April 10th...welcome to the nothing - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T04:29:19Z http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A10899&x=1%232827019Comment10899&feed=yes&xn_auth=no No wonder the poodle that s... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-29:2827019:Comment:13268 2009-04-29T04:30:13.253Z DeusEx No wonder the poodle that she loves to post has a "WTF give me a god damned bath and get me out of this shit infested house" look on it's face. Does that women get outside anymore?<br /> <br /> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?x=1&amp;id=2827019%3ATopic%3A10887&amp;page=2#2827019Comment13244"><div>Not only every discussion, but damn near every discussion on Ning. (Saviors of Earth, Extraterrestrials, Magenta Pixie an</div> </blockquote>&hellip; No wonder the poodle that she loves to post has a "WTF give me a god damned bath and get me out of this shit infested house" look on it's face. Does that women get outside anymore?<br /> <br /> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?x=1&amp;id=2827019%3ATopic%3A10887&amp;page=2#2827019Comment13244"><div>Not only every discussion, but damn near every discussion on Ning. (Saviors of Earth, Extraterrestrials, Magenta Pixie and the Nine, THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT, Powerful Intentions: Law of Attraction Community, The Transcendent, Zack, 2012Connect, Humanity Healing Network, ...)<br/> <br/> <cite>Aveohst said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A13237&amp;x=1#2827019Comment13237"><div>Perfectly said DeusEx ...<br/> <br/> You know what really pissed me off? Kerrie's constant Blossom posts IN EVERY FUCKIN DISCUSSION! ... i almost went insane myself back when i was a SOEr... NO ONE CARES!<br/> <br/> And when lilbunnyfufu says something Kerrie doesnt like ... suddenly 10 posts by Kerrie ... all from FOL ...<br/> Jeez talk about egotistical ... she has to have the last say EVERYWARE... i mean ... she needs to let FOL have the last say ... yes... yes...<br/> <br/> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the#2827019Comment11243"><div>Really nice work, LS. I love how promises are made yet Blossom tries to pull off an attitude of trying to remain hopeful yet reserving judgment until the FOL shows yet always letting them get away with their grandiose statements and then giving in to her own excitement. It's sort of like listening to a heroin user talk about their experiences.</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> Not only every discussion, ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-29:2827019:Comment:13244 2009-04-29T03:19:24.511Z LeavingSOE Not only every discussion, but damn near every discussion on Ning. (Saviors of Earth, Extraterrestrials, Magenta Pixie and the Nine, THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT, Powerful Intentions: Law of Attraction Community, The Transcendent, Zack, 2012Connect, Humanity Healing Network, ...)<br /> <br /> <cite>Aveohst said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A13237&amp;x=1#2827019Comment13237"><div>Perfectly said DeusE</div> </blockquote>&hellip; Not only every discussion, but damn near every discussion on Ning. (Saviors of Earth, Extraterrestrials, Magenta Pixie and the Nine, THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT, Powerful Intentions: Law of Attraction Community, The Transcendent, Zack, 2012Connect, Humanity Healing Network, ...)<br /> <br /> <cite>Aveohst said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A13237&amp;x=1#2827019Comment13237"><div>Perfectly said DeusEx ...<br/> <br/> You know what really pissed me off? Kerrie's constant Blossom posts IN EVERY FUCKIN DISCUSSION! ... i almost went insane myself back when i was a SOEr... NO ONE CARES!<br/> <br/> And when lilbunnyfufu says something Kerrie doesnt like ... suddenly 10 posts by Kerrie ... all from FOL ...<br/> Jeez talk about egotistical ... she has to have the last say EVERYWARE... i mean ... she needs to let FOL have the last say ... yes... yes...<br/> <br/> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the#2827019Comment11243"><div>Really nice work, LS. I love how promises are made yet Blossom tries to pull off an attitude of trying to remain hopeful yet reserving judgment until the FOL shows yet always letting them get away with their grandiose statements and then giving in to her own excitement. It's sort of like listening to a heroin user talk about their experiences.</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> Perfectly said DeusEx ... ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-29:2827019:Comment:13237 2009-04-29T02:45:09.697Z Aveohst Perfectly said DeusEx ...<br /> <br /> You know what really pissed me off? Kerrie's constant Blossom posts IN EVERY FUCKIN DISCUSSION! ... i almost went insane myself back when i was a SOEr... NO ONE CARES!<br /> <br /> And when lilbunnyfufu says something Kerrie doesnt like ... suddenly 10 posts by Kerrie ... all from FOL ...<br /> Jeez talk about egotistical ... she has to have the last say EVERYWARE... i mean ... she needs to let FOL have the last say ... yes... yes...<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite>&hellip; Perfectly said DeusEx ...<br /> <br /> You know what really pissed me off? Kerrie's constant Blossom posts IN EVERY FUCKIN DISCUSSION! ... i almost went insane myself back when i was a SOEr... NO ONE CARES!<br /> <br /> And when lilbunnyfufu says something Kerrie doesnt like ... suddenly 10 posts by Kerrie ... all from FOL ...<br /> Jeez talk about egotistical ... she has to have the last say EVERYWARE... i mean ... she needs to let FOL have the last say ... yes... yes...<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the#2827019Comment11243"><div>Really nice work, LS. I love how promises are made yet Blossom tries to pull off an attitude of trying to remain hopeful yet reserving judgment until the FOL shows yet always letting them get away with their grandiose statements and then giving in to her own excitement. It's sort of like listening to a heroin user talk about their experiences.</div> </blockquote> Really nice work, LS. I lov... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-13:2827019:Comment:11243 2009-04-13T20:38:38.034Z DeusEx Really nice work, LS. I love how promises are made yet Blossom tries to pull off an attitude of trying to remain hopeful yet reserving judgment until the FOL shows yet always letting them get away with their grandiose statements and then giving in to her own excitement. It's sort of like listening to a heroin user talk about their experiences. Really nice work, LS. I love how promises are made yet Blossom tries to pull off an attitude of trying to remain hopeful yet reserving judgment until the FOL shows yet always letting them get away with their grandiose statements and then giving in to her own excitement. It's sort of like listening to a heroin user talk about their experiences. So apparently this "global ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-11:2827019:Comment:11023 2009-04-11T20:12:46.043Z LeavingSOE So apparently this "global visualization" was just an exercise in make-believe. I feel compelled to re-post some of Blossom's channelings and my commentary.<br /> <br /> <u>Abridged Blossom Goodchild Channelings</u><br /> <a href="http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BGchannellingsafter14th_9.html">(Click here for the unabridged versions.)</a><br /> <br /> 4. Late evening. March 6th.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> [...]<br /> <br /> If you do not show soon, our hearts and our energy will deplete even more. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO JOIN FORCES WITH&hellip; So apparently this "global visualization" was just an exercise in make-believe. I feel compelled to re-post some of Blossom's channelings and my commentary.<br /> <br /> <u>Abridged Blossom Goodchild Channelings</u><br /> <a href="http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BGchannellingsafter14th_9.html">(Click here for the unabridged versions.)</a><br /> <br /> 4. Late evening. March 6th.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> [...]<br /> <br /> If you do not show soon, our hearts and our energy will deplete even more. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO JOIN FORCES WITH THOSE OF US ON EARTH WHO CAME HERE TO ASIST YOU IN ASSISTING US!!<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> Something has to give.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> We are ready to turn the page and begin a new life in a new world, we are ready ….So please tell us this …. Are you?<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> We feel you have expressed the thoughts of many well dear friend. You are correct in all that you say. Our Love for you is of a scale that is as high as your summits and beyond. What would you have us say?<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> The Truth my friends … only the Truth.<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> Lie down in your pastures and valleys of green. Feel the earth resonate with the breath of life that you are. ‘Will’ our presence in to existence. Then we can FEEL your LOVE vibrate with the beat of the earth.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> There shall be no more lies, if you chose to walk into the Light of PURE LOVE. We know not how else to speak with you on these matters .<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> Then please speak plainly … and answer my question … from my heart … answer OUR question.<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> It is a burden you carry dear lady …<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> Not if you just give us a straight answer … Truly I do not wish to be rude, that is the last thing I mean to be, I offer you only my respect … I am not in your shoes … maybe one day I will say ‘Ah, I get it now’, for TRULY right now .. I don’t… I don’t get it!<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> Be prepared … For when we make our move you must be fully prepared, for there will be no turning back. We take you forward … we adjust our vibration in order to be present … we have been awaiting decisions …<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> As we have been awaiting you to make those decisions. We cannot imagine the huge energy change of our planet … how do we know if we are ready for you? … I guess we never will know until we give it a try. But my heart feels ready; as does the hearts of many … it aches for the change to begin. Truly we welcome you and are prepared to take a giant leap for mankind.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <br /> 5. March 7th.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> Good morning to you. Well, I went to bed mulling over what we had discussed, sort of feeling … ‘yes, all very well, but you still didn’t’ give me a direct answer.’ And then the penny dropped. I realised that it is ME that is stopping you from doing so, because I would freak! I realised I am blocking some of what you would probably like to say, for fear of the same scenario playing out as it did in Oct. I can feel I am wary, and it is not that I don’t TRUST YOU, it is that I don’t want to hear a YES, in case once again it doesn’t happen in the way we had believed it would. I feel too delicate to put myself on the line like that ever again I suppose. So I offer apologies. Yet I KNOW at the same time, you would, not ask that of me again.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> I mean what if I have this all wrong and I'm just a nutter? Yet there is something, and I don’t know what that something is, that drives me on … I think it is that so many seem to receive so much from your messages, therefore, who am I to dispute myself, if you see what I mean?<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> Is there anything you would like to add, especially regarding the probability of me blocking that which I am to afraid to hear.<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> We are with you and we thank you for your honesty. We ask, what could we say that you could possibly be ‘afraid’ to hear? For it is not our intention to bring fear into the thoughts of any, least of all our messenger.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> It is my human form that fears taking another bashing. Many have labelled me a fraud and a liar because of the non event … not something I would care to ‘risk’ starting up all over again.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> There will come the day dearest Blossom, our TRUE friend, that we shall be in the physical presence of one another. THIS WE PROMISE YOU.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> And by that, I KNOW you mean not just me, but all of us, for is it not so that we are ONE!<br /> In Love and thanks to you my friends. From all of us down here… to all of you up there!.<br /> <br /> <br /> 6. March 8th.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> In continuance from our agenda when we spoke in the day gone by, we desire to inform those of you who are on ‘alert’ to conjugate thoughts and as ONE bring us into being. Materialisation will be aided greatly by such efforts.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> So the thought I kept having regarding organising a mass visualisation was ‘you’ sending it through.<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> Indeed this is so, and yet you dismissed it when you realised it had been done before our proposed arrival in the end months of your previous year.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> Yes I did. Which was odd because it was a strong feeling. I will get on to it, but I will say here and now, that I am not assuming that you will arrive on that given day.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> So, down to business ... this feels good … is there anything in particular you would like to suggest regarding this visualation?<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> [...]<br /> <br /> We are showing to you now Blossom of a vast vessel that is coming into view in your skies. The mists that surround it are lifting and dispersing to reveal us.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> Strengthen this image on a daily basis. Do not allow it to be just a ‘one off’ as you would say in your world. Let it be a continual thought until it is so TRUE that you will see it with your physical eyes. This is your part to play people of earth.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> As I am writing I begin to see that so much of me has always ‘hoped’ you would arrive. My thoughts have been of hope rather than reality. Perhaps if we all try to bring this visualisation into a KNOWING, then it will assist the plan greatly<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> We say also that by ‘bringing us in’ there will be more of an acceptance, on a level that is difficult to explain.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> Therefore … when we ask if you are ready, it is of great importance that the readiness is from your heart not your heads.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> And to me, I think this readiness is what I was speaking of yesterday. Of the hearts yearning, as if it is literally calling out for you to come.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b> [...]<br /> <br /> It is up to you to allow our presence. It has always been up to you. This is what has been spoken of. Bring us in by the pull of your heart strings. You have the power to anchor us here for the time that has been arranged. The armies on ground level are graduating from their training days. More and more are recruiting for this mission of LOVE as they awake from their deepest sleep. Gather strength. Gather forces of LIGHT. Invite us to your planet on a different level of understanding from what you have previously known.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> [...]<br /> <br /> I shall set about arranging a worldwide visualisation. If the word spreads like your last message then we can’t fail. Struth Ruth … (who and where is Ruth when you most need her!) …. Here we go again it seems. It is now March … by my calculations you have 10 earth months … if nothing by then , I will consider myself bonkers , find a tree and hang upside down from its branches, sucking lollypops whilst singing ‘I talk to the trees… that’s why they put me away!’! Thanks for today oh wise ones. I will sort my head out as to how to go about this and then go about it!. In Love and Thanks.<br /> <br /> 7. March 14th.<br /> <br /> <b>BG:</b> Well, it seems we are off once again! There is so much excitement about the visualisation you have asked for!<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <b>FOL:</b><br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> May we offer these words that we feel our necessary. There is much fear that is branded around your computer machines regarding what may or may not take place in your days ahead. There is much ‘scaremongering’ as you would say. Yet, we would say … who is it that is scaring who? Those of you in Light continue to pass on knowledge that you cannot know for sure is of Truth, because you feel one should be made aware. Yet, we say in all importance my friends, if you spread this fear around… it will dominate. How often have we shown a way to bring to yourself Light and Love? To abound /reside in that very energy of purity. Then, and only then shall you feel the warmth of The Love that is your guide. Then shall you feel safe in the knowledge that nothing can harm you from this place of being. Your inner souls know so well of this, and yet you deny yourselves the right to be free. You allow the darker lower vibratory waves to mingle with your Light , therefore causing confusion and uncertainty of the self and your planet.<br /> <br /> We have been and will continue to teach you, to help you remember your knowledge, that what you feel and think … IS! YOU KNOW THIS! It is, from our perspective … of confusion, for if you know this, why is it so that you allow the self to fall into the set traps? You are ABOVE these little anomalies.<br /> <br /> RISE ABOVE THE FEAR THAT YOU ARE HELPING TO SPREAD. THIS WAS NOT YOUR MISSION.<br /> <br /> Your mission was to spread Light … in those places of fear. Do you not see people of earth? As the darkness is falling away, there are threads of that energy that desire to fight for their place with every breath that is alive within. In that darkness … place Light. Do not fear it!!! Give it Light. YOUR LIGHT. Transform that presence of darkness into a place where it is in comfort and warmth … as you yourselves are. NO-ONE shall be forgotten in this great plan. You came here to serve this scheme. You came here to release the bonds that CAN NO LONGER dwell within you or upon your planet.<br /> <br /> It is apparent that the great plan is in action … to us, from where we feel it. Yet, to many of you, you are choosing to see it from the view of what is NOT to be. You pay it attention. Be careful dearest ones … be of much vigilance. It is not quite over. Therefore we beseech you to be strong in your KNOWING of TRUTH. SIMPLY KNOW IT. That is all there is to be done. And by allowing this KNOWING to BE, you allow the Light and the great plan to BE also.<br /> <br /> LET GO OF THE FEAR. We shall repeat this to you over and over to enable you to understand that it plays no part in your future days. It cannot have a place in the NEW WORLD. Therefore it is up to you to let it go if you desire your new way to come about. The quicker you let go, the quicker you create your New World.<br /> <br /> We TRUST that more and more of you as you wake from your drugged sleep recognise that you are creating your New World with each moment of thought that you chose. So we ask that you chose wisely in these coming days. It is not of difficulty to present your mind with pleasurable ideas and visions, and yet to some it would seem it is the most demanding ‘chore’ of all. Release your conditioning dear ones. It is time to undo the doing! Time to alleviate the pain and suffering brought about by a consciousness that is no longer viable to itself.<br /> <br /> Let the stream of LOVE … Let the flow of LIGHT fill your every movement. Let your eyes ‘see’ the vision of the New World and anchor that Golden Age into the hearts of the self and each other.<br /> <br /> The anchoring is a necessary alignment that shall enable the vibration to settle and remain. As each one understands this position … as each one daily feels the change taking place … as each one KNOWS in their hearts that they are here to bring in and keep this New World … then dear ones of earth … our brothers and sisters of LIFE … do you see? We … you and I … shall greet one another in a language of acceptance that we have fulfilled the Divine purpose for this orb that you dwell upon at this most exciting time. Rarely is it so, that so many from other worlds unite in freedom to assist this grandiose plan. For what you perhaps have not yet realised is that this plan that we are all undertaking , does not simply change your little planet … it changes everything. For how can your planet change and not affect the whole. For we are all part and parcel of the same. We have spoken much this day.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> <hr/> <u>My Commentary on the Channelings</u><br /> <br /> Note that the Federation of Light state that if some "conjugate thoughs" then "materialisation will be aided" and bring the FOL "into being."<br /> <br /> <i>In continuance from our agenda when we spoke in the day gone by, we desire to inform those of you who are on ‘alert’ to conjugate thoughts and as ONE bring us into being. Materialisation will be aided greatly by such efforts.</i><br /> <br /> But Blossom Goodchild provides the "out" which the Federation of Light dare not counter.<br /> <br /> <i>I will get on to it, but I will say here and now, that I am not assuming that you will arrive on that given day.</i><br /> <br /> Despite multiple warnings from Blossom that the FOL would not be arriving on 10 Apr 2009, some see orbs in the physical and others feel FOL energy. Brad Johnson goes so far as to say 14 Oct 2008 and 10 Apr 2009 were successes because lightships appeared in the "astral/dream state".<br /> <br /> <i>Yes, I had an astral experience of a giant light pyramid ship the size of New York City earlier this morning. This experience was similar to the one I had prior to October 14th where I had another light ship experience before the date occured. What I know is accurate is Blossom's dates on ship appearances. Although they don't occur in physicality, they are definitely there in astral/dream state.</i><br /> <br /> Now wait a minute. Neither Blossom nor the FOL mentioned anything about the their lightship appearing in Astraville or Dreamland. In fact, Blossom is so adamant about the physical manifestation of the FOL lightship that she has put up a deadline.<br /> <br /> <i>It is now March … by my calculations you have 10 earth months … if nothing by then , I will consider myself bonkers , find a tree and hang upside down from its branches, sucking lollypops whilst singing ‘I talk to the trees… that’s why they put me away!’!</i><br /> <br /> So March to April, April to May, ... Dec to Jan... ah yes, as she has said before. FOL show up by the end of 2009 or else. This may merit another counter.<br /> <br /> As a side note, I included the 14 Mar 2009 for the LOLs. It sounded like the FOL were channeling BJ's "The Darkness has Fallen" video. RFOL! HOLY SHIT EVERYONE LOOK WHA... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-11:2827019:Comment:10949 2009-04-11T01:05:30.201Z Tab HOLY SHIT EVERYONE LOOK WHAT HAPPENED IN QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA AROUND THE TIME OF BLOSSOM'S PREDICTION...nothing.<br /> <br /> Also I keep reading everywhere "Global Visual Affect"...are they just all morons that can't spell "effect"? Or is it confusing language to make these uneducated new-age quacks think "effect" when they read "affect" (which I guess means something that happens inside you, a feeling...still the word is used completely wrong). HOLY SHIT EVERYONE LOOK WHAT HAPPENED IN QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA AROUND THE TIME OF BLOSSOM'S PREDICTION...nothing.<br /> <br /> Also I keep reading everywhere "Global Visual Affect"...are they just all morons that can't spell "effect"? Or is it confusing language to make these uneducated new-age quacks think "effect" when they read "affect" (which I guess means something that happens inside you, a feeling...still the word is used completely wrong). this is basically exactley ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-10:2827019:Comment:10929 2009-04-10T23:12:56.803Z ilikepies this is basically exactley how i expected people to react to this riduclous "we ask you all to visualize blah blah" I mean are these people so blind they cant see blossom goodchild really is a fucking piece of shit who has full control of her so called channelings. The excuses to why this "visualition" wouldnt happen or could never be proved to have happened were built into the description of it itself. OF COURSE there are gonna be those people who are gonna close their eyes and start meditating&hellip; this is basically exactley how i expected people to react to this riduclous "we ask you all to visualize blah blah" I mean are these people so blind they cant see blossom goodchild really is a fucking piece of shit who has full control of her so called channelings. The excuses to why this "visualition" wouldnt happen or could never be proved to have happened were built into the description of it itself. OF COURSE there are gonna be those people who are gonna close their eyes and start meditating and because they are EXPECTED AND LED into it they see a vision in their imagination of a magical light ship and they think "oh my god what a wonderful day no one can prove anything but there was an amazing energy transfer opening la di da my faith is restored time to escape into fantasy even more"<br /> <br /> Of course Brad would see one in astral, I can't wait till his triumphant interview with blossom goodchild when they talk about how this was the real oct 14th and all those who didnt see it just didn't believe enough and bla blah fuckin bullshit LOL, yeah it's a cycle but ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-10:2827019:Comment:10927 2009-04-10T22:57:54.218Z DeusEx LOL, yeah it's a cycle but they lose a few more braincells each time. A few more of these no shows and they'll be comatose :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A10924&amp;x=1#2827019Comment10924"><div>the pattern seems to be:<br/> 1. Prediction of an event<br/> 2. Anticipation of event<br/> 3. Non-event<br/> 4. Rationalization for non event<br/> 5. Repeat cycle</div> </blockquote>&hellip; LOL, yeah it's a cycle but they lose a few more braincells each time. A few more of these no shows and they'll be comatose :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A10924&amp;x=1#2827019Comment10924"><div>the pattern seems to be:<br/> 1. Prediction of an event<br/> 2. Anticipation of event<br/> 3. Non-event<br/> 4. Rationalization for non event<br/> 5. Repeat cycle<br/> <br/> My theory is this: it is an addiction to the emotions experienced in the prediction and anticipation stages so much that they're not willing to stop the cycle. Because if they did, then what? Go back to your drab life where lying space wizards and dreams instant universal gratification don't exist? I guess rationalizing the repeated non-events has become so difficult now that it can only be done by some disjointed train of thought, so as to avoid actual sentences whose content can lend themselves to self-reflective evaluation.<br/> <br/> /end armchair psychologist<br/> <br/> I noticed recently someone on SOE posted a story similar to Plato's Parable of the Cave...irony is just messed up.<br/> <br/> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the#2827019Comment10921"><div><a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814</a><br/> WTF? These people are starting to speak jibberish. Are they totally losing their minds?</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> the pattern seems to be: 1.... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-10:2827019:Comment:10924 2009-04-10T22:36:17.046Z ParadigmShift the pattern seems to be:<br /> 1. Prediction of an event<br /> 2. Anticipation of event<br /> 3. Non-event<br /> 4. Rationalization for non event<br /> 5. Repeat cycle<br /> <br /> My theory is this: it is an addiction to the emotions experienced in the prediction and anticipation stages so much that they're not willing to stop the cycle. Because if they did, then what? Go back to your drab life where lying space wizards and dreams instant universal gratification don't exist? I guess rationalizing the repeated non-events has become so d&hellip; the pattern seems to be:<br /> 1. Prediction of an event<br /> 2. Anticipation of event<br /> 3. Non-event<br /> 4. Rationalization for non event<br /> 5. Repeat cycle<br /> <br /> My theory is this: it is an addiction to the emotions experienced in the prediction and anticipation stages so much that they're not willing to stop the cycle. Because if they did, then what? Go back to your drab life where lying space wizards and dreams instant universal gratification don't exist? I guess rationalizing the repeated non-events has become so difficult now that it can only be done by some disjointed train of thought, so as to avoid actual sentences whose content can lend themselves to self-reflective evaluation.<br /> <br /> /end armchair psychologist<br /> <br /> I noticed recently someone on SOE posted a story similar to Plato's Parable of the Cave...irony is just messed up.<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-10thwelcome-to-the#2827019Comment10921"><div><a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814</a><br/> WTF? These people are starting to speak jibberish. Are they totally losing their minds?</div> </blockquote> http://saviorsofearth.ning.... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-10:2827019:Comment:10921 2009-04-10T22:06:55.831Z DeusEx <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814</a><br /> <br /> WTF? These people are starting to speak jibberish. Are they totally losing their minds? <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Topic:144814</a><br /> <br /> WTF? These people are starting to speak jibberish. Are they totally losing their minds?