Help! Human Right Groups Worth a Donation - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T21:47:23Z Thanks so much, Deus. I als...,2009-04-27:2827019:Comment:13049 2009-04-27T22:30:43.204Z LeavingSOE Thanks so much, Deus. I also checked out the <a href="">Success Stories</a> link. Definitely looks like a worthwhile organization.<br /> <br /> In case anyone else is interested, here's more info from a third-party resource, <a href=";orgid=3845">Charity Navigator</a>.<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite>&hellip; Thanks so much, Deus. I also checked out the <a href="">Success Stories</a> link. Definitely looks like a worthwhile organization.<br /> <br /> In case anyone else is interested, here's more info from a third-party resource, <a href=";orgid=3845">Charity Navigator</a>.<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A13046&amp;x=1#2827019Comment13046"><div>HRW is really awesome and I was thinking about working for them a few years ago, before signing up with the Illuminati. I've read a few things about some of their reports not being on the up and up but their work has always been top notch.</div> </blockquote> HRW is really awesome and I...,2009-04-27:2827019:Comment:13046 2009-04-27T22:03:21.292Z DeusEx HRW is really awesome and I was thinking about working for them a few years ago, before signing up with the Illuminati. I've read a few things about some of their reports not being on the up and up but their work has always been top notch. HRW is really awesome and I was thinking about working for them a few years ago, before signing up with the Illuminati. I've read a few things about some of their reports not being on the up and up but their work has always been top notch.