Step Right up Folks! - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T01:02:23Z LMAO great entries guys. I ...,2009-06-28:2827019:Comment:20355 2009-06-28T13:16:51.956Z Jesus Cries LMAO great entries guys. I would write my own but i'm too busy LMAO. All great submissions but I think Ben takes the caek.<br /> <br /> “hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, alloooooooow yourself to purchos…no, purcheese, no….eh, by dis book!”<br /> - Clinton Doherty.<br /> <br /> XD!! that is GOLD LMAO great entries guys. I would write my own but i'm too busy LMAO. All great submissions but I think Ben takes the caek.<br /> <br /> “hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, alloooooooow yourself to purchos…no, purcheese, no….eh, by dis book!”<br /> - Clinton Doherty.<br /> <br /> XD!! that is GOLD SOME GREAT SUBMISSIONS GUIS...,2009-06-27:2827019:Comment:20287 2009-06-27T04:59:23.377Z Tab SOME GREAT SUBMISSIONS GUISE<br /> <br /> Just to show you I'm not messing around in this game I'm gonna show you the prize:<br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="*BcARm13gLVtoKZwG1yqRRwWp/win.jpg" alt="" width="410" height="347"/></p> <br /> THERE CAN ONLY BE 1 WINNER<br /> <br /> Namaste<br /> Love &amp; Light SOME GREAT SUBMISSIONS GUISE<br /> <br /> Just to show you I'm not messing around in this game I'm gonna show you the prize:<br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="*BcARm13gLVtoKZwG1yqRRwWp/win.jpg" alt="" width="410" height="347"/></p> <br /> THERE CAN ONLY BE 1 WINNER<br /> <br /> Namaste<br /> Love &amp; Light haha "Learn how to quickly...,2009-06-27:2827019:Comment:20284 2009-06-27T03:45:35.062Z ilikepies haha<br /> <br /> "Learn how to quickly jolt down an e-book in a few hours so you can move on to something that’s more fun, like making a trailer for your e-book."<br /> <br /> and<br /> <br /> “Statistics show that this book will be very popular”<br /> <br /> <br /> both made me lol haha<br /> <br /> "Learn how to quickly jolt down an e-book in a few hours so you can move on to something that’s more fun, like making a trailer for your e-book."<br /> <br /> and<br /> <br /> “Statistics show that this book will be very popular”<br /> <br /> <br /> both made me lol Resonating Resonance Writte...,2009-06-27:2827019:Comment:20281 2009-06-27T02:20:52.964Z Ben <b>Resonating Resonance</b><br /> Written by Brad Johnson and the cat people from Regal 9<br /> CHAPTERS<br /> 1. <b>How to dodge responsibility and protect yourself from the scary adult world.</b><br /> In this chapter, I will teach you how to fool yourself into actually believing that you’re a webpeneur, actor, screenwriter, game designer, cartoonist, or the fastest accelerated psychic in the world (these are examples and please note that the titles ‘webpeneur’ and ‘fastest accelerated psychic in the world’ are alrea&hellip; <b>Resonating Resonance</b><br /> Written by Brad Johnson and the cat people from Regal 9<br /> CHAPTERS<br /> 1. <b>How to dodge responsibility and protect yourself from the scary adult world.</b><br /> In this chapter, I will teach you how to fool yourself into actually believing that you’re a webpeneur, actor, screenwriter, game designer, cartoonist, or the fastest accelerated psychic in the world (these are examples and please note that the titles ‘webpeneur’ and ‘fastest accelerated psychic in the world’ are already taken)<br /> 2. <b>Live Free!</b><br /> Fuck society, jobs, television, bills, and newspapers. Leave all that modern deceitful baggage behind and enjoy living in nature! This chapter also contains a handy listing of every internet café and Starbucks in Northern America, Canada, and Alaska.<br /> 3. <b>How to fake popularity.</b><br /> This chapter explains to you, in the simplest of terms, how to create multiple accounts on social networks so you can favorite your own postings and give them five star ratings. No-one with an IQ of higher than 90 will see through it, guaranteed!<br /> 4. <b>Prophecies.</b><br /> How to make a prophecy and come up with excuses when it doesn’t come true. This chapter includes copy pasted Wikipedia entries on hundreds of prophecies that didn’t come to pass and the excuses that were made afterwards (including such classics as “wrong date”, “wrong calendar”, and “we weren’t ready yet”).<br /> 5. <b>Wordpad, wondrous wordpad</b><br /> Microsoft Office and spell check are for fagbags. Besides, it sucks having to work hard! Learn how to quickly jolt down an e-book in a few hours so you can move on to something that’s more fun, like making a trailer for your e-book. My tips include: slowing down your voice so it sounds like Don Fontaine’s and adding ridiculously dramatic music stolen from movies and video games.<br /> 6. <b>How to recruit watchdogs</b><br /> Because, really, you need someone who’ll let you get away with murder and is willing to delete posts and accounts of people who start asking difficult questions<br /> 7. <b>Steal!</b><br /> Coming up with original ideas requires talent and hard work! Learn how repeating stuff you found on youtube or Wikipedia makes you an expert on any given subject.<br /> 8. <b>How to open a PayPal account</b><br /> Because you can at least try to charge people.<br /> 9. <b>You can do no wrong!</b><br /> It’s always other people who are wrong. This chapter contains self-empowering mantras such as “I’m not listening I’m not listening I’m not listening I’m not listening I’m not listening I’m not listening” and “fuck you!<br /> fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! fuck you!”<br /> <br /> Praise for Resonating Resonance<br /> <br /> “hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, alloooooooow yourself to purchos…no, purcheese, no….eh, by dis book!”<br /> - Clinton Doherty.<br /> “It’s a lovely book, bra! : ) : ) : )”<br /> - Besimi the Greek<br /> “Statistics show that this book will be very popular”<br /> - Tony Balony Chapter XXX: Astral sex and...,2009-06-26:2827019:Comment:20277 2009-06-26T23:29:12.765Z DeusEx Chapter XXX: Astral sex and remote boob viewing<br /> <br /> <cite>Twilight_Child said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A20265&amp;x=1#2827019Comment20273"><div>Chapter !: Adroniis and breasts- Perving on them and growing them DIY workshop.</div> </blockquote> Chapter XXX: Astral sex and remote boob viewing<br /> <br /> <cite>Twilight_Child said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A20265&amp;x=1#2827019Comment20273"><div>Chapter !: Adroniis and breasts- Perving on them and growing them DIY workshop.</div> </blockquote> Oh damn, yeah how could I f...,2009-06-26:2827019:Comment:20276 2009-06-26T23:28:31.238Z DeusEx Oh damn, yeah how could I forget one of Brad's most defining things! :P<br /> <br /> Chapter 10: The 5th McD - Ascending faster through fast food<br /> <br /> <cite>Choshu said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A20265&amp;x=1#2827019Comment20265"><div>you forgot about the chapter on whoppers VS big macs VS organic/natural whole foods....<br/> <br/> or big macs the official food of the accended.<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/></div> </blockquote>&hellip; Oh damn, yeah how could I forget one of Brad's most defining things! :P<br /> <br /> Chapter 10: The 5th McD - Ascending faster through fast food<br /> <br /> <cite>Choshu said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A20265&amp;x=1#2827019Comment20265"><div>you forgot about the chapter on whoppers VS big macs VS organic/natural whole foods....<br/> <br/> or big macs the official food of the accended.<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> or some shit like that.</div> </blockquote> Chapter !: Adroniis and bre...,2009-06-26:2827019:Comment:20273 2009-06-26T23:00:42.524Z Twilight_Child Chapter !: Adroniis and breasts- Perving on them and growing them DIY workshop. Chapter !: Adroniis and breasts- Perving on them and growing them DIY workshop. you forgot about the chapte...,2009-06-26:2827019:Comment:20265 2009-06-26T22:51:11.530Z Choshu you forgot about the chapter on whoppers VS big macs VS organic/natural whole foods....<br /> <br /> or big macs the official food of the accended.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> or some shit like that. you forgot about the chapter on whoppers VS big macs VS organic/natural whole foods....<br /> <br /> or big macs the official food of the accended.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> or some shit like that. Adronis and Me...and also Y...,2009-06-26:2827019:Comment:20231 2009-06-26T20:12:16.902Z DeusEx Adronis and Me...and also You<br /> <br /> Table of Contents<br /> Foreword by Brad Johnson (where he thanks his latest internet soulmate which will be outdated in less than one week)<br /> <br /> 1. In the beginning there was Brad Johnson - From zero to hero<br /> 2. Acceleration: How fast is too fast?<br /> 3. Abundance - We all need benjamins. Quick and easy ways to get suckers to give you money<br /> 4. Soulmates - Gotta catch them all<br /> 5. The Internet - Source of all knowledge and truth<br /> 6. Pyramids - The stargate awaits<br /> 7. Skeptics - How&hellip; Adronis and Me...and also You<br /> <br /> Table of Contents<br /> Foreword by Brad Johnson (where he thanks his latest internet soulmate which will be outdated in less than one week)<br /> <br /> 1. In the beginning there was Brad Johnson - From zero to hero<br /> 2. Acceleration: How fast is too fast?<br /> 3. Abundance - We all need benjamins. Quick and easy ways to get suckers to give you money<br /> 4. Soulmates - Gotta catch them all<br /> 5. The Internet - Source of all knowledge and truth<br /> 6. Pyramids - The stargate awaits<br /> 7. Skeptics - How to keep defeat your enemies by calling them fags and ignoring them<br /> 8. Lyra - Adronis confirms that all the information stolen from Alex Collier true<br /> 9. Donations - Thanks for supporting my passion i.e. ripping stupid people off TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword...,2009-06-26:2827019:Comment:20229 2009-06-26T19:49:25.393Z james_uk TABLE OF CONTENTS<br /> <br /> Foreword by BRAD JOHNSON<br /> <br /> 1- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> 2- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON<br /> 3- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> 4- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> 5- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> <br /> Rinse and repeat............... TABLE OF CONTENTS<br /> <br /> Foreword by BRAD JOHNSON<br /> <br /> 1- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> 2- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON<br /> 3- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> 4- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> 5- BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on Brad JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON on BRAD JOHNSON<br /> <br /> Rinse and repeat...............