New SOE Rule on Privacy - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T08:59:56Z ROFL! Pure poetry! ilikepi...,2009-02-21:2827019:Comment:2815 2009-02-21T05:14:40.370Z DeusEx ROFL! Pure poetry!<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2763&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2761"><div>hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....<br/> <br/> Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now be</div> </blockquote>&hellip; ROFL! Pure poetry!<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2763&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2761"><div>hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....<br/> <br/> Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now become potential targets for Brad Johnson: Astral Gigolo. Lets be careful he dosen't convince a 13 year old girl she can be queen of spaceship land if she lets him astral fingerbang her. "wow this is so weird your only 13 but I can sense your soul is much older, at least 19 wow its so weird i can read both our auras and it looks like we're meant to be together whadaya know"</div> </blockquote> XfuckingD dude that is made...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2763 2009-02-20T20:12:06.036Z Jesus Cries XfuckingD dude that is made me ROFLCOL<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2761&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2761"><div>hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....<br/> Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE w</div> </blockquote>&hellip; XfuckingD dude that is made me ROFLCOL<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2761&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2761"><div>hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....<br/> Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now become potential targets for Brad Johnson: Astral Gigolo. Lets be careful he dosen't convince a 13 year old girl she can be queen of spaceship land if she lets him astral fingerbang her. "wow this is so weird your only 13 but I can sense your soul is much older, at least 19 wow its so weird i can read both our auras and it looks like we're meant to be together whadaya know"</div> </blockquote> hmmm interesting, even thou...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2761 2009-02-20T20:07:39.110Z ilikepies hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....<br /> <br /> Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now become potential targets for Brad Johnson: Astral Gigolo. Lets be careful he dosen't convince a 13 year old girl she can be queen of spaceship land if she lets him astral fingerbang her. "wow this is so weird your only 13 but I can se&hellip; hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....<br /> <br /> Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now become potential targets for Brad Johnson: Astral Gigolo. Lets be careful he dosen't convince a 13 year old girl she can be queen of spaceship land if she lets him astral fingerbang her. "wow this is so weird your only 13 but I can sense your soul is much older, at least 19 wow its so weird i can read both our auras and it looks like we're meant to be together whadaya know" WAUW... I thought he would ...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2715 2009-02-20T10:04:11.200Z Linda WAUW... I thought he would be a bit more carefull now... guess not LOL WAUW... I thought he would be a bit more carefull now... guess not LOL just thought I would post w...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2709 2009-02-20T09:18:15.562Z ilikepies just thought I would post what I posted on the thread about this at SOE just now because Its definitely going to be deleted and I'm definitely going to be banned and what not. Guess I couldn't help being the martyr for this new bullshit rule:<br /> <br /> I have meditated on this greatly and opened my third eye and have used channeling and astral projection and the guidance of the great octopus gods who control the universe and have devised my highly evolved opinion on this new rule at SOE, and here it is&hellip; just thought I would post what I posted on the thread about this at SOE just now because Its definitely going to be deleted and I'm definitely going to be banned and what not. Guess I couldn't help being the martyr for this new bullshit rule:<br /> <br /> I have meditated on this greatly and opened my third eye and have used channeling and astral projection and the guidance of the great octopus gods who control the universe and have devised my highly evolved opinion on this new rule at SOE, and here it is<br /> <br /> 02/08 09:05:49 brad: She's sneaking around him lol<br /> 02/08 09:05:58 brad: we just go nuts in the astral man lol<br /> 02/08 09:06:01 brad: hahhaha<br /> 02/08 09:06:08 dlbizz: i know what you mean lol<br /> 02/08 09:06:35 brad: so far we've done 5d and 6d. Gonna eventually experiment with astral in the higher densities soon<br /> 02/08 09:06:36 brad: lol<br /> 02/08 09:07:19 brad: her husband is so clueless though lol<br /> 02/08 09:07:22 brad: hahahaha<br /> 02/08 09:07:38 dlbizz: lol we make it a point to do it everywhere we go. so we will hit all the planets fensitys and universes one day<br /> 02/08 09:07:41 dlbizz: ;)<br /> 02/08 09:07:45 brad: hahaha nice<br /> 02/08 09:08:07 brad: we've done it all over the palace, in the amazon, in hawaii, lol<br /> 02/08 09:08:16 brad: next we'll try zero gravity I guess lol<br /> 02/08 09:08:21 dlbizz: lol<br /> 02/08 09:08:26 brad: that'd be a blast<br /> 02/08 09:08:27 brad: lol<br /> 02/08 09:08:35 'Miss Kerry' has joined the chat.<br /> 02/08 09:08:45 brad: hey welcome back sport. lol<br /> 02/08 09:08:51 dlbizz: hahah lol<br /> 02/08 09:08:55 Miss Kerry: hahahaahha<br /> 02/08 09:08:57 brad: shakes Kerry's hand politely<br /> 02/08 09:08:59 brad: nice to meet you<br /> 02/08 09:09:04 Miss Kerry: lol<br /> 02/08 09:09:06 Miss Kerry: lmao<br /> 02/08 09:09:18 brad: I'm brad and I'll be the one doing you this evening LOL<br /> 02/08 09:09:24 dlbizz: LOL<br /> 02/08 09:09:28 Miss Kerry: hahahaha<br /> 02/08 09:09:41 Miss Kerry: omg im nearly crying<br /> 02/08 09:09:44 Miss Kerry: hahahahaha<br /> 02/08 09:09:44 brad: so go floss your teeth and meet me in the humvee lol<br /> 02/08 09:09:56 Miss Kerry: hahaha<br /> 02/08 09:10:34 Miss Kerry: so wot have u 2 been up to today;)<br /> 02/08 09:10:45 Miss Kerry: lol<br /> 02/08 09:10:51 brad: me? just waiting for you to come on baby lol<br /> 02/08 09:11:01 Miss Kerry: hahaha<br /> 02/08 09:11:09 dlbizz: im visiting Rhea in her dreams<br /> 02/08 09:11:14 Miss Kerry: cool<br /> 02/08 09:11:18 Miss Kerry: nice<br /> 02/08 09:11:38 brad: Now I know why your husband wears glasses, without them, hes clueless lol<br /> 02/08 09:11:50 brad: j/k lol<br /> 02/08 09:11:50 Miss Kerry: lol<br /> 02/08 09:11:53 Miss Kerry: hahahahaha<br /> 02/08 09:12:05 brad: I'm just amazed he hasn't caught on yet I've noticed that too. His ...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2673 2009-02-20T04:48:10.567Z DeusEx I've noticed that too. His videos will be rated quite badly then somehow magically go to a 4 or 5 star rating.<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2668&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2668"><div>and once again Brad proves he is so very far from the egoless demi god he makes himself out to be. Making up a new rule based solely upon his desire never to have to face all the things</div> </blockquote>&hellip; I've noticed that too. His videos will be rated quite badly then somehow magically go to a 4 or 5 star rating.<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2668&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2668"><div>and once again Brad proves he is so very far from the egoless demi god he makes himself out to be. Making up a new rule based solely upon his desire never to have to face all the things we have on him or all the potential things that people could have on him as he goes on having his little group jerk astral sessions. I mean what the hell here he thinks he has the right to pass judgement on the entire system of earth based on his knowledge of watching youtube videos and then he goes and makes a rule preventing anyone from using actual fact based evidence of things people are saying that are without a doubt wrong, immoral, against what they teach, ridiculously egotistical and megalomaniacal, any of these things can be interpreted as "used to embarras and insult bladdie bladdah"<br/> <br/> So what Brad is essentially saying here is "YOU CANT EVEN HOLD THE THINGS THAT I OPENLY DO AGAINST ME, I GET TO KEEP ON HAVING MY BEHIND CLOSED DOORS EGO STROKING JERK OF SESSIONS IM GONNA KEEP LYING TO PEOPLE AND HITTING ON GIRLS, I'M GONNA KEEP DOING ALL THIS STUFF AND IF YOU GET ANY REAL EVIDENCE OF ME DOING THAT YOU WILL BE BANNED IF YOU POST IT"<br/> <br/> I mean what the fuck is wrong with Brad is he just completely stupid or has he fully embraced his tyrannical cult leader calling, ever since this ascension no show he has just been fucking himself over with his own actions over and over. I wouldnt be surprised if that suddenly not crappy rating on his latest channeling video is because Brad has like 20 accounts on SOE or something.<br/> <br/> <br/> Seriously don't let up about this rule, this is basically saying that anyone has free reign to do anything, though I'm sure Brad was only thinking about protecting himself</div> </blockquote> and once again Brad proves ...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2668 2009-02-20T04:28:59.656Z ilikepies and once again Brad proves he is so very far from the egoless demi god he makes himself out to be. Making up a new rule based solely upon his desire never to have to face all the things we have on him or all the potential things that people could have on him as he goes on having his little group jerk astral sessions. I mean what the hell here he thinks he has the right to pass judgement on the entire system of earth based on his knowledge of watching youtube videos and then he goes and makes a r&hellip; and once again Brad proves he is so very far from the egoless demi god he makes himself out to be. Making up a new rule based solely upon his desire never to have to face all the things we have on him or all the potential things that people could have on him as he goes on having his little group jerk astral sessions. I mean what the hell here he thinks he has the right to pass judgement on the entire system of earth based on his knowledge of watching youtube videos and then he goes and makes a rule preventing anyone from using actual fact based evidence of things people are saying that are without a doubt wrong, immoral, against what they teach, ridiculously egotistical and megalomaniacal, any of these things can be interpreted as "used to embarras and insult bladdie bladdah"<br /> <br /> So what Brad is essentially saying here is "YOU CANT EVEN HOLD THE THINGS THAT I OPENLY DO AGAINST ME, I GET TO KEEP ON HAVING MY BEHIND CLOSED DOORS EGO STROKING JERK OF SESSIONS IM GONNA KEEP LYING TO PEOPLE AND HITTING ON GIRLS, I'M GONNA KEEP DOING ALL THIS STUFF AND IF YOU GET ANY REAL EVIDENCE OF ME DOING THAT YOU WILL BE BANNED IF YOU POST IT"<br /> <br /> I mean what the fuck is wrong with Brad is he just completely stupid or has he fully embraced his tyrannical cult leader calling, ever since this ascension no show he has just been fucking himself over with his own actions over and over. I wouldnt be surprised if that suddenly not crappy rating on his latest channeling video is because Brad has like 20 accounts on SOE or something.<br /> <br /> <br /> Seriously don't let up about this rule, this is basically saying that anyone has free reign to do anything, though I'm sure Brad was only thinking about protecting himself Yes, he is very reasonable....,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2642 2009-02-20T03:11:23.108Z DeusEx Yes, he is very reasonable. He is too kindhearted though and continues to make excuses for Brad's childish behaviour. I would imagine a community that is owned and operated by Tony to be one of the most fair if ever it were created. Most likely, Brad will agree to removing the rule and all will be well for a few weeks until the rule is broke. Tony will just make another excuse and say there was yet another loophole. Rinse, recycle, repeat.<br /> <br /> <cite>Simone said:</cite>&hellip; Yes, he is very reasonable. He is too kindhearted though and continues to make excuses for Brad's childish behaviour. I would imagine a community that is owned and operated by Tony to be one of the most fair if ever it were created. Most likely, Brad will agree to removing the rule and all will be well for a few weeks until the rule is broke. Tony will just make another excuse and say there was yet another loophole. Rinse, recycle, repeat.<br /> <br /> <cite>Simone said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2631&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2631"><div>Looks like Tony is on top of it. He seems to be very reasonable.<br/> <br/> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2627&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2607"><div>In case you wish to follow this thread on SOE:<br/> <br/> <a href=""></a></div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> This should be posted on SO...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2627 2009-02-20T00:48:21.517Z DeusEx This should be posted on SOE lol!<br /> <br /> <cite>iDom said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>LS, I bow again at your razor sharp faculties. Someone looks rather depressed, haha.<br/> Maybe I should suggest a couple more rules to Brad:<br/> <br/> 1) Anything on chat, emails, forum and blogs that attempts to reveal any bit of truth about Brad Johnson shall result in immediate censorship and ban for life.<br/> </div> </blockquote>&hellip; This should be posted on SOE lol!<br /> <br /> <cite>iDom said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>LS, I bow again at your razor sharp faculties. Someone looks rather depressed, haha.<br/> Maybe I should suggest a couple more rules to Brad:<br/> <br/> 1) Anything on chat, emails, forum and blogs that attempts to reveal any bit of truth about Brad Johnson shall result in immediate censorship and ban for life.<br/> <br/> 2) All chat, emails, forum and blogs have to be reviewed by Brad Johnson before being posted. Failing to submit to him shall result in permanent ban and possible total shut down of the Internet service all over the world.<br/> <br/> 3) Any phone call, text, regular mail infringing the same rule shall result in the destruction of the devices and the public execution of the perpetrators by hanging at street lamps.<br/> <br/> 4) Any trying of passing such infringing information in astral shall result in total destruction of planet Earth.</div> </blockquote> LOL, Dom. Those rules are s...,2009-02-20:2827019:Comment:2625 2009-02-20T00:46:42.943Z LeavingSOE LOL, Dom. Those rules are so beautiful that I'm going to add them to SOSOE (sub BJ with LS).<br /> <br /> <cite>iDom said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2622&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2622"><div>LS, I bow again at your razor sharp faculties. Someone looks rather depressed, haha.<br/> Maybe I should suggest a couple more rules to Brad:<br/> <br/> 1) Anything on chat, emails, forum and blogs that attemp</div> </blockquote>&hellip; LOL, Dom. Those rules are so beautiful that I'm going to add them to SOSOE (sub BJ with LS).<br /> <br /> <cite>iDom said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A2622&amp;x=1#2827019Comment2622"><div>LS, I bow again at your razor sharp faculties. Someone looks rather depressed, haha.<br/> Maybe I should suggest a couple more rules to Brad:<br/> <br/> 1) Anything on chat, emails, forum and blogs that attempts to reveal any bit of truth about Brad Johnson shall result in immediate censorship and ban for life.<br/> <br/> 2) All chat, emails, forum and blogs have to be reviewed by Brad Johnson before being posted. Failing to submit to him shall result in permanent ban and possible total shut down of the Internet service all over the world.<br/> <br/> 3) Any phone call, text, regular mail infringing the same rule shall result in the destruction of the devices and the public execution of the perpetrators by hanging at street lamps.<br/> <br/> 4) Any trying of passing such infringing information in astral shall result in total destruction of planet Earth.</div> </blockquote>