Saviors of Earth Knowledge Series: "Experiencing Transmutation/Pre-Ascension Syndrome" - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T01:53:39Z ROFL... now tell me how you...,2009-03-03:2827019:Comment:5177 2009-03-03T20:55:45.699Z DeusEx ROFL... now tell me how you channeled messages from the future!<br /> <br /> <cite>iDom said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A5123&amp;x=1#2827019Comment5123"><div>Come January 2013, Brad will insist that Ascension DID happen "as planned". The ones asking about it by then shall be rebuffed as delusional 3D vermin, jealous that they have missed the lightship — or them turning into one since we kno</div> </blockquote>&hellip; ROFL... now tell me how you channeled messages from the future!<br /> <br /> <cite>iDom said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A5123&amp;x=1#2827019Comment5123"><div>Come January 2013, Brad will insist that Ascension DID happen "as planned". The ones asking about it by then shall be rebuffed as delusional 3D vermin, jealous that they have missed the lightship — or them turning into one since we know there's no lightship. It was some sort of "alien" joke: the lightship is our big one soul. *wink*<br/> <br/> By january 2013, Blossom Goodchild will probably cry, unconsolable, feeling so let down. Maybe I'll offer her a drink by then, insisting that she REALLY should try and enjoy the rest of her life.<br/> <br/> By Januay 2013, Mike Quinsey, with the precision of some cybernetic chicken that has a Swiss clock up its pucker, will lay <b>another</b> egg: <i>Dear Ones, Everything is working as planned. You have made such tremendous progress for eons of time…</i> Eeeeeek cringe! <b><u>"Eons of time"</u></b>… AGAIN!<br/> <br/> By January 2013, Candace Frieze would have been abducted long ago — after all, she's more of a (frantic fanatic) pen that has passed its prime for a while now…<br/> <br/> By January 2013, YouTube will be saturated with 5.1 Dolby Digital HD snippets of run-to-your-ships-abandon-your-country jerking videos showing strange lights: people ascending "live", filmed (oh so odd) near a campus where kids will have a fart party playing with lighters…<br/> <br/> By January 2013, just like he did in the late 90's, insisting that Armageddon had happened, Sheldan Nidle will refuse interviews because of health problems (as stated on a press release), but will drop his fans an email reading: <i>"It's real. It happened. Anyone saying the contrary is lost forever to the Illuminati."</i>.<br/> <br/> By January 2013, there will be kids ending up on Brad's videos, Druanna's, and they're gonna laugh their asses off with a big blunt at their lips, exclaming as their eyes water: <b>"Wha da fuck?! Wha da fuck is this?"</b>.<br/> <br/> By January 2013… <i>Connection… Connection? Connectiooooon?</i><br/> <br/> <b>A C C E S S : D E N I E D .</b><br/> <br/></div> </blockquote> Come January 2013, Brad wil...,2009-03-03:2827019:Comment:5123 2009-03-03T16:49:43.897Z iDom Come January 2013, Brad will insist that Ascension DID happen "as planned". The ones asking about it by then shall be rebuffed as delusional 3D vermin, jealous that they have missed the lightship — or them turning into one since we know there's no lightship. It was some sort of "alien" joke: the lightship is our big one soul. *wink*<br /> <br /> By january 2013, Blossom Goodchild will probably cry, unconsolable, feeling so let down. Maybe I'll offer her a drink by then, insisting that she REALLY should try&hellip; Come January 2013, Brad will insist that Ascension DID happen "as planned". The ones asking about it by then shall be rebuffed as delusional 3D vermin, jealous that they have missed the lightship — or them turning into one since we know there's no lightship. It was some sort of "alien" joke: the lightship is our big one soul. *wink*<br /> <br /> By january 2013, Blossom Goodchild will probably cry, unconsolable, feeling so let down. Maybe I'll offer her a drink by then, insisting that she REALLY should try and enjoy the rest of her life.<br /> <br /> By Januay 2013, Mike Quinsey, with the precision of some cybernetic chicken that has a Swiss clock up its pucker, will lay <b>another</b> egg: <i>Dear Ones, Everything is working as planned. You have made such tremendous progress for eons of time…</i> Eeeeeek cringe! <b><u>"Eons of time"</u></b>… AGAIN!<br /> <br /> By January 2013, Candace Frieze would have been abducted long ago — after all, she's more of a (frantic fanatic) pen that has passed its prime for a while now…<br /> <br /> By January 2013, YouTube will be saturated with 5.1 Dolby Digital HD snippets of run-to-your-ships-abandon-your-country jerking videos showing strange lights: people ascending "live", filmed (oh so odd) near a campus where kids will have a fart party playing with lighters…<br /> <br /> By January 2013, just like he did in the late 90's, insisting that Armageddon had happened, Sheldan Nidle will refuse interviews because of health problems (as stated on a press release), but will drop his fans an email reading: <i>"It's real. It happened. Anyone saying the contrary is lost forever to the Illuminati."</i>.<br /> <br /> By January 2013, there will be kids ending up on Brad's videos, Druanna's, and they're gonna laugh their asses off with a big blunt at their lips, exclaming as their eyes water: <b>"Wha da fuck?! Wha da fuck is this?"</b>.<br /> <br /> By January 2013… <i>Connection… Connection? Connectiooooon?</i><br /> <br /> <b>A C C E S S : D E N I E D .</b><br /> <br/> ROFL! it's funny cuz it's ...,2009-03-02:2827019:Comment:4720 2009-03-02T20:31:25.952Z Jesus Cries ROFL!<br /> <br /> it's funny cuz it's true.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Ascension has pretty much become a proverbaill carrot dangling from a string, and when people seem to get impatient or start to see that maybe it's all just a crock, Brad comes along and wiggles the carrot in front of us to get us to chase it again.<br/> <br/> "come along guys, it's almost here! ascension, you</div> </blockquote>&hellip; ROFL!<br /> <br /> it's funny cuz it's true.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Ascension has pretty much become a proverbaill carrot dangling from a string, and when people seem to get impatient or start to see that maybe it's all just a crock, Brad comes along and wiggles the carrot in front of us to get us to chase it again.<br/> <br/> "come along guys, it's almost here! ascension, you know you want it AHHHH nope higher self was joking lol...ok guys this time now, I'm not joking, ascension is right around the corner!! LOL nah... close call though!.......OK guys SERIOUSLY THIS TIME! do you have diarrhea? Is all this bullshit giving you a headache? that means you're about to get the carrot! gogogogooooo! " ad infinitum.</div> </blockquote> Ascension has pretty much b...,2009-03-02:2827019:Comment:4714 2009-03-02T20:21:43.775Z ParadigmShift Ascension has pretty much become a proverbaill carrot dangling from a string, and when people seem to get impatient or start to see that maybe it's all just a crock, Brad comes along and wiggles the carrot in front of us to get us to chase it again.<br /> <br /> "come along guys, it's almost here! ascension, you know you want it AHHHH nope higher self was joking lol...ok guys this time now, I'm not joking, ascension is right around the corner!! LOL nah... close call though!.......OK guys SERIOUSL&hellip; Ascension has pretty much become a proverbaill carrot dangling from a string, and when people seem to get impatient or start to see that maybe it's all just a crock, Brad comes along and wiggles the carrot in front of us to get us to chase it again.<br /> <br /> "come along guys, it's almost here! ascension, you know you want it AHHHH nope higher self was joking lol...ok guys this time now, I'm not joking, ascension is right around the corner!! LOL nah... close call though!.......OK guys SERIOUSLY THIS TIME! do you have diarrhea? Is all this bullshit giving you a headache? that means you're about to get the carrot! gogogogooooo! " ad infinitum. Classic move on his part. C...,2009-03-02:2827019:Comment:4710 2009-03-02T20:07:57.457Z DeusEx Classic move on his part. Create syndrome, provide a cost ;)<br /> <br /> <cite>Jesus Cries said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>"<b>What can you do to help soothe the process of transmutation syndrome? Balance yourself, ground yourself and work towards developing the abilities of self-healing. If you require more immediate attention, look towards receiving energy healing and balancing from an ex</b></div> </blockquote>&hellip; Classic move on his part. Create syndrome, provide a cost ;)<br /> <br /> <cite>Jesus Cries said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>"<b>What can you do to help soothe the process of transmutation syndrome? Balance yourself, ground yourself and work towards developing the abilities of self-healing. If you require more immediate attention, look towards receiving energy healing and balancing from an expert healer.</b>"<br/> <br/> I really like this part.<br/> <br/> HE is clearly trying to sell himself on his self-proclaimed "expert healer" status.<br/> <br/> what a joke.</div> </blockquote> "What can you do to help so...,2009-03-02:2827019:Comment:4700 2009-03-02T19:55:00.210Z Jesus Cries "<b>What can you do to help soothe the process of transmutation syndrome? Balance yourself, ground yourself and work towards developing the abilities of self-healing. If you require more immediate attention, look towards receiving energy healing and balancing from an expert healer.</b>"<br /> <br /> I really like this part.<br /> <br /> HE is clearly trying to sell himself on his self-proclaimed "expert healer" status.<br /> <br /> what a joke. "<b>What can you do to help soothe the process of transmutation syndrome? Balance yourself, ground yourself and work towards developing the abilities of self-healing. If you require more immediate attention, look towards receiving energy healing and balancing from an expert healer.</b>"<br /> <br /> I really like this part.<br /> <br /> HE is clearly trying to sell himself on his self-proclaimed "expert healer" status.<br /> <br /> what a joke. LOL! Pre-Ascension syndrome...,2009-03-02:2827019:Comment:4672 2009-03-02T19:00:30.507Z DeusEx LOL! Pre-Ascension syndrome? Well damn, I better buy my kool-aid now before it's too late LOL! Pre-Ascension syndrome? Well damn, I better buy my kool-aid now before it's too late