Hey guyz we did it - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T05:07:04Z http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it?feed=yes&xn_auth=no Haha yeah, I can't wait unt... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-22:2827019:Comment:12439 2009-04-22T18:58:30.421Z DeusEx Haha yeah, I can't wait until he deletes the video only to have it reposted by one of us :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12437&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12437"><div>Brad is a sad and desperate person who also happens to have extreme mental limitations and even more extreme gullibility, honestly it's dangerous for anyone to be taking anything he says seriously. This whole</div> </blockquote>&hellip; Haha yeah, I can't wait until he deletes the video only to have it reposted by one of us :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12437&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12437"><div>Brad is a sad and desperate person who also happens to have extreme mental limitations and even more extreme gullibility, honestly it's dangerous for anyone to be taking anything he says seriously. This whole disclosure thing will come and go like everything else and when someone tries to bring up why the arcturians said this and this and then this happened they'll just be banned and brad will keep going with his changelings and his posts where he pretends like he knows whats going on with the world when in fact he is the stupidest fucking moron alive</div> </blockquote> Brad is a sad and desperate... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-22:2827019:Comment:12437 2009-04-22T18:54:04.976Z ilikepies Brad is a sad and desperate person who also happens to have extreme mental limitations and even more extreme gullibility, honestly it's dangerous for anyone to be taking anything he says seriously. This whole disclosure thing will come and go like everything else and when someone tries to bring up why the arcturians said this and this and then this happened they'll just be banned and brad will keep going with his changelings and his posts where he pretends like he knows whats going on with the w&hellip; Brad is a sad and desperate person who also happens to have extreme mental limitations and even more extreme gullibility, honestly it's dangerous for anyone to be taking anything he says seriously. This whole disclosure thing will come and go like everything else and when someone tries to bring up why the arcturians said this and this and then this happened they'll just be banned and brad will keep going with his changelings and his posts where he pretends like he knows whats going on with the world when in fact he is the stupidest fucking moron alive LOL! Yeah, I couldn't belie... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-22:2827019:Comment:12435 2009-04-22T18:36:55.108Z DeusEx LOL! Yeah, I couldn't believe the nasal voice was back. That Arcturian must have been on break during the last session :P<br /> <br /> <cite>james_uk said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it#2827019Comment12433"><div>Yay Brads gone back to using his fake channeling voice. Brads clearly drafted this up before acting it out. Afterall if this supposed "disclosure" had'nt happened Brad would just be recycling the existing crap which he's reused time a</div> </blockquote>&hellip; LOL! Yeah, I couldn't believe the nasal voice was back. That Arcturian must have been on break during the last session :P<br /> <br /> <cite>james_uk said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it#2827019Comment12433"><div>Yay Brads gone back to using his fake channeling voice. Brads clearly drafted this up before acting it out. Afterall if this supposed "disclosure" had'nt happened Brad would just be recycling the existing crap which he's reused time and time again.<br/> <br/> In this recording Brad as always tries to get SOE to take credit for this supposed disclosure which never happened.......<br/> <br/> Brad why dont you create original content instead of always riding off of the back of others? That'd mean you'd need to actually put effort into creating quality content which as seen through "Spritesapiens" you cannot and never will be able to do for as long as you can never accept the fact that your way of thinking is so fundamentally flawed.<br/> <br/> Brads blown this one little thing WAAAY out of proportion for what it really was.</div> </blockquote> Yay Brads gone back to usin... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-22:2827019:Comment:12433 2009-04-22T18:31:27.339Z james_uk Yay Brads gone back to using his fake channeling voice. Brads clearly drafted this up before acting it out. Afterall if this supposed "disclosure" had'nt happened Brad would just be recycling the existing crap which he's reused time and time again.<br /> <br /> In this recording Brad as always tries to get SOE to take credit for this supposed disclosure which never happened.......<br /> <br /> Brad why dont you create original content instead of always riding off of the back of others? That'd mean you'd need to actuall&hellip; Yay Brads gone back to using his fake channeling voice. Brads clearly drafted this up before acting it out. Afterall if this supposed "disclosure" had'nt happened Brad would just be recycling the existing crap which he's reused time and time again.<br /> <br /> In this recording Brad as always tries to get SOE to take credit for this supposed disclosure which never happened.......<br /> <br /> Brad why dont you create original content instead of always riding off of the back of others? That'd mean you'd need to actually put effort into creating quality content which as seen through "Spritesapiens" you cannot and never will be able to do for as long as you can never accept the fact that your way of thinking is so fundamentally flawed.<br /> <br /> Considering the <u><b>FACT</b></u> that 1000's of ships are supposed to be appearing in the skies 10's of 100's of 1000's of people are going to die because of the mid-air collisions with passenger aircrafts in the skies. Buy hey following Brads logic even love and light will justify the murdering of people soon.<br /> <br /> Brad does'nt seem to realise that there's ONE thing that disclosure wont do...... remove something called difference of opinion. As long as that one thing exists there will always be war, famine ***insert general hate and negativity here***<br /> <br /> Brads blown this one little thing WAAAY out of proportion for what it really was. Brad's pitiful attempt to p... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-22:2827019:Comment:12431 2009-04-22T17:47:44.488Z DeusEx Brad's pitiful attempt to play off X-Conference 5 is now available: <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner-1">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner-1</a><br /> <br /> Get ready to LOL. Brad's pitiful attempt to play off X-Conference 5 is now available: <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner-1">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner-1</a><br /> <br /> Get ready to LOL. Inside sources have informe... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-21:2827019:Comment:12321 2009-04-21T22:47:39.028Z ParadigmShift Inside sources have informed me that the CIA is planning to get Brad a speaking role at the next X-conference.<br /> <br /> Those sneaky CIA SOBs. =p Inside sources have informed me that the CIA is planning to get Brad a speaking role at the next X-conference.<br /> <br /> Those sneaky CIA SOBs. =p He's writing the script, I ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-21:2827019:Comment:12302 2009-04-21T22:12:37.468Z DeusEx He's writing the script, I mean channeling right now :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12292&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12292"><div>wow this isn't a sign that Brads doing the channeling himself at all<br/> <br/> <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566</a><br/> <br/> would it be pos</div> </blockquote>&hellip; He's writing the script, I mean channeling right now :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/hey-guyz-we-did-it?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12292&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12292"><div>wow this isn't a sign that Brads doing the channeling himself at all<br/> <br/> <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566</a><br/> <br/> would it be possible for someone to sneak into viewing this in vent and recording it?<br/> <br/> Is no one going to ask why suddenly when BRAD gets all excited about some new disclosure thing someone else posts on his site instantly the 5 arcturian selves are now gonna come out saying disclosure is gonna happen.. Does Brad really keep counting on the whole world being as helplessly stupid as he is?<br/> <br/> EDIT nvm looks like its airing on his SOE tv thingie, and they have some "major announcement" about disclosure...wow what a coincidence christ.... seriously any SOE people who believe this that may look at this site, PLEASE GO SEE A HEAD DOCTOR MOST OF YOUR BRAIN IS MISSING THIS IS A SERIOUS CONDITION GET HELP</div> </blockquote> wow this isn't a sign that ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-21:2827019:Comment:12292 2009-04-21T21:48:43.018Z ilikepies wow this isn't a sign that Brads doing the channeling himself at all<br /> <br /> <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566</a><br /> <br /> would it be possible for someone to sneak into viewing this in vent and recording it?<br /> <br /> Is no one going to ask why suddenly when BRAD gets all excited about some new disclosure thing someone else posts on his site instantly the 5 arcturian selves are now gonna come out saying disclosure is g&hellip; wow this isn't a sign that Brads doing the channeling himself at all<br /> <br /> <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/xn/detail/2492330:Event:149566</a><br /> <br /> would it be possible for someone to sneak into viewing this in vent and recording it?<br /> <br /> Is no one going to ask why suddenly when BRAD gets all excited about some new disclosure thing someone else posts on his site instantly the 5 arcturian selves are now gonna come out saying disclosure is gonna happen.. Does Brad really keep counting on the whole world being as helplessly stupid as he is?<br /> <br /> EDIT nvm looks like its airing on his SOE tv thingie, and they have some "major announcement" about disclosure...wow what a coincidence christ.... seriously any SOE people who believe this that may look at this site, PLEASE GO SEE A HEAD DOCTOR MOST OF YOUR BRAIN IS MISSING THIS IS A SERIOUS CONDITION GET HELP the funny thing is that the... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-21:2827019:Comment:12288 2009-04-21T21:45:50.943Z ilikepies the funny thing is that the best possible scenario for brad is probably the most horrible in the end. See lets say there actually was some sort of alien first contact or something, Brad would take all the credit and think his time of glory would come soon. But then we'd actually learn things about these aliens, we'd learn they didnt waste their time channeling a bunch of vague bullshit through idiots like Brad, and ultimately Brad would no longer be able to hide the proof of his lies and decepti&hellip; the funny thing is that the best possible scenario for brad is probably the most horrible in the end. See lets say there actually was some sort of alien first contact or something, Brad would take all the credit and think his time of glory would come soon. But then we'd actually learn things about these aliens, we'd learn they didnt waste their time channeling a bunch of vague bullshit through idiots like Brad, and ultimately Brad would no longer be able to hide the proof of his lies and deception. Though I'm sure he'd change his whole story and start acting like he knew this all along but at that point he's just a nobody learning the truth about these aliens like everybody else.<br /> <br /> Though unfortunately for brad I feel he wont even get that short joyful moment as he'll continue making himself look like a complete retard constantly claiming victory for his lightworkers and the instant end of the corrupt age that has banished him to a life where he can only afford 2 McDonalds meals a day. Honestly It's a sign that he's desperate, probably running out of money fast (probably all miss kerry's money) and no route to help himself from becoming a frozen hobo corpse other than praying the aliens will come get rid of money and take him on a space adventure, its sad really LMAO @ Alien Jesus! Brad re... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-21:2827019:Comment:12286 2009-04-21T21:34:11.934Z Ozone LMAO @ Alien Jesus!<br /> Brad really needs help. He is a walking trainwreck. LMAO @ Alien Jesus!<br /> Brad really needs help. He is a walking trainwreck.