SOE - OMG the sky is falling! - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T22:01:56Z It's actually pretty intere...,2009-07-05:2827019:Comment:20835 2009-07-05T01:23:47.390Z Stephen Bates It's actually pretty interesting though. Even though the conclusion came through examination of a recently discovered crop formation, I gotta say their analysis is pretty interesting and who knows, it may happen, considering that NASA did say (I forget where) that a sunspot was forming, so who knows<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> It's actually pretty interesting though. Even though the conclusion came through examination of a recently discovered crop formation, I gotta say their analysis is pretty interesting and who knows, it may happen, considering that NASA did say (I forget where) that a sunspot was forming, so who knows<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> I have to confess.... it's ...,2009-07-05:2827019:Comment:20833 2009-07-05T01:14:55.239Z Apocolypstick I have to confess.... it's shit like this that makes me miss SOE with all my little heart.<br /> <br /> It brought many lulz, and will forever be in my memory. I have to confess.... it's shit like this that makes me miss SOE with all my little heart.<br /> <br /> It brought many lulz, and will forever be in my memory. I have been hearing talk of...,2009-07-03:2827019:Comment:20740 2009-07-03T19:44:14.024Z Stephen Bates I have been hearing talk of a CME elsewhere. In Huber's circle everyone is talking about July 7th as an important date. Meh. I have been hearing talk of a CME elsewhere. In Huber's circle everyone is talking about July 7th as an important date. Meh. also brads latest obsession...,2009-07-03:2827019:Comment:20738 2009-07-03T19:42:11.792Z ilikepies also brads latest obsession is all about "exciting times are ahead! big changes are coming! soon the economic system will crumble and i wont have to deal with the fact that im a broke retarded wife beater, and the aliens will declare me officially the next zac efron, tra la la" he's always just automatically assumed that any events like this are "actually positive guyzz" and the only bad event he wants is the economic collapse which would put the world in turmoil because it benefits HIS broke as&hellip; also brads latest obsession is all about "exciting times are ahead! big changes are coming! soon the economic system will crumble and i wont have to deal with the fact that im a broke retarded wife beater, and the aliens will declare me officially the next zac efron, tra la la" he's always just automatically assumed that any events like this are "actually positive guyzz" and the only bad event he wants is the economic collapse which would put the world in turmoil because it benefits HIS broke ass. Really you can see right through Brad, how many times is it gonna take of him constantly saying "this is it guys, big times coming ahead, a big event is happening, just a little longer, ooh its so exciting, its fun ignoring how much of a failure as a human i am" before he gets a real fucking clue<br /> <br /> As for this giant planet size thing I guess i'll have to look into it more before i decide, i guess shit crashing into the sun would be pretty wild, i assume if its a real credible threat we'd start hearin about it in more mainstream news, unless of course you think the media wont report on it cause "ooh the illuminati want the sun to be destroyed cause they have special sundestroyed hats to wear that protect thaem"