Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-07T02:23:09Z LeavingSOE Never Be Ill Again,2009-05-09:2827019:Topic:14717 2009-05-09T11:58:56.528Z LeavingSOE <b>@ Tony - A Repost</b><br /> <br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> <br /> <b>I kindly ask any SOE members watching this site to please look at this post. Can you see the danger here? Can you see the danger in the following?</b><br /> <br /> 10:50pmBrad Johnson those who want to ascend will<br /> 10:50pmBrad Johnson those who don't, who want to remain in a low vibration will pret&hellip; <b>@ Tony - A Repost</b><br /> <br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> <br /> <b>I kindly ask any SOE members watching this site to please look at this post. Can you see the danger here? Can you see the danger in the following?</b><br /> <br /> 10:50pmBrad Johnson those who want to ascend will<br /> 10:50pmBrad Johnson those who don't, who want to remain in a low vibration will pretty much end up killing themselves off<br /> 10:50pmMischa do your mom and sister want to ascend, bloodshot?<br /> 10:50pmBrad Johnson like throuigh a fatal disease or a car crash, etc<br /> 10:51pmRe-Frect-Sharam lol hey brad i just read your post arileigh. it's the same for me kinda, i have no idea what to ask or talk about, since all the info I need is already within me ;]<br /> 10:51pmBrad Johnson mainly souls who need to have an experience of disaster that aren't prepared yet<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Can you see the danger in this when you also have grandiose statements confirming his being the highest human authority like the following?</b><br /> <br /> 11:23pmBrad Johnson I've just greatly accelerated. And don't worry, I don't expect that out of anybody<br /> 11:23pmBrad Johnson as I'm the only person on this planet that has accelerated as fast as I have.<br /> 11:24pmBrad Johnson In accordance to Clinton, and several others' confirmation<br /> <br /> <b>Please tell me you can look at this and think that SOE is just a place for people with like interests to bond.</b><br /> <br /> <b>@ Tony - Still think Brad is a harmless SOE member?</b>