Banned? Censored? Left SOE For Your Own Reasons? Respond Here. - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T01:29:11Z Late arrival to this post.....,2009-07-29:2827019:Comment:22489 2009-07-29T01:25:19.283Z Twilight_Child Late arrival to this post.....<br /> I was banned for posting here &amp; embarassing poor old Bradley in front of his cult- but we knew that already. Late arrival to this post.....<br /> I was banned for posting here &amp; embarassing poor old Bradley in front of his cult- but we knew that already. I was into that new age bul...,2009-07-04:2827019:Comment:20813 2009-07-04T17:46:40.005Z Stephen Bates I was into that new age bullshit for a few months, then Brad's antics made me come to my senses. I left on my own. I was into that new age bullshit for a few months, then Brad's antics made me come to my senses. I left on my own. brad tried to suck my penis...,2009-07-04:2827019:Comment:20811 2009-07-04T16:22:48.167Z Adam-TGH brad tried to suck my penis astrally so i had to be like neo and set up a barrier in the matrix. i got banned for blocking him. bastard. brad tried to suck my penis astrally so i had to be like neo and set up a barrier in the matrix. i got banned for blocking him. bastard. This is a late entry, but s...,2009-07-04:2827019:Comment:20793 2009-07-04T11:40:11.348Z Apocolypstick This is a late entry, but still...<br /> <br /> I was banned from SOE without so much as a warning... I can only assume it was because I love you guys.<br /> <br /> I was pissed off, because I'd been with SOE since 101408.blogspot was the place to be on the interwebz.<br /> I've tried to rejoin twice and pleading my case of innocence but Brad won't have it - jerk. I suppose he can't handle grounded logic. This is a late entry, but still...<br /> <br /> I was banned from SOE without so much as a warning... I can only assume it was because I love you guys.<br /> <br /> I was pissed off, because I'd been with SOE since 101408.blogspot was the place to be on the interwebz.<br /> I've tried to rejoin twice and pleading my case of innocence but Brad won't have it - jerk. I suppose he can't handle grounded logic. OMG THE BANNED ME????? The ...,2009-04-19:2827019:Comment:11992 2009-04-19T08:21:16.665Z Choshu OMG THE BANNED ME????? The communist Bastard Banned me for no reason. ME. Sweet innocent sarcastic Choshu. That stopped talking the day they called her agressive. I'll have them know i"m not agressive I cried watching Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy cuz we all know they could of done a better job at it.<br /> <br /> Bet it's cuz they found out I'm a darkworker. damn it I thought I had that covered up good too. OMG THE BANNED ME????? The communist Bastard Banned me for no reason. ME. Sweet innocent sarcastic Choshu. That stopped talking the day they called her agressive. I'll have them know i"m not agressive I cried watching Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy cuz we all know they could of done a better job at it.<br /> <br /> Bet it's cuz they found out I'm a darkworker. damn it I thought I had that covered up good too. Left, I got saved by multip...,2009-04-14:2827019:Comment:11321 2009-04-14T06:38:24.290Z Aveohst Left, I got saved by multiple people in chat to who showed me the ways of the Braddish.<br /> There were others, but a big thankyou to pies!<br /> <br /> Im still part of SOE, just go there to check on 'my favourite cult'....<br /> Tis a good laugh sometimes... i dont take them seriously anymore (good thing at that).<br /> <br /> Rock on, Love out, and Fade in....OOHHHH!!! (Sexual Energy). Left, I got saved by multiple people in chat to who showed me the ways of the Braddish.<br /> There were others, but a big thankyou to pies!<br /> <br /> Im still part of SOE, just go there to check on 'my favourite cult'....<br /> Tis a good laugh sometimes... i dont take them seriously anymore (good thing at that).<br /> <br /> Rock on, Love out, and Fade in....OOHHHH!!! (Sexual Energy). Today, I was banned from SO...,2009-04-14:2827019:Comment:11290 2009-04-14T00:14:28.236Z LeavingSOE Today, I was banned from SOE allegedly for the reasons that follow: using the beautiful SOSOE site layout on my personal page on SOE, linking to SOSOE on my personal page, and having the screen name "SOSoe."<br /> <br /> Mind you, I chose the screen name LeavingSOE based on an SOE member's blog post with that title that I found to be inspirational. The member's name was Peter (I remember his avatar well -- it was a picture of a boat house), and he was one of the first to walk out when the alleged ascensions&hellip; Today, I was banned from SOE allegedly for the reasons that follow: using the beautiful SOSOE site layout on my personal page on SOE, linking to SOSOE on my personal page, and having the screen name "SOSoe."<br /> <br /> Mind you, I chose the screen name LeavingSOE based on an SOE member's blog post with that title that I found to be inspirational. The member's name was Peter (I remember his avatar well -- it was a picture of a boat house), and he was one of the first to walk out when the alleged ascensions were being announced. I created my SOE account BEFORE I created this site. I remember very clearly speaking with SOE members about the circumstances, about members sending goodbye notes to other members, about the statement that ascended people will appear as dead bodies. Some of these individuals I spoke with are still SOE members. Others I keep in touch with on SOSOE. Some have moved on from all of this.<br /> <br /> Given the circumstances and the ongoing search to ensure SOE members were not committing suicide to ascend, I created this Ning and chose the name "Saviors of Saviors of Earth." Later, I changed my screen name on SOE by recommendation from SOE members (I don't remember who, to be honest). I chose "SOSoe" and thought the "SOS" as a cry for help was appropriate; those were desperate times. I still find it to be an appropriate screen name given the degeneration of that site into one of fear mongering, one of antisemitism, one of desperation to leave this earthly existence behind -- quite sad and worth someone's cry for help.<br /> <br /> I find it despicable that the few feed on the desperation of the many. I find it ironic that SOSOE has been accused of being a site of hate while the network creator of SOE posted a "Dropping the Baggage" blog which included the phrase "Up yours, society!" and members post hate messages about American leaders, business men, and imaginary enemies.<br /> <br /> As I stated in our SOSOE chat, my only lamentation is that each and every one my posts on that site was thoughtful and heartfelt -- and now they are gone.<br /> <br /> Here's the link to today's events which led to my ban from SOE.<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> For what it's worth, I take pride in the rules that we've developed for SOSOE and our staying true to those rules. I'll do my best to continue protecting the rules, even at times when emotions run high. Thank you to every contributor to this site and your attempts to always communicate reality in the most honest and truthful ways you know how -- sometimes with seriousness, sometimes with humor, sometimes with harshness, but always with genuine care and concern for the well-being of the many. Even he with the sharpest tongue on shows his true concern for the victims of the SOE programming. Thank you all for that. it started when a random me...,2009-04-06:2827019:Comment:10464 2009-04-06T21:37:23.893Z teddycool it started when a random member came in to SoE chat room exposing the dark side of Brad. he also left with a link to brad's old youtube channel. i then discover information that was never told by brad. even the mischa blog and post really spilled it out. when I took about rhea and daniel by hr puff, things started getting pretty weird. with the link to this site left by puff I just thought of paying a visit. it started when a random member came in to SoE chat room exposing the dark side of Brad. he also left with a link to brad's old youtube channel. i then discover information that was never told by brad. even the mischa blog and post really spilled it out. when I took about rhea and daniel by hr puff, things started getting pretty weird. with the link to this site left by puff I just thought of paying a visit. Or as SOE mods say, "Smack ...,2009-04-02:2827019:Comment:10004 2009-04-02T21:01:39.979Z DeusEx Or as SOE mods say, "Smack it up, flip it, rub it down oh noooo"<br /> <br /> <cite>candylily said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A10001&amp;x=1#2827019Comment10001"><div>first "Censored" then "Banned" lol you all know they story lol</div> </blockquote> Or as SOE mods say, "Smack it up, flip it, rub it down oh noooo"<br /> <br /> <cite>candylily said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A10001&amp;x=1#2827019Comment10001"><div>first "Censored" then "Banned" lol you all know they story lol</div> </blockquote> first "Censored" then "Bann...,2009-04-02:2827019:Comment:10001 2009-04-02T20:53:56.170Z candylily first "Censored" then "Banned" lol you all know they story lol first "Censored" then "Banned" lol you all know they story lol