronis after all, oops, give me a second…okay, now I REALLY know how to channel aliens!”).<br /> SOE-er Tony says he silences and bans people because it makes no sense to him that SoSoe members also have a SOE-account, but he sure takes the opportunity to sign up with SoSoe and use the openness and freedom of speech this site offers to create his own group and tell us how wrong we are. You, sir, reek of hypocrisy. Go ahead, Tony, and join Brad into escaping an unsatisfying family life and a lack of success by plunging headfirst into a childish fantasy world of paranoia, delusions of grandeur, and non-existing reptilian enemies (funny that this state of delusion is actually called “being awakened”) but as long as you have the actual nerve to say that every member of your scary cult is able to think for him or herself, and dodge any form of responsibility (people who really care will acknowledge that some members need professional help; they wouldn't tell them something along the lines of “let me use my super powers to fill your house with healing energy”), I’ll be on your case. But I will no longer directly talk to you as I refuse to talk to dishonest, creepy liars.<br /> <br /> O, and Linda: as soon as I know the exact date of when the article on deceitful online cults like SOE will be published, I'll send you -and the others- a mail to share the info and tell you in what Dutch newspaper it will appear. You know what? I'm not even...,2009-05-14:2827019:Comment:15612 2009-05-14T21:02:09.370Z Linda You know what? I'm not even gonna spend time and energy on you anymore... I've had it with you... you refuse to be honest and there are 3 things I cant stand: 1:stealing, 2: dishonesty and 3: lying... you are breaking 2 out of 3 rules - numbers 2 and 3 - of my "do not go over these lines" book and so I have decided to ban you from my life.<br /> <br /> Have a nice life, Tony.<br /> <br /> Linda.<br /> <br /> <cite>Tony said:</cite>&hellip; You know what? I'm not even gonna spend time and energy on you anymore... I've had it with you... you refuse to be honest and there are 3 things I cant stand: 1:stealing, 2: dishonesty and 3: lying... you are breaking 2 out of 3 rules - numbers 2 and 3 - of my "do not go over these lines" book and so I have decided to ban you from my life.<br /> <br /> Have a nice life, Tony.<br /> <br /> Linda.<br /> <br /> <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment15568"><div>there are enough posts which go against ufo's, channeling etc etc. But all in a civilised manner or at most bordering on personal attack and they are still there.<br/> <br/> <cite>Linda said:</cite><blockquote cite=";x=1&amp;id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=1#2827019Comment14801"><div>Hang on, that may sound good, but it isn't... why? because you can not say ANYTHING on SoE... at least, not anything that is DIFFERENT from what you guys -meaning that ego-tripper and his admins- think is thruth or whatever... confrontation about moves this guy has made/is making is OUT OF THE QUESTION, because you will be banned right away... therefore there is no way to "follow simple rules" ... the rules are made to PROTECT this this this this... guy.<br/><br/>You can keep on denying all you want, Tony... but in my humble opinion a few to many people think this way... its not just a few folks Tony... nobody is speaking up, because they KNOW they will be banned right away... if you think that's rubbish, then so be it.<br/><br/><br/>On a final note let me add that the "zero tolerance" is easily apllied and followed through by all members at soe. Now would be a good time to follow that simpel rule and awake your sleeping accounts in a manner which wouldnt imply a ban and actually join, discuss and shape soe through the appropiate group.<br/><br/><cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14776"><div>Here's a more fitting analogy: if a member of an unspecified food network saw that a member from a meat-eating network was telling others that eating pig lard was good for you, and decided to warn the community that this information was false...would you ban him? Yes Tony it seems you would.</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> No, go back and read that a...,2009-05-14:2827019:Comment:15597 2009-05-14T19:25:50.961Z ParadigmShift No, go back and read that again because you basically replied to your own quote and tried to make it look like we wrote it. YOU were the one to claim that we attack SOE and its members. The reality is that we criticize and parodize BRAD and his cohorts almost exclusively. If you want to consider criticism and parody attacks, you may very well do so, just acknowledge that you can't generalize "attacks" on 3 or 4 members to be anti-SOE as if they make up the whole site. In fact without the shitty&hellip; No, go back and read that again because you basically replied to your own quote and tried to make it look like we wrote it. YOU were the one to claim that we attack SOE and its members. The reality is that we criticize and parodize BRAD and his cohorts almost exclusively. If you want to consider criticism and parody attacks, you may very well do so, just acknowledge that you can't generalize "attacks" on 3 or 4 members to be anti-SOE as if they make up the whole site. In fact without the shitty leadership, SOE would be like most lightworkers communities out there, you don't see us "attacking" THEIR leadership--at some point we've actually even praised their leadership for doing their shit right.<br /> <br /> We openly criticize Brad, and now you, for being some of the most control hungry and oppressive administrators. Most decent sites allow criticism, but you can't, because your site creator is one of the shittiest people on Earth and all he can really do for being such an idiot is attract more criticism from us than praise from his dwindling admirers, and that's why you have a zero-tolerance rule.<br /> <br /> Anyway just to make my point clear here, unless you can find a significant amount of posts here that are overtly anti-SOE in general as opposed to just a few administrators, you haven't got a case.<br /> <br /> <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment15566"><div>It was already obvious, i thought i made it obvious. Why expect to be welcome at a site when you openly attack the members elsewhere? As stated earlier take it one-on-one or with mediation of an admin.<br/></div> </blockquote> I'll be willing to give it ...,2009-05-14:2827019:Comment:15591 2009-05-14T19:13:02.925Z DeusEx I'll be willing to give it a shot if you unban my original account ;)<br /> <br /> <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=2&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A15572&amp;x=1#2827019Comment15572"><div>Shame C&amp;A left because at first they were very interested in the new group, alas C &amp; B got into fighting each other in the open. All suggestions to date in the group have merely focussed</div> </blockquote>&hellip; I'll be willing to give it a shot if you unban my original account ;)<br /> <br /> <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=2&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A15572&amp;x=1#2827019Comment15572"><div>Shame C&amp;A left because at first they were very interested in the new group, alas C &amp; B got into fighting each other in the open. All suggestions to date in the group have merely focussed on newsletters/tv postings and expressing the zero tolerance in the new member section. Nothing on no-featured-posts etc etc etc. Not sure if deusex is a member but the suggestions coming forward and being discussed are minimal.<br/> <br/> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite=";x=1&amp;id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment14845"><div>LOL, where can I sign up? I always wanted SOEOps militaria :)<br/><br/><cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment14805"><div><cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14784">On a final note let me add that the "zero tolerance" is easily apllied and followed through by all members at soe. Now would be a good time to follow that simpel rule and awake your sleeping accounts in a manner which wouldnt imply a ban and actually join, discuss and shape soe through the appropiate group.<br/><br/><cite><br/><br/>I'll be sure to mention it to Deus, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to become a part of SOE's shady gestapo politicking after what happened the first time around, eh?</cite></blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> LOL, where can I sign up? I...,2009-05-09:2827019:Comment:14845 2009-05-09T22:03:55.602Z DeusEx LOL, where can I sign up? I always wanted SOEOps militaria :)<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment14805"><div><cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14784"></blockquote> </div> </blockquote>&hellip; LOL, where can I sign up? I always wanted SOEOps militaria :)<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";id=2827019%3ATopic%3A14748&amp;groupId=2827019%3AGroup%3A14557&amp;page=2#2827019Comment14805"><div><cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14784">On a final note let me add that the "zero tolerance" is easily apllied and followed through by all members at soe. Now would be a good time to follow that simpel rule and awake your sleeping accounts in a manner which wouldnt imply a ban and actually join, discuss and shape soe through the appropiate group.<br/> <br/> <cite><br/> <br/> I'll be sure to mention it to Deus, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to become a part of SOE's shady gestapo politicking after what happened the first time around, eh?</cite></blockquote> </div> </blockquote> Why, again, were the follow...,2009-05-09:2827019:Comment:14819 2009-05-09T20:32:22.832Z LeavingSOE Why, again, were the following members banned from SOE?<br /> <br /> 1. Apocolypstick<br /> 2. Candylily<br /> 3. Choshu<br /> 4. Linda<br /> <br /> Please don't recite the "zero policy" rule. I think these women deserve to know the exact statement they uttered to merit a ban. Funny that I was given the courtesy of an email from Brad, I took the opportunity to speak my piece, and I wear my "Banned" badge with pride. Whoever banned these women should show them the same respect. Why, again, were the following members banned from SOE?<br /> <br /> 1. Apocolypstick<br /> 2. Candylily<br /> 3. Choshu<br /> 4. Linda<br /> <br /> Please don't recite the "zero policy" rule. I think these women deserve to know the exact statement they uttered to merit a ban. Funny that I was given the courtesy of an email from Brad, I took the opportunity to speak my piece, and I wear my "Banned" badge with pride. Whoever banned these women should show them the same respect. two words tony THOUGHT POLICE,2009-05-09:2827019:Comment:14814 2009-05-09T19:03:08.564Z ilikepies two words tony<br /> <br /> THOUGHT POLICE two words tony<br /> <br /> THOUGHT POLICE Tony said:On a final note l...,2009-05-09:2827019:Comment:14805 2009-05-09T16:38:09.721Z ParadigmShift <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14784">On a final note let me add that the "zero tolerance" is easily apllied and followed through by all members at soe. Now would be a good time to follow that simpel rule and awake your sleeping accounts in a manner which wouldnt imply a ban and actually join, discuss and shape soe through the appropiate group.<br/> <br/> </blockquote>&hellip; <cite>Tony said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14784">On a final note let me add that the "zero tolerance" is easily apllied and followed through by all members at soe. Now would be a good time to follow that simpel rule and awake your sleeping accounts in a manner which wouldnt imply a ban and actually join, discuss and shape soe through the appropiate group.<br/> <br/> <cite><br /> <br /> I'll be sure to mention it to Deus, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to become a part of SOE's shady gestapo politicking after what happened the first time around, eh?</cite></blockquote> Hang on, that may sound goo...,2009-05-09:2827019:Comment:14801 2009-05-09T16:29:38.957Z Linda Hang on, that may sound good, but it isn't... why? because you can not say ANYTHING on SoE... at least, not anything that is DIFFERENT from what you guys -meaning that ego-tripper and his admins- think is thruth or whatever... confrontation about moves this guy has made/is making is OUT OF THE QUESTION, because you will be banned right away... therefore there is no way to "follow simple rules" ... the rules are made to PROTECT this this this this... guy.<br /> <br /> You can keep on denying all you want, To&hellip; Hang on, that may sound good, but it isn't... why? because you can not say ANYTHING on SoE... at least, not anything that is DIFFERENT from what you guys -meaning that ego-tripper and his admins- think is thruth or whatever... confrontation about moves this guy has made/is making is OUT OF THE QUESTION, because you will be banned right away... therefore there is no way to "follow simple rules" ... the rules are made to PROTECT this this this this... guy.<br /> <br /> You can keep on denying all you want, Tony... but in my humble opinion a few to many people think this way... its not just a few folks Tony... nobody is speaking up, because they KNOW they will be banned right away... if you think that's rubbish, then so be it.<br /> <br /> <br /> On a final note let me add that the "zero tolerance" is easily apllied and followed through by all members at soe. Now would be a good time to follow that simpel rule and awake your sleeping accounts in a manner which wouldnt imply a ban and actually join, discuss and shape soe through the appropiate group.<br/> <br/> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";#2827019Comment14776"><div>Here's a more fitting analogy: if a member of an unspecified food network saw that a member from a meat-eating network was telling others that eating pig lard was good for you, and decided to warn the community that this information was false...would you ban him? Yes Tony it seems you would.</div> </blockquote>