Ohoh! Brad starts to sweat as Galactic Federation says "Beware of false prophets" - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T02:08:58Z http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?feed=yes&xn_auth=no LOL! Mo-Dean said:Here Bra... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-25:2827019:Comment:12746 2009-04-25T15:58:26.111Z LeavingSOE LOL!<br /> <br /> <cite>Mo-Dean said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?page=2&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12684&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12692"><div>Here Brad, maybe this will help you "Channel" a little better......ROFL<br/> <br/> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2VB8z64d1ow&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2VB8z64d1ow&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> </div> </blockquote>&hellip; LOL!<br /> <br /> <cite>Mo-Dean said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?page=2&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12684&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12692"><div>Here Brad, maybe this will help you "Channel" a little better......ROFL<br/> <br/> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2VB8z64d1ow&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2VB8z64d1ow&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <a style="left: 425px ! important; top: -354px ! important;" title="Click here to block this object with Adblock Plus" class="mugzpofkjbptoqlxqvwc visible ontop" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/2VB8z64d1ow&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1"></a></div> </blockquote> Every response from Brad co... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-25:2827019:Comment:12684 2009-04-25T01:27:16.786Z teddycool Every response from Brad concerning him and the future is always on the same level of new age advice and just saying it's no big deal...is this suppose to make us feel better? Words can assist but they can never complete the task. Not all channelings are in the same form,they are many different forms and atleast a few are effective when one discovers through many experiment.Just like there are many different ppl in the world which is why there are many diferrent religions.Buddha teachings are gr&hellip; Every response from Brad concerning him and the future is always on the same level of new age advice and just saying it's no big deal...is this suppose to make us feel better? Words can assist but they can never complete the task. Not all channelings are in the same form,they are many different forms and atleast a few are effective when one discovers through many experiment.Just like there are many different ppl in the world which is why there are many diferrent religions.Buddha teachings are great but the teaching are not 100% garuantee to reach in englightment because every soul is unique and different and whatever choices they make for themself is niether right nor wrong FOLOL I should of checked t... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12612 2009-04-24T05:12:47.163Z Choshu FOLOL I should of checked to see if anyone else posted it but I think your right it will be interesting to see or he'll make up some BS story to justifiy his channeled beings being love nad light and blahblahblah<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?id=2827019%3ATopic%3A12525&amp;page=2#2827019Comment12608"><div>Can't wait until Brads reply to this post, or maybe he'll just delete the whole thread and ban</div> </blockquote>&hellip; FOLOL I should of checked to see if anyone else posted it but I think your right it will be interesting to see or he'll make up some BS story to justifiy his channeled beings being love nad light and blahblahblah<br /> <br /> <cite>ilikepies said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?id=2827019%3ATopic%3A12525&amp;page=2#2827019Comment12608"><div>Can't wait until Brads reply to this post, or maybe he'll just delete the whole thread and ban this guy, it'll be interesting to see<br/><br/>Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 32 minutes ago<br/>Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF &amp; answer. Do not put the answer here just to show off but answer that to YOURSELF. You're learning but don't let that cocky attitude get in your way, which CAN be typical in being a wayshower just starting off. You're speaking with source energy now, who's very much entertained by your channeling cockiness. Thanks for the laugh. Nothing but loving intent is all YOU bring so continue to bring it...glad you kids are having fun with wanting to be right. Gotta love the ego AKA edging god out.<br/>...you kids seem to know it all...<br/>Take it seriously as you want it. The beings you ARE channeling are YOU! Which are just as silly as YOU! They like to enetertain and be enetertained just as you do so have fun! Or be serious...your choice. =)<br/>hahaha...it's great to see your dicussions and you be very weary of information. BUT the energies YOU are channeling are aspects of YOURSELF.<br/>If you don't know, then next time you better ask somebody. hahaha<br/><br/>You children rest well.<br/>Think happiness, be love.<br/>Oneness</div> </blockquote> Somone just ripped Brad a n... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12610 2009-04-24T05:05:04.704Z Choshu Somone just ripped Brad a new one ;D <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-23-rd-blossom-goodchild?page=6&amp;commentId=2492330%3AComment%3A151075&amp;x=1#2492330Comment151075">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-23-rd-blossom-goo...</a><br /> <br /> Permalink Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 37 minutes ago<br /> Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU&hellip; Somone just ripped Brad a new one ;D <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-23-rd-blossom-goodchild?page=6&amp;commentId=2492330%3AComment%3A151075&amp;x=1#2492330Comment151075">http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/april-23-rd-blossom-goo...</a><br /> <br /> Permalink Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 37 minutes ago<br /> Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF &amp; answer. Do not put the answer here just to show off but answer that to YOURSELF. You're learning but don't let that cocky attitude get in your way, which CAN be typical in being a wayshower just starting off. You're speaking with source energy now, who's very much entertained by your channeling cockiness. Thanks for the laugh. Nothing but loving intent is all YOU bring so continue to bring it...glad you kids are having fun with wanting to be right. Gotta love the ego AKA edging god out.<br /> ...you kids seem to know it all...<br /> Take it seriously as you want it. The beings you ARE channeling are YOU! Which are just as silly as YOU! They like to enetertain and be enetertained just as you do so have fun! Or be serious...your choice. =)<br /> hahaha...it's great to see your dicussions and you be very weary of information. BUT the energies YOU are channeling are aspects of YOURSELF.<br /> If you don't know, then next time you better ask somebody. hahaha<br /> <br /> You children rest well.<br /> Think happiness, be love.<br /> Oneness Can't wait until Brads repl... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12608 2009-04-24T05:00:44.621Z ilikepies Can't wait until Brads reply to this post, or maybe he'll just delete the whole thread and ban this guy, it'll be interesting to see<br /> <br /> Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 32 minutes ago<br /> Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF &amp;&hellip; Can't wait until Brads reply to this post, or maybe he'll just delete the whole thread and ban this guy, it'll be interesting to see<br /> <br /> Reply by Virgo™ I am GOD. 32 minutes ago<br /> Brad, what YOU fail to realize is that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all that is weather is "tricksters" or not is all apart of.... YOU, YOU are putting YOURSELF on the line when YOU channel if YOU don't get the results that YOU were hoping for. Are YOU UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? YOU can easily type "yes" but be honest with YOURSELF &amp; answer. Do not put the answer here just to show off but answer that to YOURSELF. You're learning but don't let that cocky attitude get in your way, which CAN be typical in being a wayshower just starting off. You're speaking with source energy now, who's very much entertained by your channeling cockiness. Thanks for the laugh. Nothing but loving intent is all YOU bring so continue to bring it...glad you kids are having fun with wanting to be right. Gotta love the ego AKA edging god out.<br /> ...you kids seem to know it all...<br /> Take it seriously as you want it. The beings you ARE channeling are YOU! Which are just as silly as YOU! They like to enetertain and be enetertained just as you do so have fun! Or be serious...your choice. =)<br /> hahaha...it's great to see your dicussions and you be very weary of information. BUT the energies YOU are channeling are aspects of YOURSELF.<br /> If you don't know, then next time you better ask somebody. hahaha<br /> <br /> You children rest well.<br /> Think happiness, be love.<br /> Oneness xD I just realized the pun ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12592 2009-04-24T02:39:41.262Z Jesus Cries xD I just realized the pun there. lol thanks Deus.<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?x=1&amp;id=2827019%3ATopic%3A12525&amp;page=2#2827019Comment12586"><div>ROFL :P<br/> <br/> <cite>Jesus Cries said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12579&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12579"><div>the reason why he's u</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote>&hellip; xD I just realized the pun there. lol thanks Deus.<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?x=1&amp;id=2827019%3ATopic%3A12525&amp;page=2#2827019Comment12586"><div>ROFL :P<br/> <br/> <cite>Jesus Cries said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12579&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12579"><div>the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.<br/> if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that.</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> ROFL :P Jesus Cries said:t... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12586 2009-04-24T00:54:42.262Z DeusEx ROFL :P<br /> <br /> <cite>Jesus Cries said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12579&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12579"><div>the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.<br/> if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that.</div> </blockquote> ROFL :P<br /> <br /> <cite>Jesus Cries said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as?page=1&amp;commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A12579&amp;x=1#2827019Comment12579"><div>the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.<br/> if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that.</div> </blockquote> the reason why he's umming ... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12579 2009-04-24T00:22:40.819Z Jesus Cries the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.<br /> if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that. the reason why he's umming and uhhing so much is because whatever he says is being pulled right out of his ass.<br /> if he was actually speaking in all honesty and from his heart there would be none of that. Umm Holy shit. Uh, thanks s... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12577 2009-04-24T00:10:25.604Z DeusEx Umm Holy shit. Uh, thanks so much, LS. I, um do believe um that Brad is um being um a hypocrite and it umm clearly shows uh eh ummmm here. Uhh, I wonder umm why he uh has to umm keep umming so damn umm much.<br /> <br /> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as#2827019Comment12575"><div>I would just like to add to what Pies said earlier. (Pies must be psychic because I said the same thing in chat lol.)<br/> <br/> Here's</div> </blockquote>&hellip; Umm Holy shit. Uh, thanks so much, LS. I, um do believe um that Brad is um being um a hypocrite and it umm clearly shows uh eh ummmm here. Uhh, I wonder umm why he uh has to umm keep umming so damn umm much.<br /> <br /> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite="http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/ohoh-brad-starts-to-sweat-as#2827019Comment12575"><div>I would just like to add to what Pies said earlier. (Pies must be psychic because I said the same thing in chat lol.)<br/> <br/> Here's a transcript of the introduction to the <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner">5 Souls of Arcturian Inner Self - April 19th</a> channeling.<br/> <br/> I apologize if I mistaked an "umm" for an "uh" or visa-versa. Just pay attention to the bold bits if it's too long to read. Aaaaaaaaaaand, here we go...<br/> <br/> <u><b>Begin Transcript</b></u><br/> <br/> Right, thank you everybody [sigh] for attending this. This is the first time I've contacted the Five Souls since February, I think. So, umm, for those of you who haven't been at a channeling session before, I just want to give you a bit of an an understanding of what it's all about. Umm, I'm pretty much entering a state of altered consciousness. Umm, it will just take me a few minutes to get into the altered states, kind of a deep trance channeling, umm, with another consciousness. And this is a higher conciousness. They're called the Five Souls of Arcturian Inner Self. Umm, this is what they have stated to me, of course. Umm, they're based in the Arcturus, around the Arcturus Sector. Umm, and they mostly just come through me and what happens is there's just kind of a duel link transfer of, uh, thoughts/consciousness. So it's kind of like a vibration wave that kinda connects with me and them. And, uh, what comes through is their consciousness. So they come through, and they're happy to (ask wha...) answer questions that come their way. Uh, they're probably talking on specific things today. Umm, there will be a question and answer period, so when that question and answer period comes up, uh, you guys'll know about it. So, uh, you can feel free to ask vocally or through the text chat, uh, whenever you like to, uh, ask a question. [inaudible] But, uh, yeah, if you want to ask a question through chat, uh, Chelley will be kinda like the co-host and she'll be happy to read your question out when the question/answer period arrives. <b>So again, umm, it's really not important about how the channeling happens. What's really important is checkout is just, you know, look at the message that's being said. Umm, really don't think of it as, "Oh, well, look at the way he's channeling," or this or that. Umm, just, the the important thing is the <i>message</i>, not so much the <i>messenger</i>.</b> So really, uh, take into account, uh, the message that's being expressed. Here, that's really all this is about. It's mostly just having someone else come through, a higher intelligence coming through me, uh, talking to you guys about what you want to know. So again, it's the messsage that's important, not so much how the messenger brings it out. So, umm, I'll go ahead and just get into the state right now, and, uh, I just ask your patience for a few minutes. And, uh, we'll begin. So thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy.<br/> <br/> [Clears throat, begins heaving breathing...]<br/> <br/> <u><b>End Transcript</b></u><br/> <br/> My observation: In the channeling intro, Brad reiterates that what is important is the <b>message</b>. In the referenced thread run amok, he and Clinton reiterate that what is important is to <b>know your channeled entity</b>. I like the second stance, Brad. Take your own advice and know yourself, since you're either a) channeling yourself (that's my best, educated guess) or b) channeling your higher selves (something you've stated in the past, which I truly believe is bullshit... that's my personal truth, and I'm sticking to it).<br/> <br/> Final word: HYPOCRITE!</div> </blockquote> I would just like to add to... tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-04-24:2827019:Comment:12575 2009-04-24T00:06:39.371Z LeavingSOE I would just like to add to what Pies said earlier. (Pies must be psychic because I said the same thing in chat lol.)<br /> <br /> Here's a transcript of the introduction to the <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner">5 Souls of Arcturian Inner Self - April 19th</a> channeling.<br /> <br /> I apologize if I mistaked an "umm" for an "uh" or visa-versa. Just pay attention to the bold bits if it's too long to read. Aaaaaaaaaaand, here we go...<br /> <br /> <u><b>Begin Transcript</b></u><br /> <br /> Right, thank&hellip; I would just like to add to what Pies said earlier. (Pies must be psychic because I said the same thing in chat lol.)<br /> <br /> Here's a transcript of the introduction to the <a href="http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/5-souls-of-arcturian-inner">5 Souls of Arcturian Inner Self - April 19th</a> channeling.<br /> <br /> I apologize if I mistaked an "umm" for an "uh" or visa-versa. Just pay attention to the bold bits if it's too long to read. Aaaaaaaaaaand, here we go...<br /> <br /> <u><b>Begin Transcript</b></u><br /> <br /> Right, thank you everybody [sigh] for attending this. This is the first time I've contacted the Five Souls since February, I think. So, umm, for those of you who haven't been at a channeling session before, I just want to give you a bit of an an understanding of what it's all about. Umm, I'm pretty much entering a state of altered consciousness. Umm, it will just take me a few minutes to get into the altered states, kind of a deep trance channeling, umm, with another consciousness. And this is a higher conciousness. They're called the Five Souls of Arcturian Inner Self. Umm, this is what they have stated to me, of course. Umm, they're based in the Arcturus, around the Arcturus Sector. Umm, and they mostly just come through me and what happens is there's just kind of a duel link transfer of, uh, thoughts/consciousness. So it's kind of like a vibration wave that kinda connects with me and them. And, uh, what comes through is their consciousness. So they come through, and they're happy to (ask wha...) answer questions that come their way. Uh, they're probably talking on specific things today. Umm, there will be a question and answer period, so when that question and answer period comes up, uh, you guys'll know about it. So, uh, you can feel free to ask vocally or through the text chat, uh, whenever you like to, uh, ask a question. [inaudible] But, uh, yeah, if you want to ask a question through chat, uh, Chelley will be kinda like the co-host and she'll be happy to read your question out when the question/answer period arrives. <b>So again, umm, it's really not important about how the channeling happens. What's really important is checkout is just, you know, look at the message that's being said. Umm, really don't think of it as, "Oh, well, look at the way he's channeling," or this or that. Umm, just, the the important thing is the <i>message</i>, not so much the <i>messenger</i>. So really, uh, take into account, uh, the message that's being expressed. Here, that's really all this is about. It's mostly just having someone else come through, a higher intelligence coming through me, uh, talking to you guys about what you want to know. So again, it's the messsage that's important, not so much how the messenger brings it out.</b> So, umm, I'll go ahead and just get into the state right now, and, uh, I just ask your patience for a few minutes. And, uh, we'll begin. So thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy.<br /> <br /> [Clears throat, begins heaving breathing...]<br /> <br /> <u><b>End Transcript</b></u><br /> <br /> My observation: In the channeling intro, Brad reiterates that what is important is the <b>message</b>. In the referenced thread-run-amok, he and Clinton reiterate that what is important is to <b>know your channeled entity</b>. I like the second stance, Brad. Take your own advice and know yourself, since you're either a) "channeling" yourself, a.k.a. talking to yourself (that's my best, educated guess) or b) channeling your higher selves (something you've stated in the past, which I truly believe is bullshit... that's my personal truth, and I'm sticking to it).<br /> <br /> Final word: HYPOCRITE!