Comments - Consolidated archive of Brads failed ventures. - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-06T21:13:36Z'd suggest everyone takes,2009-03-08:2827019:Comment:61772009-03-08T23:50:07.092Zilikepies
i'd suggest everyone takes another good look on that comment by busted now that we know 100% its Brad...<br />
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a clear example of him once again pretending to be someone else when hes really defending himself, too scared and too worried about the fake persona he tries to make for himself to say these things himself. This of course happened after all his "awakenings" and after he claimed to make no judgments and become an all being and yadda yadda. It happened after he had to admit to all the bullshit…
i'd suggest everyone takes another good look on that comment by busted now that we know 100% its Brad...<br />
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a clear example of him once again pretending to be someone else when hes really defending himself, too scared and too worried about the fake persona he tries to make for himself to say these things himself. This of course happened after all his "awakenings" and after he claimed to make no judgments and become an all being and yadda yadda. It happened after he had to admit to all the bullshitting he had done with his fake accounts and saying that that was all in the past and now he has no ego. Bottom line is Brad has ALWAYS had a major problem with criticism and ALWAYS had a tendency to make fake accounts and go around defending himself and putting down anyone whose opinions he dosent like. This just makes it so much funnier that i went to the site one time and brad was all like "i love you ilikepies, i love what you have to say, i make no judgments im so glad your here" Brads veins run not red with blood but brown with shit. He is so..fucking..full of shit. And people wonder why we have a problem with him leading people along making them think their lives will be saved one day and charging people 100 dollars for a fucking kundolini activation.<br />
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The first step to ACTUALLY becoming an egoless enlightened non judgemental person is not just to go around saying how much you love yourself, its easy to say shit like that when everyone around you is stroking your ego the real test is how you deal with criticism, Brad has shown us how he deals with criticism with stuff like this and the new rules which are, predictably, only being used to ban skeptics and nothing else<br />
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Don't fret too much about Brads claims that "your obsessed with me your stalking me why all this attention on me" its just more examples of his huge pathetic ego, he said the same kind of thing when he got owned by those sensible people who replied to his grayshot thread on gamedev, its just his go to response.<br />
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Hope your reading this Brad, hows expressionofsoul coming along? have you made your millions yet? How could people resist with such an objective and obviously accurate testimonial by Miss Kerry. Losing 30 pounds in 3 weeks just by meditating at water? thats amazing! I'm sure everyone who pays 5 dollars for your crappy audio meditation will have the same experience. James_UK, you, I, and most,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:57432009-03-06T09:23:45.771ZDeusEx
James_UK, you, I, and most members of this site would carry on. In fact there are two standby nings waiting if ever this was shutdown. I'd pay for hosting a site if need be. No worries, bust3d.
James_UK, you, I, and most members of this site would carry on. In fact there are two standby nings waiting if ever this was shutdown. I'd pay for hosting a site if need be. No worries, bust3d. Believe me "Bust3d". If,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:57392009-03-06T07:35:29.990Zjames_uk
Believe me "Bust3d". If you seriously believe that this site going to get shut down, all the evidence will just spring up on another Ning believe me. I stand for what I believe in and no amount of lawsuits and solicitors is ever going to change that.
Believe me "Bust3d". If you seriously believe that this site going to get shut down, all the evidence will just spring up on another Ning believe me. I stand for what I believe in and no amount of lawsuits and solicitors is ever going to change that. honestly the fact that,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:56732009-03-06T03:04:05.339Zilikepies
honestly the fact that people come here and act like this just shows that the stuff we're saying here is really getting to them, not because what we're saying is wrong or inaccurate, but because it stings them in the way only cold hard truth can.<br />
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Take the fact that Brad desperately wants this site shut down as an example. The only explanation for that is,, he really really hates that we're right all the time, that we have evidence against him, that he couldn't for the life of him survive a deba…
honestly the fact that people come here and act like this just shows that the stuff we're saying here is really getting to them, not because what we're saying is wrong or inaccurate, but because it stings them in the way only cold hard truth can.<br />
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Take the fact that Brad desperately wants this site shut down as an example. The only explanation for that is,, he really really hates that we're right all the time, that we have evidence against him, that he couldn't for the life of him survive a debate with us and not make himself look stupid. If he was indeed what he says he is, super accelerated all being who sees the divine in everyone and judges no one then he wouldn't care at all about this sites existence, If anything this site should be a great test for these people to see if they really are living this evolved lightworker existence.<br />
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Again to me the verdict is pretty much in at least on someone as crazily obvious as Brad and anyone who wants to know why we think what we do can easily be confronted with a ridiculous ammount of evidence and logical arguments. People lash out because they know we're right, they know we make more sense, they know our predictions come true, the only problem is we're not telling them one day some alien somewhere will push a button and their rotten life will be fixed.<br />
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Brad is seriously acting like hes the fucking illuminati, he wants to be able to make all these mistakes and do all these horrible things and jack his ego off spreading disgusting brad ego semen all over the place then he expects the entire world to just ignore everything he does and not question anything he does and keep on seeing him as some evolved spiritual coach who deserves your hundreds of dollars.<br />
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I realllly can't wait till the inevitable day when Brad abandons all this for something else, or maybe he just goes crazy and kills himself, hopefully by then hes safely away from his poor family and its just him and miss kerry jumping off a cliff or something bust3d, if you have some,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:56712009-03-06T02:57:35.213ZDeusEx
bust3d, if you have some time tomorrow, come in to <a href="">our cha</a>t to discuss things.
bust3d, if you have some time tomorrow, come in to <a href="">our cha</a>t to discuss things. I don't really know the,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:56692009-03-06T02:42:31.792ZPrincessHeart
I don't really know the chelley person, but off the top of my head I had you pegged as bloodshotbuddah..XD. Just because he's shown us already how hard he beats off at night to the thought of winning an argument.
I don't really know the chelley person, but off the top of my head I had you pegged as bloodshotbuddah..XD. Just because he's shown us already how hard he beats off at night to the thought of winning an argument.
Well, well… "Chelley" —,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:56672009-03-06T01:59:41.023ZiDom
Well, well… "Chelley" — that one is just an "Internet" name, a secret code, if you like, just like Shaini Goodwin's "Dove Of Oneness", you know the mad woman who whines "Nesara Now!", insisting she uses a pen name for security reasons when the whole world knows who she really is.<br />
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It's the same with Chelley/Bust. Same kind of online syndrome. Let's just call her by her real name: Michelle — which is the name I used in my reply to the Official Press Release that was delivered by appointed m…
Well, well… "Chelley" — that one is just an "Internet" name, a secret code, if you like, just like Shaini Goodwin's "Dove Of Oneness", you know the mad woman who whines "Nesara Now!", insisting she uses a pen name for security reasons when the whole world knows who she really is.<br />
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It's the same with Chelley/Bust. Same kind of online syndrome. Let's just call her by her real name: Michelle — which is the name I used in my reply to the Official Press Release that was delivered by appointed messenger, in another thread.<br />
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Now for your information dear "bust3d" (*wink*wink*) — I wonder what planet you are coming from? Maybe you were lucky to have been informed of your origins? Just so you know, all the information gathered by James here, has been already discussed previously on such blogs as the defunct 10-14-08-FRAUD as well as The Northern Irregular and my own blog, The Last Paradigm, all of them precious sources of information for the gullible, in order to demonstrate the obvious ridiculous claims by some figures of the "UFO community" and other ascended spirituals.<br />
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It is quite convenient such information can be found in one place, avoiding back and forth on several websites and blogs, and I thank James again for taking the time to do it.<br />
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<i>"many of you waste hours away putting together a pointless list in regards to somebody who actually does stuff with his life which is the least I can say for any of you"</i>, you say.<br />
Well the least we can say is that "someone" REALLY "does stuff": so much that in doing, "someone" keeps doing and doing but it kind of looks — forgive the picture, but it's quite clear — like pissing in a violin, for in the end, apart thin air molecules moving — well, not so much thanks to cyber-espace —, the pedestal still seems dim uncertain.<br />
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As for the last part of your sentence: it sounds like you assume too much, dear. "[…] the least I can say for you"… LOL What can you say actually? I suggest you tap into your higher self. Do you have any idea who I am???<br />
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<i>"And Jesus, I'd rather support some one who you think is a fraudster rather than a pack of 40 year old stalking virgin cult members."</i><br />
Ahem… I think — especially in regards to the last part of your sentence — that you got confused. You're not on Saviors Of Earth, here. *wink*wink*<br />
<br/> baaahaa Brads actually,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:56632009-03-06T00:20:20.352Zilikepies
baaahaa Brads actually delusional enough he thinks he has the right to talk about having this site shut down and not make himself look like the most egotistical narrow minded douchebag in the world who dosent know the first thing about love and light and positivity and all beingness. Thanks bust3d for coming here and making brad look worse and worse
baaahaa Brads actually delusional enough he thinks he has the right to talk about having this site shut down and not make himself look like the most egotistical narrow minded douchebag in the world who dosent know the first thing about love and light and positivity and all beingness. Thanks bust3d for coming here and making brad look worse and worse Chelley, first of all. I,2009-03-06:2827019:Comment:56612009-03-06T00:05:10.774ZDeusEx
Chelley, first of all. I have put myself on the line for you. Please lets discuss things reasonably.
Chelley, first of all. I have put myself on the line for you. Please lets discuss things reasonably. Well at least I'm not dumb,2009-03-05:2827019:Comment:56572009-03-05T23:54:35.211Zbust3d
Well at least I'm not dumb enough for people to keep thinking I'm a woman named Chelley.<br />
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And what evidence is that in which you think he is a fraud? Frauds usually scam people out of their money and high tail it. Why do you think he's a fraud when all that he's done on Saviors of Earth is care about people and help out for free? If anything all of you should take an example of this and try helping everyone else. You call yourselves the SAVIORS of saviors of earth? What exactly are you saving? S…
Well at least I'm not dumb enough for people to keep thinking I'm a woman named Chelley.<br />
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And what evidence is that in which you think he is a fraud? Frauds usually scam people out of their money and high tail it. Why do you think he's a fraud when all that he's done on Saviors of Earth is care about people and help out for free? If anything all of you should take an example of this and try helping everyone else. You call yourselves the SAVIORS of saviors of earth? What exactly are you saving? So by slamming down Brad and all who are friends with them, calling his site a cult, stalking him like he was some young hot blond teenager and you're a 40 year old fat guy virgin wanting some of that tail, you are saving him? You guys are without a doubt the biggest joke I've ever seen.<br />
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I see all the stuff on this site and it truly makes me cringe. I hope Ning knows about what you guys are putting on here because you guys have gone over the line IMO quite a few times. Brad's talked on working to shut you guys down, you know what? Good. Because as far as I'm concerned, there's no purpose for this site other than to bash others and the lot of you truly need to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of 6 year olds trapped inside 40 year old virgin cult bodies. Truly people...Grow up.