Tony's temporary SOE ban - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T00:45:39Z I am so out of the loop! LO...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17727 2009-05-27T11:09:47.332Z Ozone I am so out of the loop! LOL I had no idea that Kerry had exposed Brad on SOE. Is that correct? If so, bwahahahahaha!<br /> <br /> I can't believe that Tony thinks there is even a possibility of a hacker being to blame. Why would a hacker even bother?<br /> <br /> Where is that popcorn icon? ;-) I am so out of the loop! LOL I had no idea that Kerry had exposed Brad on SOE. Is that correct? If so, bwahahahahaha!<br /> <br /> I can't believe that Tony thinks there is even a possibility of a hacker being to blame. Why would a hacker even bother?<br /> <br /> Where is that popcorn icon? ;-) Whatever Tony. LALALA HAPPY...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17722 2009-05-27T08:04:07.985Z Tab Whatever Tony. LALALA HAPPY THOUGHTS LOVE AND LIGHT LALALALALALALA.<br /> <br /> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A17718&amp;x=1#2827019Comment17718"><div><p style="text-align: left;"><a class="noborder" href="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> </blockquote>&hellip; Whatever Tony. LALALA HAPPY THOUGHTS LOVE AND LIGHT LALALALALALALA.<br /> <br /> <cite>LeavingSOE said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A17718&amp;x=1#2827019Comment17718"><div><p style="text-align: left;"><a class="noborder" href="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" target="_blank"><img src="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" alt="" height="367" width="734"/></a></p> </div> </blockquote>,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17718 2009-05-27T07:43:38.944Z LeavingSOE <p style="text-align: left;"><a class="noborder" href="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" target="_blank"><img src="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" alt="" width="734" height="367"/></a></p> <p style="text-align: left;"><a class="noborder" href="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" target="_blank"><img src="*ympWokphgoByewm7nuZvTsp9q4IjrcC*eIFMrlWTWuiPA*D64QVBUPoGxVWo5SCaZj171*qv7yvoek/toughguy.JPG" alt="" width="734" height="367"/></a></p> What a silly move, I'm will...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17713 2009-05-27T07:25:01.327Z ParadigmShift What a silly move, I'm willing to bet 100 to 1 that anyone on SOE who came across that post will pretend that they never read it. I had forgotten they only stand up to <i>imaginary</i> oppressors.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=2#2827019Comment17711"><div>Mr Ballsack is feeling revolutionary! GO SOE YOU CAN DO IT! I'm cheering for you guys!</div> </blockquote> What a silly move, I'm willing to bet 100 to 1 that anyone on SOE who came across that post will pretend that they never read it. I had forgotten they only stand up to <i>imaginary</i> oppressors.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=2#2827019Comment17711"><div>Mr Ballsack is feeling revolutionary! GO SOE YOU CAN DO IT! I'm cheering for you guys!</div> </blockquote> Mr Ballsack is feeling revo...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17711 2009-05-27T07:14:08.728Z ParadigmShift Mr Ballsack is feeling revolutionary! GO SOE YOU CAN DO IT! I'm cheering for you guys!<br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="" width="1068" height="520"/></p> Mr Ballsack is feeling revolutionary! GO SOE YOU CAN DO IT! I'm cheering for you guys!<br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="" width="1068" height="520"/></p> LOL, Para FTW :P ParadigmS...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17705 2009-05-27T07:04:20.363Z DeusEx LOL, Para FTW :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A17697&amp;x=1#2827019Comment17700"><div>ROFL poor Yugana, the fate of the martyr awaited her. It was up for a good few minutes though, and it gave me an idea.<br/> <br/> <cite>ParadigmShift said:<br/> <br/> Yugana with the save. Quick Tony do something, your prized vat of warm Brad shit is seeping through the cra</cite></div> </blockquote>&hellip; LOL, Para FTW :P<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A17697&amp;x=1#2827019Comment17700"><div>ROFL poor Yugana, the fate of the martyr awaited her. It was up for a good few minutes though, and it gave me an idea.<br/> <br/> <cite>ParadigmShift said:<br/> <br/> Yugana with the save. Quick Tony do something, your prized vat of warm Brad shit is seeping through the cracks again!</cite></div> </blockquote> ROFL poor Yugana, the fate ...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17700 2009-05-27T07:02:25.912Z ParadigmShift ROFL poor Yugana, the fate of the martyr awaited her. It was up for a good few minutes though, and it gave me an idea.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:<br /> <br /> Yugana with the save. Quick Tony do something, your prized vat of warm Brad shit is seeping through the cracks again!</cite> ROFL poor Yugana, the fate of the martyr awaited her. It was up for a good few minutes though, and it gave me an idea.<br /> <br /> <cite>ParadigmShift said:<br /> <br /> Yugana with the save. Quick Tony do something, your prized vat of warm Brad shit is seeping through the cracks again!</cite> Yugana with the save. Qui...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17697 2009-05-27T06:53:32.867Z ParadigmShift <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="*vgduOCS5DnlF5fqi0IkwiOpPz*671wNwDlyN6YPX1*WXYvRZs2AUwem6RVoJTb31Z5PVHs4DYfYqYCxnGiCRnB/untitled.JPG" alt="" width="1064" height="535"/></p> <br /> Yugana with the save. Quick Tony do something, your prized vat of warm Brad shit is seeping through the cracks again! <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="*vgduOCS5DnlF5fqi0IkwiOpPz*671wNwDlyN6YPX1*WXYvRZs2AUwem6RVoJTb31Z5PVHs4DYfYqYCxnGiCRnB/untitled.JPG" alt="" width="1064" height="535"/></p> <br /> Yugana with the save. Quick Tony do something, your prized vat of warm Brad shit is seeping through the cracks again! BWAHAHAHA DeusEx said:Tony...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17690 2009-05-27T05:22:22.820Z Tab BWAHAHAHA<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A17686&amp;x=1#2827019Comment17688"><div>Tony must be crying right now. The world's largest collection of chemtrail media is now lost.</div> </blockquote> BWAHAHAHA<br /> <br /> <cite>DeusEx said:</cite><blockquote cite=";commentId=2827019%3AComment%3A17686&amp;x=1#2827019Comment17688"><div>Tony must be crying right now. The world's largest collection of chemtrail media is now lost.</div> </blockquote> Tony must be crying right n...,2009-05-27:2827019:Comment:17688 2009-05-27T05:21:42.577Z DeusEx Tony must be crying right now. The world's largest collection of chemtrail media is now lost. Tony must be crying right now. The world's largest collection of chemtrail media is now lost.