Comments - Brad, divorcee/ex-soulmate of multiple women online, gives relationship advice - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T20:31:42Z I have a feeling Brad choos...,2009-07-27:2827019:Comment:22335 2009-07-27T20:51:36.530Z DeusEx I have a feeling Brad chooses married women because they are easy targets. The ones that are spending so many hours on the internet without their husbands are trying to meet an emotional need and Brad can play directly on that. Add in the New Age fluff and it's easy as pie. There's no way this loser can pull in real life. It makes Brad get all warm and fuzzy by taking away another man's wife. You can see that same behavior in many aspects with how he tries to manipulate and take away followers f&hellip; I have a feeling Brad chooses married women because they are easy targets. The ones that are spending so many hours on the internet without their husbands are trying to meet an emotional need and Brad can play directly on that. Add in the New Age fluff and it's easy as pie. There's no way this loser can pull in real life. It makes Brad get all warm and fuzzy by taking away another man's wife. You can see that same behavior in many aspects with how he tries to manipulate and take away followers from other New Age sites. I think he doesn't understand the concept of sloppy seconds though. ROFL pies,2009-07-27:2827019:Comment:22333 2009-07-27T20:44:35.429Z Tab ROFL pies ROFL pies yah you wonder if her husba...,2009-07-27:2827019:Comment:22330 2009-07-27T20:31:32.081Z ilikepies yah you wonder if her husband knows or not cause you'd kind of imagine he'd have facebook but yah who knows.<br /> <br /> Anyway yah Brad you continue to be cool for having your facebook status as in a relationship with a married woman who you've never met in person whilst still being legally married yourself, whats wrong brad scared to get a divorce and have to go through all the proceedings where the reason for your divorce will come up like<br /> <br /> "O SHIT MAH WIFE JUST POWERED UP TO OVER 9000 LETS PRAY EVERYBO&hellip; yah you wonder if her husband knows or not cause you'd kind of imagine he'd have facebook but yah who knows.<br /> <br /> Anyway yah Brad you continue to be cool for having your facebook status as in a relationship with a married woman who you've never met in person whilst still being legally married yourself, whats wrong brad scared to get a divorce and have to go through all the proceedings where the reason for your divorce will come up like<br /> <br /> "O SHIT MAH WIFE JUST POWERED UP TO OVER 9000 LETS PRAY EVERYBODY" Perhaps someone should give...,2009-07-27:2827019:Comment:22329 2009-07-27T20:05:52.436Z james_uk Perhaps someone should give Druanna a swift kick up her big ass by printing off that screen grab and sending it via "snail mail" to Mr Johnston.<br /> <br /> <a href=";source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=druanna&amp;vps=4&amp;jsv=168d&amp;sll=1.406109,-41.484375&amp;sspn=177.113555,360&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;near=&amp;split=1">;source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=druanna&amp;vps=4&amp;jsv=168d&amp;sll=1.406109,-41.484375&amp;sspn=177.113</a>&hellip; Perhaps someone should give Druanna a swift kick up her big ass by printing off that screen grab and sending it via "snail mail" to Mr Johnston.<br /> <br /> <a href=";source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=druanna&amp;vps=4&amp;jsv=168d&amp;sll=1.406109,-41.484375&amp;sspn=177.113555,360&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;near=&amp;split=1">;source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=druanna&amp;vps=4&amp;jsv=168d&amp;sll=1.406109,-41.484375&amp;sspn=177.113555,360&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;near=&amp;split=1</a><br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: left;"><a class="noborder" href="*JpYKhTrXQPncyQGgdjtvbzugxDMO1voof-iPoF1dfoW2IqKqddjL*BQJgpTAkGhBtbYoJOZZdzushn4/lolconincidenceyeahright2.JPG" target="_blank"><img src="*JpYKhTrXQPncyQGgdjtvbzugxDMO1voof-iPoF1dfoW2IqKqddjL*BQJgpTAkGhBtbYoJOZZdzushn4/lolconincidenceyeahright2.JPG" alt="" width="1280" height="998"/></a></p> Ah Brad, trying to ruin ano...,2009-07-27:2827019:Comment:22324 2009-07-27T18:49:50.225Z Sean Clark Ah Brad, trying to ruin another relationship again. First it was Kerry, trying to take her away from her husband, and now Druanna. How much sleazier can he get. He only goes into married relationships because no single women will take him anymore. Ah Brad, trying to ruin another relationship again. First it was Kerry, trying to take her away from her husband, and now Druanna. How much sleazier can he get. He only goes into married relationships because no single women will take him anymore. Pies, thanks for the screen...,2009-07-26:2827019:Comment:22265 2009-07-26T22:52:39.969Z DeusEx Pies, thanks for the screenshot from his Facebook. I can't wait until Druanna's husband finds out. "You shall not pass"... indeed :P Pies, thanks for the screenshot from his Facebook. I can't wait until Druanna's husband finds out. "You shall not pass"... indeed :P Brad officialy uses the ter...,2009-07-26:2827019:Comment:22256 2009-07-26T21:30:25.410Z ilikepies Brad officialy uses the term "in that sense" to excess in all of his videos and bullshit, im pretty sure you could make a decent drinking game out of it<br /> <br /> ok ive tried to listen to the whole thing but Im not sure I can go on as I'm blinded by rage by hearing him say "oh you can't stay to try and make your kids happy"<br /> <br /> WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE<br /> <br /> I'm sure you wish now you never had kids and then those snot nosed little brads never existed (aka your pure fucking evil scum o&hellip; Brad officialy uses the term "in that sense" to excess in all of his videos and bullshit, im pretty sure you could make a decent drinking game out of it<br /> <br /> ok ive tried to listen to the whole thing but Im not sure I can go on as I'm blinded by rage by hearing him say "oh you can't stay to try and make your kids happy"<br /> <br /> WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE<br /> <br /> I'm sure you wish now you never had kids and then those snot nosed little brads never existed (aka your pure fucking evil scum of the earth) BUT YOU DID HAVE THEM AND YOU HAVE A FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY.<br /> <br /> those poor poor fucking kids to have such a piece of shit father who would brush their happiness aside as unimportant in comparison to his own happiness. I no longer classify you as a human being, please go become a homeless lunatic on the street of san fransisco so there's less a chance of me having to breath the same fucking air as you, you ridiculous scumbag it's amazing how he can del...,2009-07-26:2827019:Comment:22255 2009-07-26T20:18:45.610Z ParadigmShift it's amazing how he can deliver a sentence like "hey guys, similar polarities attract and opposite polarities repel--ITS SIMPLE PHYSUCKAS!!", and do it with a stone-dead straight face. it's amazing how he can deliver a sentence like "hey guys, similar polarities attract and opposite polarities repel--ITS SIMPLE PHYSUCKAS!!", and do it with a stone-dead straight face. Either I need classes and/o...,2009-07-26:2827019:Comment:22254 2009-07-26T20:04:52.779Z Linda Either I need classes and/or I can't read English anymore... OR... he's doing it again :-S Either I need classes and/or I can't read English anymore... OR... he's doing it again :-S o snap,2009-07-26:2827019:Comment:22246 2009-07-26T19:16:45.908Z Tab o snap o snap