Comments - Haywire - Yet Another Epic Fail from Brad Johnson - Saviors of Saviors of Earth2009-08-07T00:20:58Z I didn't know that one!,2009-02-14:2827019:Comment:15982009-02-14T22:38:49.816ZiDom
LOL I didn't know that one! Thanx Deus :)<br />
Hmm… seems all the higher selves from Planet Fiction have mutated Arcturian now.<br />
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<p style="text-align: right;"><img src="*db2gNVB1i21wdSAoCETCQgBSH7oyyl-enrJhsjyw6vVqFihPKqoSrrp5Tdkp7dfKd18*v2DB8BxbfyAFsc3cQTNwGByfl/fuckreality.jpg" alt="" width="448" height="533"/></p>
LOL I didn't know that one! Thanx Deus :)<br />
Hmm… seems all the higher selves from Planet Fiction have mutated Arcturian now.<br />
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<p style="text-align: right;"><img src="*db2gNVB1i21wdSAoCETCQgBSH7oyyl-enrJhsjyw6vVqFihPKqoSrrp5Tdkp7dfKd18*v2DB8BxbfyAFsc3cQTNwGByfl/fuckreality.jpg" alt="" width="448" height="533"/></p> how horrendously tedious,2009-02-14:2827019:Comment:15702009-02-14T22:03:06.779Zilikepies
how horrendously tedious and unfunny...All of the jokes are literally juvenile stock jokes the stock computer voices are terrible this man has even less talent for comedy than I thought after viewing that spritesapiens crap which at the time was none so its reached the point of his comedy attempts being so bad that they are offensive and discriminatory. I cant believe this is like a 28 year old man with kids making these things even if they were in the past before brads "12 awakenings"
how horrendously tedious and unfunny...All of the jokes are literally juvenile stock jokes the stock computer voices are terrible this man has even less talent for comedy than I thought after viewing that spritesapiens crap which at the time was none so its reached the point of his comedy attempts being so bad that they are offensive and discriminatory. I cant believe this is like a 28 year old man with kids making these things even if they were in the past before brads "12 awakenings"