Comments - "Dropping the Baggage" — An Interesting Ending! - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T21:56:49Z ***cocks shotgun*** Well r...,2009-03-25:2827019:Comment:8521 2009-03-25T00:19:11.749Z Tab ***cocks shotgun***<br /> <br /> Well repent is sumpin' Philistines like Dom need to do, and we don't take too kindly to this type of devil music 'round these parts...So git!<br /> <br /> ***spits wad of chewing tobacco*** ***cocks shotgun***<br /> <br /> Well repent is sumpin' Philistines like Dom need to do, and we don't take too kindly to this type of devil music 'round these parts...So git!<br /> <br /> ***spits wad of chewing tobacco*** LOL Repent? Are you nuts? ...,2009-03-24:2827019:Comment:8513 2009-03-24T23:30:18.747Z iDom <br/> LOL Repent? Are you nuts? :P<br /> I'm sure even brimstone would turn gay, snap, should my beautiful etheric ass grant hell of its divine presence… lol<br /> <br/> <br/> LOL Repent? Are you nuts? :P<br /> I'm sure even brimstone would turn gay, snap, should my beautiful etheric ass grant hell of its divine presence… lol<br /> <br/> DOM YOU SODOMITE! REPENT I ...,2009-03-24:2827019:Comment:8511 2009-03-24T23:26:19.064Z Tab DOM YOU SODOMITE! REPENT I TELL YE!!!! REPENT!!!! THE FIRES AND BRIMSTONE OF HELL WILL BURN YOUR SOUL IN ETERNITY!!! DOM YOU SODOMITE! REPENT I TELL YE!!!! REPENT!!!! THE FIRES AND BRIMSTONE OF HELL WILL BURN YOUR SOUL IN ETERNITY!!! Are you kidding me? Of cou...,2009-03-24:2827019:Comment:8509 2009-03-24T23:18:21.311Z iDom <br/> Are you kidding me? Of course she was serious! LOL That woman is WEIRD! (and I'm polite!) lol<br /> <br/> <br/> Are you kidding me? Of course she was serious! LOL That woman is WEIRD! (and I'm polite!) lol<br /> <br/> I really hope she wasn't be...,2009-03-24:2827019:Comment:8466 2009-03-24T19:14:44.989Z DeusEx I really hope she wasn't being serious with the pedo comment O_O I really hope she wasn't being serious with the pedo comment O_O Aaaaaaww booooo...I wanted ...,2009-03-24:2827019:Comment:8460 2009-03-24T18:50:51.277Z Tab Aaaaaaww booooo...I wanted to know what happened on DAY 2! Aaaaaaww booooo...I wanted to know what happened on DAY 2!