Penance for Light and Love - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T05:30:25Z baahaahaa "im waitin for so...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3352 2009-02-24T19:16:17.519Z ilikepies baahaahaa "im waitin for somethin big to happen 2009 bring it please"<br /> <br /> these are the things that make me cry, these poor people still waiting for the big things promised to them, so sad so sad, you can hear it in that guys voice, hes gonna be dissapointed, embarrased, discouraged, and Clinton and Brad already know the truth, they already know they're both full of shit and nothigns gonna happen, so might as well start trying to make the money, no need to explain the whole darkness is gone teachin&hellip; baahaahaa "im waitin for somethin big to happen 2009 bring it please"<br /> <br /> these are the things that make me cry, these poor people still waiting for the big things promised to them, so sad so sad, you can hear it in that guys voice, hes gonna be dissapointed, embarrased, discouraged, and Clinton and Brad already know the truth, they already know they're both full of shit and nothigns gonna happen, so might as well start trying to make the money, no need to explain the whole darkness is gone teachings are over ascending now announcement which isnt gonna be talked about, just as long as Brad haphazardly jumps from one scheme to the next and keep selling the "one day" hope.<br /> <br /> I've been saying for a long long time now that no matter what happens, no matter what Brad or anyone says, one day eventually there would be an attempt to charge for things, in fact that's already happened with brads ultra failed live seminars. Once again the evil skeptics are completely totally right and our reasons have been proven to be right and we're just so godamn right again and again you'd think we'd be the ones whose predictions people would be fawning over..Oh but thats right people don't give a fuck about predictions that come true they give a fuck about predictions that make them feel good. Clinton Clinton Clinton hah...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3347 2009-02-24T18:35:51.025Z DeusEx Clinton Clinton Clinton hahahahahahahahahahahaha.<br /> <br /> Isn't this the same Clinton that decided he needed to stop doing healing, channelings, and the other bullshit and just work on ascension?<br /> <br /> LOL @ Dom. You, Sir, have a way with words...and me haha :P Clinton Clinton Clinton hahahahahahahahahahahaha.<br /> <br /> Isn't this the same Clinton that decided he needed to stop doing healing, channelings, and the other bullshit and just work on ascension?<br /> <br /> LOL @ Dom. You, Sir, have a way with words...and me haha :P LOL @ brad telling the othe...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3323 2009-02-24T16:26:32.411Z Jesus Cries LOL @ brad telling the other guy not to go here.<br /> he's obviously frightened of more people finding out his true intentions of becoming rich. LOL @ brad telling the other guy not to go here.<br /> he's obviously frightened of more people finding out his true intentions of becoming rich. Read and as far as I mysel...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3321 2009-02-24T16:21:13.298Z iDom <br/> Read and as far as I myself am concerned, replied to. Adressed.<br /> <br /> <cite>krystal said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A3293&amp;x=1#2827019Comment3293"><div><a href=""></a><br/> i think u all should read this its every important!!!!</div> </blockquote> <br/> Read and as far as I myself am concerned, replied to. Adressed.<br /> <br /> <cite>krystal said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A3293&amp;x=1#2827019Comment3293"><div><a href=""></a><br/> i think u all should read this its every important!!!!</div> </blockquote> http://saviorsofearth.ning....,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3293 2009-02-24T14:35:42.672Z krystal <a href=""></a><br /> i think u all should read this its every important!!!! <a href=""></a><br /> i think u all should read this its every important!!!! oh, we're such trolls, tryi...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3278 2009-02-24T11:44:13.539Z PrincessHeart oh, we're such trolls, trying to get a rise for teh lulz. XDD<br /> <br /> I wish I'd had a chance to chat.. They can talk about judgement while building this image of us, when the majority just want answers.. I've already gone the approach of asking simple questions about their teachings.. only to be ignored by people who claim their job is to guide the misguided? D:<br /> I mostly found this pretty funny though..<br /> <br /> P.S. I looove you Ben. &lt;3 ;D oh, we're such trolls, trying to get a rise for teh lulz. XDD<br /> <br /> I wish I'd had a chance to chat.. They can talk about judgement while building this image of us, when the majority just want answers.. I've already gone the approach of asking simple questions about their teachings.. only to be ignored by people who claim their job is to guide the misguided? D:<br /> I mostly found this pretty funny though..<br /> <br /> P.S. I looove you Ben. &lt;3 ;D This is hilarious! "It's a...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3272 2009-02-24T11:20:11.624Z iDom <br/> This is hilarious! <i>"It's a karma thing: whatever you put out you get back"</i> : that's just how a one track mind works, I guess. What's good for others does not apply for Lightworkers Saviors of Earth for they are so evolved they're floating their butts above everything: Do as I say, don't do as I do. Belief means: NO QUESTIONS.<br /> <br /> When a liar and cheater like Brad puts things out like curing cancer, spreading love, especially to a few new panties online, OBVIOUSLY the Universe is respon&hellip; <br/> This is hilarious! <i>"It's a karma thing: whatever you put out you get back"</i> : that's just how a one track mind works, I guess. What's good for others does not apply for Lightworkers Saviors of Earth for they are so evolved they're floating their butts above everything: Do as I say, don't do as I do. Belief means: NO QUESTIONS.<br /> <br /> When a liar and cheater like Brad puts things out like curing cancer, spreading love, especially to a few new panties online, OBVIOUSLY the Universe is responding with love and he gets only blessings.<br /> It doesn't occur to anyone out there, that maybe, just maybe, what they label as hate or jealousy, from people still having a little bit of self-respect, ethics and reason, is precisely that "Universe's" response: the boomerang return. Wait a minute: are you implying that it does apply to us Lightworkers too?<br /> lol No shit, Sherlock!<br /> <br /> How rude am I, pointing at Brad's flaws and blattant lies. Darkest dark psychic me! lol<br /> <br /> And of course, it's only because whatever grand saving scheme SOE is about that my beliefs systems are so shaken that I feel I should address to Brad Johnson and uncover his lies. It is not at all out of concern for some people, who, too disabused with their own life and personal traumas, are ready to drink any little hope they can, as fake as that one can be.<br /> Am I even expecting to find some honesty? LOL Fuck honesty! Who the hell cares about honesty. Even the official PlanetXfiction official t-shirt read clearly: "FUCK REALITY". Ha!<br /> <br /> I don't care what people believe.<br /> <br /> I just care when a mass meditation is set to cleanse the world off of poverty. As we know, there is no more poverty in the world as we speak. What happened to these mass-meditating schedules anyway? Not enough results? Oops, classify "past". Move on.<br /> <br /> I just care when the love bombing machine is on and its main self-deluded protagonist openly cheats on his wife in public online — note that anyone has a right to cheat on his/her partner, but then if you don't want anyone to react to it, just don't do it exhibitionist-style —, drooling at the new girl in Onlinetown, sticking "soul mate" all over her, jizzing in astral.<br /> <br /> I just care when the "merely a guide" character throws out his own dirty laundry about his wife being "too dark" because she just doesn't "get" how Ascension is the coolest thing — hence, one obviously needs to "let go of it" and sniff around for a more docile, or at least "adequate" match rebaptized "soul mate" who can perform sex — in astral again.<br /> <br /> I just care when one claims, based on nothing but shit and an abyssal lack of education, that cities have been found on Mars, that "dark psychics" are "attacking family" causing chaos and bringing the family on the verge of implosion — (obviously, the reasons to it have nothing to do with the previous paragraph — thinking so would be so 3D).<br /> <br /> I just care when one is just so infused with a flamboyant ego and teaches others how to behave and think, under the convenient veil of spirituality, explaining that ascending means leaving one's body/vessel (i.e., die), then going backwards and claim "Where did I even say that?"<br /> <br /> I just care when a marketing skilled (?), sci-fi games creator (?), tv-series author (?) and (bad) actor wannabe, all of a sudden is about to dispense cures for cancer and Parkinson (among other things), while getting all paranoid on some gamers websites, because a whole forum of people were telling him to lay off the sauce on his so-called major success at putting out the video game of the century — that never saw the light of day, actually.<br /> <br /> I just care when someone obviously shows clear patterns of certain mental disorders and seriously needs psychiatric help. But then again, maybe SOE'ers do think, like Scientologists, that psychiatry is just a branch of the Illuminati…<br /> <br /> Last but not least: they don't get the Kool-Aid thing??? ROFL That one is the cherry on the cake!<br /> Even the dumbest stupidest cheap nut, exclusively getting his education from YouTube, would KNOW about it.<br /> But I guess it just shows what I've been pointing out since the beginning, i.e., a vast majority of these people are in deep, deep need of education AND critical thinking [as long as they even know what that means, but I'm not sure]. I even start wondering if there are even two neurons connecting up there in their ivory tower or if they're just in standby mode.<br /> <br /> Whoever sent this: Thank you, I had a blast.<br /> <br/> I couldn't even listen to a...,2009-02-24:2827019:Comment:3261 2009-02-24T10:53:42.322Z Apocolypstick I couldn't even listen to all of that... I can't even express how much that frustrates me. I couldn't even listen to all of that... I can't even express how much that frustrates me.