Comments - Testing out the contact us part of (Fake myspace chick edition) - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-06T20:40:43Z rolling from this.,2009-06-17:2827019:Comment:194232009-06-17T22:33:41.102ZLeavingSOE
Still rolling from this. Thanks for the lulz, James!
Still rolling from this. Thanks for the lulz, James! lol, test this out by,2009-06-16:2827019:Comment:193732009-06-16T21:37:18.325Zilikepies
lol, test this out by sending him a picture of someone whose been long dead, im sure he'll have some bullshit lame excuse lined up for how his apparent all knowing adronis seems to behave more like a bullshit new age huckster wannabe rather than an all knowing being from the future
lol, test this out by sending him a picture of someone whose been long dead, im sure he'll have some bullshit lame excuse lined up for how his apparent all knowing adronis seems to behave more like a bullshit new age huckster wannabe rather than an all knowing being from the future And DAYUM I might just,2009-06-16:2827019:Comment:193692009-06-16T20:13:49.505ZTab
And DAYUM I might just channel to that chick's pick as well brb
And DAYUM I might just channel to that chick's pick as well brb James I think I love you,2009-06-16:2827019:Comment:193652009-06-16T20:11:51.787ZTab
James I think I love you<br />
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James I think I love you<br />
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namaste Lol yeah. I mean if this,2009-06-16:2827019:Comment:193632009-06-16T19:40:46.028Zjames_uk
Lol yeah. I mean if this all hallowed Adronis being really is from the future then he would have fucking known I was going to dupe him from the beginning considering he's supposedly from the future. In other words Adronis is nothing more than a figment of Brads flawed broken imagination.
Lol yeah. I mean if this all hallowed Adronis being really is from the future then he would have fucking known I was going to dupe him from the beginning considering he's supposedly from the future. In other words Adronis is nothing more than a figment of Brads flawed broken imagination. Oh poor baby Adronis can't,2009-06-16:2827019:Comment:193612009-06-16T19:27:17.507ZDeusEx
Oh poor baby Adronis can't tell when he is being duped? You think a being from the future would be able to know when he was being had and would know to follow the proper etiquette of channeling. Brad really sucks at this but you know he's just human and everyone makes a mistake, right? right? right? Maybe if he wasn't too busy whacking to her picture he would have figured it all out...NOT
Oh poor baby Adronis can't tell when he is being duped? You think a being from the future would be able to know when he was being had and would know to follow the proper etiquette of channeling. Brad really sucks at this but you know he's just human and everyone makes a mistake, right? right? right? Maybe if he wasn't too busy whacking to her picture he would have figured it all out...NOT