Brad's (newest) twitter account - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-07T01:02:01Z! Spot on, Krystal!,2009-06-25:2827019:Comment:201462009-06-25T18:19:33.776ZLeavingSOE
LOL! Spot on, Krystal!<br />
<br />
<cite>krystal said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>well they do have a dating site now for twiiter lmao</div>
LOL! Spot on, Krystal!<br />
<br />
<cite>krystal said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>well they do have a dating site now for twiiter lmao</div>
</blockquote> well they do have a dating,2009-06-25:2827019:Comment:201412009-06-25T14:39:01.705Zkrystal
well they do have a dating site now for twiiter lmao
well they do have a dating site now for twiiter lmao Brad now has 10 "followers",2009-06-24:2827019:Comment:200422009-06-24T17:50:52.294ZLeavingSOE
Brad now has 10 "followers" for his new Twitter cult. Congrats, Brad. That's already more people than are active on SOE.
Brad now has 10 "followers" for his new Twitter cult. Congrats, Brad. That's already more people than are active on SOE.