Comments - Swine Flu - ZOMG - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T23:07:51Z Primary Weapon: Combine Pul...,2009-04-30:2827019:Comment:13505 2009-04-30T21:14:24.483Z Jesus Cries Primary Weapon: Combine Pulse Rifle<br /> Secondary Weapon: gravity gun<br /> Vehicle: hover mobile<br /> Armor: 200<br /> Battle Anthem: USSR national anthem<br /> Sidekick: barney<br /> Stronghold: ???<br /> Location: ¿¿¿<br /> Last Words: we all gotta leave here sooner or later Primary Weapon: Combine Pulse Rifle<br /> Secondary Weapon: gravity gun<br /> Vehicle: hover mobile<br /> Armor: 200<br /> Battle Anthem: USSR national anthem<br /> Sidekick: barney<br /> Stronghold: ???<br /> Location: ¿¿¿<br /> Last Words: we all gotta leave here sooner or later LOL. Primary Weapon: Boomb...,2009-04-30:2827019:Comment:13504 2009-04-30T21:13:03.080Z Ozone LOL.<br /> <br /> Primary Weapon: Boombox blaring Brad's latest channeling session<br /> Secondary Weapon: Brad in person<br /> Vehicle: James Bond's underwater Lotus<br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> Armor: Samus' gear<br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> Battle Anthem: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src=";hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <br /> Sidekick: The Mario Brothers. If they can handle King Koopa and Donkey Kong...<br /> <p style="text-align:left"></p>&hellip; LOL.<br /> <br /> Primary Weapon: Boombox blaring Brad's latest channeling session<br /> Secondary Weapon: Brad in person<br /> Vehicle: James Bond's underwater Lotus<br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> Armor: Samus' gear<br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> Battle Anthem: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src=";hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <br /> Sidekick: The Mario Brothers. If they can handle King Koopa and Donkey Kong...<br /> <p style="text-align:left"><img src=""/></p> Stronghold: Toys R Us - F**k it, I'm not ashamed to admit I love that store!<br /> Location: See above<br /> Last Words: At least I'm not Brad.............! Primary Weapon: Glock 17 Se...,2009-04-30:2827019:Comment:13500 2009-04-30T21:00:09.911Z james_uk Primary Weapon: Glock 17<br /> Secondary Weapon: Spas 12 Shotgun<br /> Vehicle: Solar Powered Robinson R22 Beta II (No fuel so solar power is best bet)<br /> Armor: None<br /> Battle Anthem: He's a pirate (Pirates of the Carribean)<br /> Sidekick: None<br /> Stronghold: Remnants of Brads Fuhrer bunker<br /> Location: Victoria, Canada<br /> Last Words: Ascend this motherfucker! ***Boom Headshot!!!*** Primary Weapon: Glock 17<br /> Secondary Weapon: Spas 12 Shotgun<br /> Vehicle: Solar Powered Robinson R22 Beta II (No fuel so solar power is best bet)<br /> Armor: None<br /> Battle Anthem: He's a pirate (Pirates of the Carribean)<br /> Sidekick: None<br /> Stronghold: Remnants of Brads Fuhrer bunker<br /> Location: Victoria, Canada<br /> Last Words: Ascend this motherfucker! ***Boom Headshot!!!*** Primary Weapon: Katana Seco...,2009-04-30:2827019:Comment:13499 2009-04-30T20:55:20.999Z DeusEx Primary Weapon: Katana<br /> Secondary Weapon: Wakizashi<br /> Vehicle: None (Since public transportation is probably down)<br /> Armor: Similar to my avatar pic<br /> Battle Anthem: Blessed by Synth-Etik<br /> Sidekick: Zombiefied Tony - He sticks to his man no matter what!<br /> Stronghold: The Internet - Seems to keep all the loons safe so why not me?<br /> Location: California<br /> Last Words: THE DARKNESS IS GONE! ASCEND NOW! Primary Weapon: Katana<br /> Secondary Weapon: Wakizashi<br /> Vehicle: None (Since public transportation is probably down)<br /> Armor: Similar to my avatar pic<br /> Battle Anthem: Blessed by Synth-Etik<br /> Sidekick: Zombiefied Tony - He sticks to his man no matter what!<br /> Stronghold: The Internet - Seems to keep all the loons safe so why not me?<br /> Location: California<br /> Last Words: THE DARKNESS IS GONE! ASCEND NOW! omfg its just a matter of t...,2009-04-30:2827019:Comment:13495 2009-04-30T20:32:57.020Z ilikepies omfg its just a matter of time before the infected will take to the streets in search of human flesh, prepare your swine flu apocalypse survival kits now!<br /> <br /> Primary Weapon:<br /> Secondary Weapon:<br /> Vehicle:<br /> Armor:<br /> Battle Anthem:<br /> Sidekick:<br /> Stronghold:<br /> Location:<br /> Last Words: omfg its just a matter of time before the infected will take to the streets in search of human flesh, prepare your swine flu apocalypse survival kits now!<br /> <br /> Primary Weapon:<br /> Secondary Weapon:<br /> Vehicle:<br /> Armor:<br /> Battle Anthem:<br /> Sidekick:<br /> Stronghold:<br /> Location:<br /> Last Words: