Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Those communist bastards banned me???? WTF did I do to get banned from SOE. I think I"m more pissed then I am shocked but HOLY SHIT THEY BANNED ME WTF!!!

ME sweet innocent little Choshu. Who didn't break a single damn rule who was just sitting back and watching and keeping her sarcastic smartarse mouth to herself. So this is my message to the Admins:

I"m sorry I'm confused as to why I was banned can you please unconfuse me? I know I don't participate very much b/c I can't D/L Ventrillo to my computer and I was deemed "agressive" when I told ppl that we need to take a stand against the govt and meditating isn't going to help solve the world's problems. But if you could point me to the rule that I broke I would greatly appreciate it b/c in my eyes I did nothing wrong. I haven't stired up any trouble. I keep my smart ass comments to myself and I go about my merrry way because my personal rule is don't fuck with peoples Paradigms.


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its like animal farm, slowly one by the one new additions and changes were made to the rules until all the rules were replaced by the one master rule

"All souls are equal but Brads super soul is more equal than others"

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I can't believe they would actually ban you. You've not done one thing wrong on SOE. I doubt the moderators there will even respond to you. Brad is probably basking in the glory of banning yet another "darkworker".

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Super Soul my arse I have more Super soul in my left butt cheek then that thing does.

ilikepies said:
its like animal farm, slowly one by the one new additions and changes were made to the rules until all the rules were replaced by the one master rule

"All souls are equal but Brads super soul is more equal than others"

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and yet the dumbfuck doesn't realize you need DARKWORKERS AND LIGHTWORKERS for the balence of things but then again this is the flufftard that claims he single handedly defeated Duality.

DeusEx said:
I can't believe they would actually ban you. You've not done one thing wrong on SOE. I doubt the moderators there will even respond to you. Brad is probably basking in the glory of banning yet another "darkworker".

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further proof brad johnson the amazing charleton fraudster constantly monitors SOSoe. We're hurting him guys KEEP IT UP!

To me it seems like he banned you cuz you made some realistic comments about him on HERE.

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MOre then likly yes. Or it could be that he banned me for messaging LilBunny Fufu and asking her about her council and what she does on it. I can see him banning me if I plastered porn in the forums. I can see him banning me for trolling and starting flame wars but to ban for no reason is inexcusable.

Jesus Cries said:
further proof brad johnson the amazing charleton fraudster constantly monitors SOSoe. We're hurting him guys KEEP IT UP!

To me it seems like he banned you cuz you made some realistic comments about him on HERE.

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maybe now that brad and soe have effectively thrown away any sort of responsibility in terms of who they ban and just ban whoever like crazy it's a sign that Brad is gearing up to desperately try some two pronged ego self blowjob as he tried to rekindle what is left of his cloverfield teet sucking days while at the same time continuing with his rebooted new age huckster routine all whilst trying to keep the people on each side blind to the true depths of his insanity. It's like a hilarious sitcom where a guy has to go on two dates at the same time.

I say we do whatever we can to try and alert these people who are excited to have "grayshot" back (though most of them dont even know its just brad writing stories in hopes of fame) towards the truth of what Brad has been up to. We'll see how well he does recruiting people to work for him for free once they've seen a session with the 5 arcturian inner selves.

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