Sad Sad Sad - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T02:41:15Z @ ParadigmShift You boy s...,2009-03-23:2827019:Comment:8248 2009-03-23T17:20:51.896Z iDom <br/> @ ParadigmShift<br /> <br /> You boy sure have shifted for the best — did you really? No, I think you were born intelligent and respectful to your good heart and mind: keep it that way. I wish many more people were actually ‘enlightened’ as you are, PS boy.<br /> <br /> You are so very right in everything you wrote and that is a nice veil tearing on the disgusting reality of Belief…<br /> <br /> Considering only that post on SoE, what does it really show?<br /> Not only does it show how someone truly could benefit some therapy, bu&hellip; <br/> @ ParadigmShift<br /> <br /> You boy sure have shifted for the best — did you really? No, I think you were born intelligent and respectful to your good heart and mind: keep it that way. I wish many more people were actually ‘enlightened’ as you are, PS boy.<br /> <br /> You are so very right in everything you wrote and that is a nice veil tearing on the disgusting reality of Belief…<br /> <br /> Considering only that post on SoE, what does it really show?<br /> Not only does it show how someone truly could benefit some therapy, but mainly, it shows the abyssal depths the human psyche is ready to reach if only to feel good about itself. The appalling thing is — funny too —, that such people as Kihanyaking are finding so much comfort in wrongly feeling so special, so “above” the level of comprehension to their peers. It is funny because such behavior is nothing less than what they criticize and fear ranting about in every of their conspiracy theories and Illuminati 24/7-wanking sessions.<br /> I wish KihanWanking would actually just blow a load, for once, just for the sake of it and enjoy it. That might be a mind blowing experience, sending to kindergarten all of his foolish theories and thoughts.<br /> <br /> How low, disrespectful, hypocritical, unfair and utterly egoistic can a human heart get down to? Just like that. Just like the sap of that Kihanyaking post. Just like the flavor of all the ones by such people as Besimi, Johnson, Jose V and the whole hardcore fans out there on SoE.<br /> <br /> I would even go as far as saying that the response posted by Kerrie just cements everything that makes me puke.<br /> <br /> <i>"This is why we are empowering ourselves with their assistance now so we can go home which is here within our hearts,'We are the ones we've been waiting for' it is up to us to 'GET IT' we cannot keep creating what we continue to create from fear as you so brilliantly described enough is enough we want out, So LISTEN for once to the many teachers that all say the same thing, go to your heart be the peace you want to see on the planet realize the oneness the connection to the all stop creating exterior pleasure to desensitise yourself to stop the pain go back to the basics BREATHE and learn to appreciate LIFE it is a gift that has been abused due to our ignorance.Where is your focus because that is what your creating don't focus on what you don't want focus on what you do want.Love only love (REMEMBER) (BELIEVE) we are creators together as one when we go to our heart this is where we all can connect as one and create from wisdom and not from individual desire."</i><br /> <br /> That woman, over 50, feels the need to post such insanity as she does, all this exhibiting a picture of her grandson on her lap? I don’t even want to think all the crap she’ll no doubt put into that little brain. I just wish the boy gives her the finger in a few years telling her it as it is that she’s <u><b>a pathetic I-licked-Blowsome-Goodchild-Pussy-And-I’m-So-Enlightened-FUCK</b></u>!<br /> <br /> Yet beyond any form of sadness, as evoked by Pies, I still think such people with their fucked up minds and hearts are a good reminder of what <b>we</b> are worth. What we should not be nor become. Ever.<br /> <br /> If only for that, Nature is quite an amazing thing…<br /> For I am glad, <u>THANKS to duality</u> there is some hopeless jerk posting such a stance as it clearly shows to anyone reading your post, PS, how a good person you (we) are.<br /> <br /> Beyond sadness, such a thing makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel good about <u>all of you</u> here. And I am really truly thankful that in the back of my mind, I know you exist somewhere, and this world isn’t full of total brainless jerks.<br /> <br /> MEKTOUB.<br /> <br/> Well said. ParadigmShift s...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:8036 2009-03-21T19:35:00.802Z LeavingSOE Well said.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Why don't lightworkers teach the principle of being thankful rather than always being dissatisfied? I've very seldom come across a message of positivity and acceptance of one's life, but seen countless statements about people's dissatisfaction with it. and this seems to be perpetuated by the attitudes of channeled messages like "dearest ones, you</div> </blockquote>&hellip; Well said.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Why don't lightworkers teach the principle of being thankful rather than always being dissatisfied? I've very seldom come across a message of positivity and acceptance of one's life, but seen countless statements about people's dissatisfaction with it. and this seems to be perpetuated by the attitudes of channeled messages like "dearest ones, you life right now is a miserable sack of shit. With that knowledge let it be known that hot blonde orgies, awesome spaceships that go pew pew, and everlasting happiness with the cat-people of Lyra and an unlimited stash of catnip awaits you in the Kingdom of Ashtaria. We will never actually arrive because we don't really exist.but luckily you're so desperate to escape your life that you will favor even the most far-fetched lie over common sense. Maybe I'll be able to string you along for more money so I can spend it on crack. MMMMMmmmhhh, sweet sweet craaaack. Wait a minute ignore that last part--it was thought form...err I'm still learning?...err dark psychics!...DUALITY!! phew that was a close one. Now get back to hating your lives so you can pay me money to promise you more stuff that won't come true".<br/> <br/> It's bewildering to see that there are people out there, who are among the most privileged in the world in terms of living standards, latch themselves to a reason to be unhappy (i.e a promise of something better) and their lives become not-good-enough for them.Then you turn around and look at people who live as the TRUE victims of the world's exploitations and atrocities, but in spite of that they're more capable of enjoying their lives in comparison to us.</div> </blockquote> It's all part of life.But c...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:8014 2009-03-21T14:06:34.882Z teddycool It's all part of life.But could it be that he's clearing up his karma from his past life. I just thought he would experience near death experience in which the soul leaves the physical body,than wake up in a dream like place and observe two beings approaching him and saying "it's not time yet"letting him know it's not his time for him to come home. After this experience, the soul returns to the physical body. It's all part of life.But could it be that he's clearing up his karma from his past life. I just thought he would experience near death experience in which the soul leaves the physical body,than wake up in a dream like place and observe two beings approaching him and saying "it's not time yet"letting him know it's not his time for him to come home. After this experience, the soul returns to the physical body. YES para you are entirely r...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:8011 2009-03-21T13:19:30.676Z Jesus Cries YES para you are entirely right on this one.<br /> <br /> people like those need to wake up from their "personal truths" and realize that no one is ever going to come on a spaceship and take them away to better place.<br /> <br /> they should just be content with what they have here and now otherwise they will never find happiness. Unless of course their mind will slip entirely into a self-created delusion world where they have hundreds of arcturian inner selves and think they can heal cancer or autism.<br /> <br /> <cite>Paradigm</cite>&hellip; YES para you are entirely right on this one.<br /> <br /> people like those need to wake up from their "personal truths" and realize that no one is ever going to come on a spaceship and take them away to better place.<br /> <br /> they should just be content with what they have here and now otherwise they will never find happiness. Unless of course their mind will slip entirely into a self-created delusion world where they have hundreds of arcturian inner selves and think they can heal cancer or autism.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Why don't lightworkers teach the principle of being thankful rather than always being dissatisfied? I've very seldom come across a message of positivity and acceptance of one's life, but seen countless statements about people's dissatisfaction with it. and this seems to be perpetuated by the attitudes of channeled messages like "dearest ones, you life right now is a miserable sack of shit. With that knowledge let it be known that hot blonde orgies, awesome spaceships that go pew pew, and everlasting happiness with the cat-people of Lyra and an unlimited stash of catnip awaits you in the Kingdom of Ashtaria. We will never actually arrive because we don't really exist.but luckily you're so desperate to escape your life that you will favor even the most far-fetched lie over common sense. Maybe I'll be able to string you along for more money so I can spend it on crack. MMMMMmmmhhh, sweet sweet craaaack. Wait a minute ignore that last part--it was thought form...err I'm still learning?...err dark psychics!...DUALITY!! phew that was a close one. Now get back to hating your lives so you can pay me money to promise you more stuff that won't come true".<br/> It's bewildering to see that there are people out there, who are among the most privileged in the world in terms of living standards, latch themselves to a reason to be unhappy (i.e a promise of something better) and their lives become not-good-enough for them.Then you turn around and look at people who live as the TRUE victims of the world's exploitations and atrocities, but in spite of that they're more capable of enjoying their lives in comparison to us.</div> </blockquote> So you're saying we CANT be...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:7986 2009-03-21T05:06:32.410Z Tab So you're saying we CANT be powerful wizards with spaceships that go pew pew? I'm sorry this just doesn't resonate with me... So you're saying we CANT be powerful wizards with spaceships that go pew pew? I'm sorry this just doesn't resonate with me... Why don't lightworkers teac...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:7983 2009-03-21T04:00:34.865Z ParadigmShift Why don't lightworkers teach the principle of being thankful rather than always being dissatisfied? I've very seldom come across a message of positivity and acceptance of one's life, but seen countless statements about people's dissatisfaction with it. and this seems to be perpetuated by the attitudes of channeled messages like "dearest ones, you life right now is a miserable sack of shit. With that knowledge let it be known that hot blonde orgies, awesome spaceships that go pew pew, and everlas&hellip; Why don't lightworkers teach the principle of being thankful rather than always being dissatisfied? I've very seldom come across a message of positivity and acceptance of one's life, but seen countless statements about people's dissatisfaction with it. and this seems to be perpetuated by the attitudes of channeled messages like "dearest ones, you life right now is a miserable sack of shit. With that knowledge let it be known that hot blonde orgies, awesome spaceships that go pew pew, and everlasting happiness with the cat-people of Lyra and an unlimited stash of catnip awaits you in the Kingdom of Ashtaria. We will never actually arrive because we don't really exist.but luckily you're so desperate to escape your life that you will favor even the most far-fetched lie over common sense. Maybe I'll be able to string you along for more money so I can spend it on crack. MMMMMmmmhhh, sweet sweet craaaack. Wait a minute ignore that last part--it was thought form...err I'm still learning?...err dark psychics!...DUALITY!! phew that was a close one. Now get back to hating your lives so you can pay me money to promise you more stuff that won't come true".<br /> <br /> It's bewildering to see that there are people out there, who are among the most privileged in the world in terms of living standards, latch themselves to a reason to be unhappy (i.e a promise of something better) and their lives become not-good-enough for them.Then you turn around and look at people who live as the TRUE victims of the world's exploitations and atrocities, but in spite of that they're more capable of enjoying their lives in comparison to us. and honestly I kind of can'...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:7980 2009-03-21T02:47:49.198Z ilikepies and honestly I kind of can't stand that this guy is like, taking credit for all these other people's suffering..saying that he was murdered in the holocaust and in rwanda, why is it everyone's made up past life shit is shit straight out of history books and nothing about living as some normal guy that did nothing or had nothing done to them of any great consequence.<br /> <br /> It's a sick twisted kind of excuse to want to leave this world "oh wah i meditated and i was killed in the holocaust and every oth&hellip; and honestly I kind of can't stand that this guy is like, taking credit for all these other people's suffering..saying that he was murdered in the holocaust and in rwanda, why is it everyone's made up past life shit is shit straight out of history books and nothing about living as some normal guy that did nothing or had nothing done to them of any great consequence.<br /> <br /> It's a sick twisted kind of excuse to want to leave this world "oh wah i meditated and i was killed in the holocaust and every other major event where people have died I have suffered so much but I've earned my way into being commander of the arcturians come save me wah" Ya that's a big bucket of s...,2009-03-21:2827019:Comment:7977 2009-03-21T02:42:13.999Z Tab Ya that's a big bucket of sad right there. And no one to tell him "It's gonna be ok bro, now take your meds..." Just more quacks feeding the madness. Ya that's a big bucket of sad right there. And no one to tell him "It's gonna be ok bro, now take your meds..." Just more quacks feeding the madness.