Comments - Adronis/Brad states children are the teachers. Bullshit? I think so. - Saviors of Saviors of Earth 2009-08-06T21:03:24Z LOL Al!,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21397 2009-07-14T07:20:12.661Z Chaleb LOL Al! LOL Al! ahh I get it, Brad sees an ...,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21391 2009-07-14T02:58:34.903Z BIG GAY AL ahh I get it, Brad sees an opportunity, because Michael Jackson is dead, Brad is going to be the creepy voice for the children...<br /> Whats up with his DUMPSTER LOOK? Cant afford the quarters for Laundry? filthy pig!<br /> <br /> CHRIST HE IS AN UGLY FUCK! ahh I get it, Brad sees an opportunity, because Michael Jackson is dead, Brad is going to be the creepy voice for the children...<br /> Whats up with his DUMPSTER LOOK? Cant afford the quarters for Laundry? filthy pig!<br /> <br /> CHRIST HE IS AN UGLY FUCK! HOW CAN BRAND BACK UP HIS C...,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21390 2009-07-14T02:55:45.323Z BIG GAY AL HOW CAN BRAND BACK UP HIS CLAIMS, DIDNT HE WALK OUT ON HIS OWN CHILDREN?<br /> <br /> AND FURTHER MORE ISNT THE FUCKING FUCK-WAD BAG BITER a RETARDED KIS his SELF?<br /> hhaha HOW CAN BRAND BACK UP HIS CLAIMS, DIDNT HE WALK OUT ON HIS OWN CHILDREN?<br /> <br /> AND FURTHER MORE ISNT THE FUCKING FUCK-WAD BAG BITER a RETARDED KIS his SELF?<br /> hhaha this is the kind of shit th...,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21389 2009-07-14T02:54:47.229Z ilikepies this is the kind of shit that can results from children's "imagination and creativity"<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> for god sakes people keep your children away from brad this is the kind of shit that can results from children's "imagination and creativity"<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> for god sakes people keep your children away from brad Great. First we have to sta...,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21388 2009-07-14T02:27:37.824Z Ben Great. First we have to stay grounded, now we have to encourage our children to be more imaginative. Brad, the last thing kids need is encouragement in that department; all (young) children have a wild imagination and up till a certain age have difficulties understanding the difference between fantasy and reality.<br /> <br /> Suppose the social worker stops by with your children (a.k.a. “The baggage”) for a monitored visit and your daughter asks you “Daddy, can I fly?” will you tell her “Yes, we all create&hellip; Great. First we have to stay grounded, now we have to encourage our children to be more imaginative. Brad, the last thing kids need is encouragement in that department; all (young) children have a wild imagination and up till a certain age have difficulties understanding the difference between fantasy and reality.<br /> <br /> Suppose the social worker stops by with your children (a.k.a. “The baggage”) for a monitored visit and your daughter asks you “Daddy, can I fly?” will you tell her “Yes, we all create our own realities so you can fly if that is the reality you chose” ?<br /> <br /> And that picture of you and your daughter near the end of the video reminds me of this:<br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: left;"><img src="*61-LL7e*FtaQoAY2dL0z7jJYSpF3YiCTtHz*ra*WY6DbPjK4Rx*DMvXKehZkOU2mzQ*DOl5yXyK6Gk0barVIdA9JQ8f/shining.jpg" alt="" width="657" height="483"/></p> <br /> Your insincere smirk is almost creepier than Jack's. yah brad we fucking get it,...,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21383 2009-07-14T00:53:24.469Z ilikepies yah brad we fucking get it, its FUN to be a child, I'm sure you desperately miss your carefree childhood days when you truly believed the world is your oyster, yes there are things to learn from pondering and talking about the innocence and logic of children but children, for the most part, are simply IGNORANT. That ignorance is usually the main cause for their happiness, THEY DO NOT have any sort of understanding about reality or anything else. Most of them will just believe whatever version of&hellip; yah brad we fucking get it, its FUN to be a child, I'm sure you desperately miss your carefree childhood days when you truly believed the world is your oyster, yes there are things to learn from pondering and talking about the innocence and logic of children but children, for the most part, are simply IGNORANT. That ignorance is usually the main cause for their happiness, THEY DO NOT have any sort of understanding about reality or anything else. Most of them will just believe whatever version of the world their parents sell to them, I have much a better understanding of the mysteries and the nature of the universe and being now then I did when I was a child, fuck.<br /> <br /> Brad clearly pines sadly to be back to that childlike innocence, thinking that because his life is such shit now and when he was a happy little ugly jehovahs child eating his church pancakes and going to space camp he wants the whole world to listen to him and revert back to ignorant fantasizing dumb children just so he can live out his fantasy of once again running around in his cape playing super space man brad on his lawn rather than existing in the real grown up world which is apparently too hard for him cause he demands to be treated like some sort of demi god.<br /> <br /> What worries me most about this though is that Brad is making a play to try and make some money off of teaching children, and I'm sure that the fact that children would be much easier to convince of his lies will be explained as proof of their all knowing abiities. Jesus christ didnt those fucking children in the bashar video just sit around telling bashar their dreams?!! Of course thats what they do children dont know how to ask real questions about existance and life that aren't already taught to them.<br /> <br /> I swear to god when this is all over the world will look back at Brad as the leader of the worlds very first child day camp mass cult suicide OMFG he actually is wearing...,2009-07-14:2827019:Comment:21382 2009-07-14T00:36:15.213Z DeusEx OMFG he actually is wearing a wife beater (a.k.a. white vest) in this video. This is gold! OMFG he actually is wearing a wife beater (a.k.a. white vest) in this video. This is gold!