The IIG $50,000 Challenge - Thanks to Trudy from SOE for this great find - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-06T20:56:06Z guys COME ON
Also guys COME ON<br />
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What these scientists forget to take into account here is the LOVE. You can't measure psychic powers without measuring the LOVE.
Also guys COME ON<br />
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What these scientists forget to take into account here is the LOVE. You can't measure psychic powers without measuring the LOVE. I'd pay to watch Trudy and,2009-08-01:2827019:Comment:229602009-08-01T20:52:07.749ZTab
I'd pay to watch Trudy and Simone Mud wrestle.
I'd pay to watch Trudy and Simone Mud wrestle. Simone tries to continue,2009-08-01:2827019:Comment:229522009-08-01T20:30:47.675ZDeusEx
Simone tries to continue the New Age disinfo by pointing Trudy over to <a href=""></a> Trudy correctly determines that Simone sent a link that cannot be correlated to the paranormal and what the IIG wants to test.<p style="text-align: left;"></p>…
Simone tries to continue the New Age disinfo by pointing Trudy over to <a href=""></a> Trudy correctly determines that Simone sent a link that cannot be correlated to the paranormal and what the IIG wants to test.<p style="text-align: left;"><img src="*Dyle1xawtmJNo*IZkaTRvmX1zZKLjMgSlpDA2Pm-oZ/Simone5.png" alt="" width="736" height="313"/></p>
Of course, Simone cannot admit her mistake and instead posts a link to another Radin video which still does not address the IIG or JREG Challenges. Maybe she thinks she can keep Trudy busy by linking her to hours of YouTube videos lol OMG LS YOU'VE GOT POWERS!!!,2009-08-01:2827019:Comment:229482009-08-01T17:55:31.737ZLinda
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<cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Oh snap! Move over Simone!<br/> <br/><p style="text-align: left;"><a href="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png"></a></p>
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<cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Oh snap! Move over Simone!<br/> <br/>
<p style="text-align: left;"><a href="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png"><img src="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png" alt="" width="1292" height="485"/></a></p>
I'm now starting to understand her "2.8 to 1." Here's what showed on my screen when I finished the test:<br/>
"The odds against chance of getting 28 hits or more in 100 trials is about 28.3 to 1."<br/>
I think she moved a decimal point and misrepresented the statistic.</div>
</blockquote> Oh snap! Move over Simone!,2009-08-01:2827019:Comment:229472009-08-01T16:49:09.651ZLeavingSOE
Oh snap! Move over Simone!<br />
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<p style="text-align: left;"><a href="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png"><img src="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png" alt="" width="1292" height="485"/></a></p>
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I'm now starting to understand her "2.8 to 1." Here's what showed on my screen when I finished the tes…
Oh snap! Move over Simone!<br />
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<p style="text-align: left;"><a href="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png"><img src="*32abIRNlDlwJ8D22uCEo0LAPJ3CQmrWu9Jc2IpKdn4AuluZp8F0P1MqkUl1XxTJgzVtm/halloffame.png" alt="" width="1292" height="485"/></a></p>
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I'm now starting to understand her "2.8 to 1." Here's what showed on my screen when I finished the test:<br />
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"The odds against chance of getting 28 hits or more in 100 trials is about 28.3 to 1."<br />
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I think she moved a decimal point and misrepresented the statistic. There's nothing BIAS about,2009-08-01:2827019:Comment:229442009-08-01T16:32:13.773Zilikepies
There's nothing BIAS about these kinds of tests, its all about putting shit under PROPER OBSERVABLE CONDITIONS. However, usual badass cool guys like James Randi already know exactley how your pulling off your fake paranormal powers and can devise a test around that.<br />
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So when some douchebag with a stupid haircut goes around claiming he can move a phone book page using his mind James Randi knows this idiot is just blowing on it to make it move so he puts down some foam shit that will react violent…
There's nothing BIAS about these kinds of tests, its all about putting shit under PROPER OBSERVABLE CONDITIONS. However, usual badass cool guys like James Randi already know exactley how your pulling off your fake paranormal powers and can devise a test around that.<br />
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So when some douchebag with a stupid haircut goes around claiming he can move a phone book page using his mind James Randi knows this idiot is just blowing on it to make it move so he puts down some foam shit that will react violently to any air flow and invites the guy to try again. Of course the guy dosen't try it, he knows Randi is on to him so he makes some excuse and whines for a bit trying to demonstrate how the foam is messing up his psychic powers and in the end he never even attempts his shit with the air foam down.<br />
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This man later admitted that YES INDEED, he was just blowing on shit to make it move, he admitted that he got off on the fact that he was fooling people, how he practiced and got so good at using his breath in a way that people didnt notice, but the foam would notice, randi knew this, randi owned him<br />
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So dear Simone, what part of this test is biased? Do you think it would be more fair is james randi just wasnt such a big meanie and let this douche bag continue to tell people he could move things with his mind because its not nice to prove that people are lying? It's maddening to me when people are so gung ho about claiming the existance of psychic powers but then run and hide from anything that tests the validity of those powers. I'm sure you'd all still like to be 4 years old like brad going around playing jehova's witness power rangers pretending laser beams are shooting from your hands but at a certain time you have to grow up and realize there is NO SUCH THING AS MAGICAL FUCKING POWERS It's really a surprise to,2009-08-01:2827019:Comment:229422009-08-01T16:26:52.135ZLeavingSOE
It's really a surprise to see this posted on SOE. Well done, Trudy!<br />
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As for Simone, I don't think she realizes how close she was to the the probable number of cards she would get right by chance alone (she got 3 over the expected 20). I suspect the more rounds she plays (100 is really not that much), the more she would converge to the probable 20%. I also don't know how in the hell she got "2.8 to 1". Her performance was 3.35:1, but who knows what she was referring to.<br />
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In any case, none of that…
It's really a surprise to see this posted on SOE. Well done, Trudy!<br />
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As for Simone, I don't think she realizes how close she was to the the probable number of cards she would get right by chance alone (she got 3 over the expected 20). I suspect the more rounds she plays (100 is really not that much), the more she would converge to the probable 20%. I also don't know how in the hell she got "2.8 to 1". Her performance was 3.35:1, but who knows what she was referring to.<br />
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In any case, none of that will keep Simone from bragging about her ESP-Power ("hall of fame" lol). Simone, you're a good example of why the Psi discipline can gain no credibility. Fuck controls! Simone made the hall of fame! Let's give her a cookie!