Teddycool's Posts - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T19:49:16Z teddycool http://saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com/profiles/blog/feed?user=1zf3wxragqdgr&xn_auth=no Alex Jones becomes a super sayian tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-08-03:2827019:BlogPost:23064 2009-08-03T00:41:43.752Z teddycool <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LhqUk28OwHs&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LhqUk28OwHs&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LhqUk28OwHs&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LhqUk28OwHs&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Sleep Paralysis tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-07-21:2827019:BlogPost:21901 2009-07-21T00:54:52.577Z teddycool A few nights ago when I woke up from a dream, I was unable to move my body and cound't evem say a word, as if I was paralize. As i was laying i still hear my the sounds from my dreams, but then 10 secs later I got control of my body. After this terrifying phenomenom, i thought about through the day, i thought it felt like an out of body experience.I began to search it up, hoping that i would get some anwsers. I then checked a video called sleep paralysis and found what i was looking for. anyways&hellip; A few nights ago when I woke up from a dream, I was unable to move my body and cound't evem say a word, as if I was paralize. As i was laying i still hear my the sounds from my dreams, but then 10 secs later I got control of my body. After this terrifying phenomenom, i thought about through the day, i thought it felt like an out of body experience.I began to search it up, hoping that i would get some anwsers. I then checked a video called sleep paralysis and found what i was looking for. anyways, this was a terrifyong real phenomenom that i exp[erienced. If you experience sleep paralysis, please feel free to share. Conficker Virus on April Fool's Day? tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-03-31:2827019:BlogPost:9668 2009-03-31T23:32:14.855Z teddycool For people who may not be aware there are reports of a conficker virus or worm set to awaken and seriously cause a havok on millions of pcs on April 1st 2009. The 1st of April will be when it becomes active and spread worldwide.<br /> Anyone out there making any bets as to whether this will be real or a scaremongering hoax?<br /> <br /> <br /> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PbfzkGDwrFA&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PbfzkGDwrFA&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>&hellip; For people who may not be aware there are reports of a conficker virus or worm set to awaken and seriously cause a havok on millions of pcs on April 1st 2009. The 1st of April will be when it becomes active and spread worldwide.<br /> Anyone out there making any bets as to whether this will be real or a scaremongering hoax?<br /> <br /> <br /> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PbfzkGDwrFA&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PbfzkGDwrFA&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <br /> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PbfzkGDwrFA&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PbfzkGDwrFA&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Strange Dream tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-03-16:2827019:BlogPost:7296 2009-03-16T03:02:47.805Z teddycool I thought of keeping this moment to myself as a personal thing. but this moment was so strange I just feel the need to share it regardless of how nonsense or childish it may be. It was not long ago when I thought to myself that I wanted to experience lucid dreaming to experience the possibilities, and since thought is a tool of manifestation and operates in the present. I had many thoughts of past life times and moments, and how it would be a pleasure to experience and relive them. It surprising&hellip; I thought of keeping this moment to myself as a personal thing. but this moment was so strange I just feel the need to share it regardless of how nonsense or childish it may be. It was not long ago when I thought to myself that I wanted to experience lucid dreaming to experience the possibilities, and since thought is a tool of manifestation and operates in the present. I had many thoughts of past life times and moments, and how it would be a pleasure to experience and relive them. It surprising came true to me in my dreams, and came true time and time again in my dreams. Now I will began to share something strange. Let me begin by saying this happen after i woke up from my dream. This strange thing happen just a few days ago. What was the dream about? I not exactly sure but I remember how my dream ended when I woke up. What happened in my dream? I was walking through a open door and suddenly a scence of porn poped up infront of my eyes I had no control over my body, as i was watching, it lasted for about 3 minutes as i feel my private responding while I was dreaming. Then when I couldn't take it anymore, I woke up and found out sperm was all over my short. I guess I can say it this way, "I jizzed in my pants" and I didn't have to masterbate. Strange right. really sounds like a joke but true story. To be honest, I masturbating has never been a habit to me. I have use the will power to regulate the mind from my desires. Message I was going to post on SoE tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-02-24:2827019:BlogPost:3418 2009-02-24T23:31:07.143Z teddycool This is a message to Brad and was suppose to be posted on SoE to see. But I changed my mind because I didn't want to have alot of members on SoE reacting and and going crazy. I just don't want to start breaking relationships with people on SoE. So I decided to post my message here, so Brad can check it himself. Let's hope no one creates a new account on SoE and post this message there.<br /> <br /> Hey Brad,<br /> <br /> We all have something in common, which is the perpetual quest for truth and love and understanding.&hellip; This is a message to Brad and was suppose to be posted on SoE to see. But I changed my mind because I didn't want to have alot of members on SoE reacting and and going crazy. I just don't want to start breaking relationships with people on SoE. So I decided to post my message here, so Brad can check it himself. Let's hope no one creates a new account on SoE and post this message there.<br /> <br /> Hey Brad,<br /> <br /> We all have something in common, which is the perpetual quest for truth and love and understanding. We are all beings of light experiencing life and learning knowledge of who we are and the truth to move to a spiritual path and mastering evolution rather than reincarnating into a different human where most aspect of our personality does not align with the next reincarnation into a different human body, which allows us to experience life.<br /> <br /> I see light and dark, but not really sure if the dark is really true in you. Your work is very inspiring and influencing. Your thoughtfulness and good intentions make you a good individual. But I am not sure if your teachings have some kind of cult. What you are about to read are my thoughts and my choice to speak my mind.<br /> <br /> After viewing your old channel about the game Grayshot and Cloverfield, I thought of the reasons why you would trick your subscribers in a game in which people thought you were bound and determine to finish. But only to turn out to fulfill the goal of earning money. Your love for famous, and anything associated with money by manipulating the people into this is pretty much the root of evil. I don’t think it’s totally evil. Because you’ve earned money without causing trouble or death. I also had a different view and more inspiring one, and that was the music of Thousand Foot Krutch which was combine with some of your videos I’ve watched. After hearing many of their music, the lyrics really touched me, it made me imagine resisting against the evil forces and overcoming them by being united and strong. Much like the fiction movies such as Invasion, I am Legend, Doomsday and defeating the future threat like the movies. Shows that your need for certain type of attention often draws out a manipulative nature in you. But now you put your effort in motivating people in building this community in which many share the same path to ascension, and this least to me rewards you money.<br /> <br /> Your lust for Miss Kerry has been importantly personal to you. It seems as if social life isn't important to you unless you gain something personally. There's nothing wrong about someone wanting one good thing happening to them, then why not embrace it with happiness instead of keeping it personal and safeguard what matters to you.<br /> <br /> When someone makes a discussion about something bad about you, you become quite temper and respond with less than friendly answers. At times, when an argument gets thrown to you, you can be friendly, or completely break down and use your negativity to drag them down. Your retaliation to situations may leave other people at a depressed state. Although this tends to give you a warrior's image, you forget to be in the path of light through the commitment and dedication of unconditional love. If you fail to darker thoughts, you can be manipulative and hurtful. Always remember there are few problems that can't be solved with anger.<br /> <br /> However, I do see love and light in you. Your best quality is your ability to sympathize with others. You listen to others problems and often are able to give advice. Your work has influence and woken many. I truly see your dedication for this community, and my respect goes to that. Deep down you do have light, like everyone.<br /> <br /> Finding information about cults and you made me a little skeptic. But I’m still open to what ever enlightening or new ideas you add to SoE. We all have the means to change our ways, one that resonates to our nature and heart. Aside from all of this, I am working myself to a spiritual path.<br /> <br /> You can't win war by arguments but you can clean in the light and love and then you will be able to win a war. Which war? The war with yourself, the war within, the war with the ego. My house is worth more than yours to my oil is better than yours to my land is better than yours - and the big one, my ideas are better than yours. And suddenly, you have WAR!<br /> <br /> No people, the only war you need to fight is the inner turmoil created by your ego. It's the ego that concentrates on the neighbour or on the enemy or on the person who is soon to be your enemy.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;"><embed style="width:435px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" allowscriptaccess="never" src="http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/mp3player_new.swf?config=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.profileplaylist.net%2Fext%2Fpc%2Fconfig_black_shuffle.xml&amp;mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;playlist_url=http://www.profileplaylist.net/loadplaylist.php?playlist=59619703&amp;t=1235518341" quality="high" width="435" height="270" name="mp3player" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed> <br/></div> Astralboi(Kerry's brother) questions and comments tag:saviorsofsaviorsofearth.ning.com,2009-02-22:2827019:BlogPost:2915 2009-02-22T02:40:27.197Z teddycool As I was going on SoE to check something, I was just on chat to see what was going on and surprisingly a member name Astralboi said he was Kerry's brother and came to speak about his sister's break up with her husband and kids.<br /> It's a shame that people have suffer like this. Is this what it's going to take for us to open our eyes?<br /> How many more must suffer, before we realise something must be done?<br /> <br /> At 5:00pm on February 21, 2009, astraboi said… just a question brad, you know my sister,<br /> formally&hellip; As I was going on SoE to check something, I was just on chat to see what was going on and surprisingly a member name Astralboi said he was Kerry's brother and came to speak about his sister's break up with her husband and kids.<br /> It's a shame that people have suffer like this. Is this what it's going to take for us to open our eyes?<br /> How many more must suffer, before we realise something must be done?<br /> <br /> At 5:00pm on February 21, 2009, astraboi said… just a question brad, you know my sister,<br /> formally miss kerry, i know you have been flirtin with her and she has fallen for the crap,<br /> she seems to have it in her head that she loves you and you love her, to the point of<br /> breakin up her marraige and having her husband move out with the kids, now if this isnt<br /> true then you best tell her because im not gonna have my sister loose everythin again, she<br /> cant go on believing everythin is gonna work out by spendin almost 20hrs a day infront of<br /> the pc chattin shite to you. something need to be done so that things can go back to<br /> normall and you need to be shown for who you really are. the best thing you can do is not<br /> talk to her and let her get back to her lovin family<br /> <br /> astraboi:<br /> read my post to brad http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profile/BradJohnson i hope people will<br /> understand what im trying to do here because i know she wouldnt break her marraige and<br /> loose her kids for nothin<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> well she seems to think she is in a proper relationship together<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> wat so its right for kerry to leave her husband and 2 young children becuse of beliefs of<br /> this site<br /> <br /> astraboi:<br /> sorry but it needs sortin out<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> well like i sayshe seems to think that brad loves her and to be honest i think its just a<br /> load of rubbish, this is why i want to know what he doing about it<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> ive left him a comment but nothin<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> hey brad, just want to are you happy that you have broken a marraige?? not being rude or<br /> nothin but this is my sister we are talkin about<br /> <br /> astraboi:<br /> y, i want this to be public, im not after a row, i just want the truth<br /> <br /> Brad Johnson:<br /> ok guys, i'm outta here.<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> pfft<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> thought he might go if i said somethin<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> ive read a load of chat logs between her and brad but he need to be told, i wont have my<br /> sisters family torn apart because of some jumped up scroat who thinks he cn just fob me off<br /> with crap like he did<br /> <br /> astraboi :<br /> right im out be back monday<br /> <br /> At 6:07pm on February 21, 2009, astraboi said… well to be honest i wont have you tearin my family apart, my brother-in-law is goin mad because of what you are doing, just leave her alone so she cn get back to normal life withe him and the kids