Reality vs Perception and Belief - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T02:34:20Z Wonderfully put. I wish SOE...,2009-02-13:2827019:Comment:1154 2009-02-13T01:15:35.655Z H.R. Pufnstuf Wonderfully put. I wish SOE could see this post.<br /> <br /> <cite>Simone said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A1120&amp;x=1#2827019Comment1120"><div>Yeah, maybe it's a matter of semantics, I kind of agree here with what you are saying and your clarification of it. It's really hard to describe in words isn't it?<br/> <br/> It is really difficult to guide our perceptions and beliefs and it seems t</div> </blockquote>&hellip; Wonderfully put. I wish SOE could see this post.<br /> <br /> <cite>Simone said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A1120&amp;x=1#2827019Comment1120"><div>Yeah, maybe it's a matter of semantics, I kind of agree here with what you are saying and your clarification of it. It's really hard to describe in words isn't it?<br/> <br/> It is really difficult to guide our perceptions and beliefs and it seems to me that as we gain new knowledge, we must constantly change our perceptions and beliefs. So we have to be constantly 'open' to new knowledge and not 'stuck' in one set of dogmas. This is really difficult for some people to do as one delves deeply into one belief system such as I did in the Catholic Church, because your brain is programmed to take all that information and form a coherent whole as you apply it in your life. But this can happen to anyone, not just a religious person. It really is like an obstacle course, but the guiding force should always be love and we have that guiding force built into us also. Not any one belief system has all the truth, but they all have some truths. With the situation with Brad, I felt like many were so 'against' him personally, and others were so 'for' him, but to me there seemed to be somewhere an explanation to what was happening that would make 'sense' and be somewhere in the middle ground. Having love on our side and concern for Brad's well-being, as well as love for the community we can discover what is going on by understanding both sides and not totally invalidating Brad's experiences... but realizing that 'something is happening here' and try to discover what that 'something' is. Is it 'really happening' or possibly misunderstood? I don't think we should ever 'invalidate' someone's personal experiences, because each person acts as a 'witness' to 'truth' and by listening to each person, we should try to discern what that actual truth is. Science helps, but isn't always the answer since we are both spiritual and physical beings. So anyway, yes, it is difficult and our guiding force should be Love and to try to find the 'middle ground'... or not even necessarily the 'middle', but just keep searching until what we perceive forms a coherence... yet always being ever open to modifying or re-evaluating our understanding as new information is presented. That's what I have learned through all of this, and I know I'm not perfect at doing this, but that is what my goal is to become better at it and a more loving person every day.<br/> <br/> <br/> <cite>H.R. Pufnstuf said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A1096&amp;x=1#2827019Comment1096"><div>Interesting viewpoints, Simone :)<br/> <br/> Personally, I don't think we create alternate realities. It is just reality affected by perception and belief. Trying to separate it out by calling it an alternate reality is a way of not accepting what reality really is.<br/> <br/> I wanted to ask you if you can explain a bit more the last part about guiding your perception and beliefs. How would you know if your guided direction is right or wrong?<br/> <br/> <cite>Simone said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A1054&amp;x=1#2827019Comment1054"><div>Great topic H.R.<br/> <br/> here's what I think:<br/> <br/> Reality<br/> What you call reality is nothing more that what is created by the creator.<br/> <br/> Perception<br/> Perception is how you personally view the creation based on knowledge and experience and observation with your senses<br/> <br/> Belief<br/> Belief is the structure of your perceptions into a coherent meaningful pattern on which you choose to guide your path in life.<br/> <br/> Also, as co-creators, you build upon the original creation with your perceptions and beliefs forming alternate realities to the original forms.<br/> <br/> The goal is to guide your perceptions and beliefs to be united with the creator in pure thought and forms, manifesting your true God-given purpose to love and be a receptical of love.</div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> Interesting viewpoints, Sim...,2009-02-12:2827019:Comment:1096 2009-02-12T19:31:54.327Z H.R. Pufnstuf Interesting viewpoints, Simone :)<br /> <br /> Personally, I don't think we create alternate realities. It is just reality affected by perception and belief. Trying to separate it out by calling it an alternate reality is a way of not accepting what reality really is.<br /> <br /> I wanted to ask you if you can explain a bit more the last part about guiding your perception and beliefs. How would you know if your guided direction is right or wrong?<br /> <br /> <cite>Simone said:</cite>&hellip; Interesting viewpoints, Simone :)<br /> <br /> Personally, I don't think we create alternate realities. It is just reality affected by perception and belief. Trying to separate it out by calling it an alternate reality is a way of not accepting what reality really is.<br /> <br /> I wanted to ask you if you can explain a bit more the last part about guiding your perception and beliefs. How would you know if your guided direction is right or wrong?<br /> <br /> <cite>Simone said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A1054&amp;x=1#2827019Comment1054"><div>Great topic H.R.<br/> <br/> here's what I think:<br/> <br/> Reality<br/> What you call reality is nothing more that what is created by the creator.<br/> <br/> Perception<br/> Perception is how you personally view the creation based on knowledge and experience and observation with your senses<br/> <br/> Belief<br/> Belief is the structure of your perceptions into a coherent meaningful pattern on which you choose to guide your path in life.<br/> <br/> Also, as co-creators, you build upon the original creation with your perceptions and beliefs forming alternate realities to the original forms.<br/> <br/> The goal is to guide your perceptions and beliefs to be united with the creator in pure thought and forms, manifesting your true God-given purpose to love and be a receptical of love.</div> </blockquote> lol! Danny said:"FUCK REAL...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:888 2009-02-11T19:50:57.516Z H.R. Pufnstuf lol!<br /> <br /> <cite>Danny said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A826&amp;x=1#2827019Comment826"><div>"FUCK REALITY."<br/> <br/> Brad J. Johnson</div> </blockquote> lol!<br /> <br /> <cite>Danny said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A826&amp;x=1#2827019Comment826"><div>"FUCK REALITY."<br/> <br/> Brad J. Johnson</div> </blockquote> "FUCK REALITY." Brad J. Jo...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:826 2009-02-11T10:08:38.328Z DannyBoy "FUCK REALITY."<br /> <br /> Brad J. Johnson "FUCK REALITY."<br /> <br /> Brad J. Johnson Nice quote, Patrick. Patri...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:801 2009-02-11T08:13:55.875Z LeavingSOE Nice quote, Patrick.<br /> <br /> <cite>Patrick said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=1#2827019Comment764"><div>"REALITY is that which even when you stop believing in it, DOESN'T GO AWAY."<br/> <br/> Philip K. Dick</div> </blockquote> Nice quote, Patrick.<br /> <br /> <cite>Patrick said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=1#2827019Comment764"><div>"REALITY is that which even when you stop believing in it, DOESN'T GO AWAY."<br/> <br/> Philip K. Dick</div> </blockquote> No problem. I was going to ...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:798 2009-02-11T08:12:36.042Z LeavingSOE No problem. I was going to delete it for you, but I didn't want to be accused of censorship lol.<br /> <br /> <cite>Apocolypstick said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=2#2827019Comment793"><div>oops sorry about the double post there!!</div> </blockquote> No problem. I was going to delete it for you, but I didn't want to be accused of censorship lol.<br /> <br /> <cite>Apocolypstick said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=2#2827019Comment793"><div>oops sorry about the double post there!!</div> </blockquote> oops sorry about the double...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:793 2009-02-11T08:09:16.856Z Apocolypstick oops sorry about the double post there!! oops sorry about the double post there!! Here is my view on Percepti...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:761 2009-02-11T04:11:15.138Z Apocolypstick Here is my view on Perception/Reality/Belief.<br /> <br /> I'm a single mother of two children. I have never been legally married. This is my reality. My particular religious persuasions allow me to believe that I have done nothing wrong having two children "out of wedlock" and leaving my partner for treating me like a dirty dishrag. ssqMy point of view regarding this reality (my perception) is one of freedom and opportunity. I see challenges, of course, any parent does. However I do not see my decisions br&hellip; Here is my view on Perception/Reality/Belief.<br /> <br /> I'm a single mother of two children. I have never been legally married. This is my reality. My particular religious persuasions allow me to believe that I have done nothing wrong having two children "out of wedlock" and leaving my partner for treating me like a dirty dishrag. ssqMy point of view regarding this reality (my perception) is one of freedom and opportunity. I see challenges, of course, any parent does. However I do not see my decisions bringing me strife and loneliness.<br /> <br /> To others my reality is horrific because their beliefs have skewed their perception of the world. For some people my being a single, unmarried mother is the worst kind of person. I am "used" and "dirty". To these people, who believe that women are only of value as breeders and housemakers I have sinned and need to be "saved". They see only hardship in my future because of my foolish actions.<br /> <br /> So there it is... EXACT same realities with two entirely different perceptions on it. Here is my view on Percepti...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:758 2009-02-11T04:10:43.507Z Apocolypstick Here is my view on Perception/Reality/Belief.<br /> <br /> I'm a single mother of two children. I have never been legally married. This is my reality. My particular religious persuasions allow me to believe that I have done nothing wrong having two children "out of wedlock" and leaving my partner for treating me like a dirty dishrag. ssqMy point of view regarding this reality (my perception) is one of freedom and opportunity. I see challenges, of course, any parent does. However I do not see my decisions br&hellip; Here is my view on Perception/Reality/Belief.<br /> <br /> I'm a single mother of two children. I have never been legally married. This is my reality. My particular religious persuasions allow me to believe that I have done nothing wrong having two children "out of wedlock" and leaving my partner for treating me like a dirty dishrag. ssqMy point of view regarding this reality (my perception) is one of freedom and opportunity. I see challenges, of course, any parent does. However I do not see my decisions bringing me strife and loneliness.<br /> <br /> To others my reality is horrific because their beliefs have skewed their perception of the world. For some people my being a single, unmarried mother is the worst kind of person. I am "used" and "dirty". To these people, who believe that women are only of value as breeders and housemakers I have sinned and need to be "saved". They see only hardship in my future because of my foolish actions.<br /> <br /> So there it is... EXACT same realities with two entirely different perceptions on it. Have you looked at the Phen...,2009-02-11:2827019:Comment:741 2009-02-11T03:23:36.210Z Kool Aid Man Have you looked at the <a href="">Phenomenology of the Mind by Hegel?</a><br /> <br /> Skywalker, you would really like the <a href="">Parable of the Cave</a> Have you looked at the <a href="">Phenomenology of the Mind by Hegel?</a><br /> <br /> Skywalker, you would really like the <a href="">Parable of the Cave</a>