Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Bait and Switch - Adronis now forcing donations for channeling sessions

Brad's moving fairly quickly with his Adronis scam. Last week he was offering free readings and this week it is a paid for service.

Donation: a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause) or act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity


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Con artist.

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Mark my fucking words Brad you deceitful man. I can assure you for a fact that the universe will always get its own back on people like YOU. Always.................

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LOL what a pathetic obvious piece of shit

"adronis is not a fortune teller, he can only speak in vague generalized concepts that i've learned from other people, please don't expect anything"

I bet the "large ammount of requests" thing is bullshit and only there to make it look like hes super popular so that now people will pay (or "donate") him from his simple minded regurgitated lies.

Dont you fucking get it brad, you cant be all like "adronis is here for you he will answer any questions you want" and then be all like "ohhh hes not a fortune teller hes here to guide you not to tell you anything"

what this basically means is that brad is unable to deal with any personal issues in anything other than him spouting out a bunch of shit about "you create reality" and so people shouldnt expect any kind of personalized answers or readings but rather a bunch of concepts they probably are all ALREADY AWARE OF. filtered through brads idiot mind and put in a fucking e-mail...and he ACTUALLY expect people to pay him, he actually dosent realize how obvious he makes it to everybody that he is lying through his teeth.

Brad the best thing you can do to "assist humanity" is to jump off a fucking bridge and die

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here's brad responding to what is mostly a negative and questioning reaction around his "forced donations"

"Well again guys, I'll put it this way:

Yes the information given out by Adronis is free. And that's why anyone can get it for free through their own nature. But when you wish for this information through another person, that's a service, and again, it's a donation amount of anything of you're choosing, not a fixed rate.

I'm moving this onto my path of living, and again through donation amounts of your choosing, you are getting the information you require. The amount of readings have escalated to the point where it's gotten too challenging to do all these readings for free. That's why through the idea of donation, this can balance out on both ends for value. This is my perspective."

aww its ok guys "hes moving this onto his path of living" in fact I am so inspired that i finally want to announce that I am going to be starting my new medical practice specializing in perky breast cancer in woman 16-25. Woman can come to my house and I will spend hours focusing on their breasts and then I will accurately tell them whether they have breast cancer or not (science isnt fortune telling ladies, don't worry if this turns out to be wrong just live in the now) for a nominal fee or if you dont have time to come over to my basement apartment you can send me a picture of your tits and I'll tell you what i think, and maybe i might be able to tell you something about the canca but a guide not a fortune teller, and these will cost 15 dollars per picture you send me with the option of donating more, you better godamn believe this shit is worth paying for

Have i gone to medical school? NO
Have I ever opened a biology textbook? NO
Do i have any idea what breast cancer is? NO

All you need to know is that i have chosen this as my path of living, thats all the credentials you need. I even drew a picture with crayons of me stepping onto a golden path that spells out "feeling boobs all day" which I framed and put above my desk/coffee table

More information will be coming on where to send the naked pictures, house visits are strictly BYOR (bring your own roofies)

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Yeah, I saw that response and thought it was really shit. He doesn't understand what the definition of donation is. You can't force someone to give money for a service and call it a donation. He is not a charitable organization.

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i wouldnt be surprised if we start seeing tactics where brad comes out saying

"oh well ive gotten even busier now wow Im getting so many requests for meetings most people usually give at the least 30 dollars but some give me thousands namaste to them anyway anyone else who wants a reading needs to get it in quickly cause im so swamped with requests and money"

"i live in a box, please god help me"

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I was thinking the same thing actually. He'll come up with some magical number that will appease him donation wise. I am sure the person donating 1 cent will get pushed down the line compared to the one that donates more. Mmm preferential treatment.

ilikepies said:
i wouldnt be surprised if we start seeing tactics where brad comes out saying

"oh well ive gotten even busier now wow Im getting so many requests for meetings most people usually give at the least 30 dollars but some give me thousands namaste to them anyway anyone else who wants a reading needs to get it in quickly cause im so swamped with requests and money"

"i live in a box, please god help me"

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I was hoping to have some fun with this!
Now what will i do with my spare time? Something constructive? Shit ey...

Not even a fun con artist to fuck with...
Im eating cheese ... this sucks.

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heres a couple new posts on brads facebook

"Brad Johnson Once again, Adronis' newest video on Reptilians, Interstellar Travel & The Association of Worlds have hit #1 Favorited video on YouTube in all of Canada. Adronis is on a roll! :D"

yes brad we know that all it takes is like 10 favorites to be in the top "education favorited" and your very proud of how many accounts you are able to juggle at once

"Brad Johnson Had a massive conception of creating my next book based on 30 days worth of channeling from Adronis. This book will literally make the Lyra/Earth Connection look like a pamphlet. Getting into the beginning stages of creating this book tonight. It will be called "Teachings from Adronis" and will be similar to that of the "Law of One" series. This will be one of multi-volume series...Oooh, I'm excited now. :D"

Damn how are you gonna have time to do that with the weekly class your teaching not to mention the fact that there are sooo many requests for people wanting adronis reasons, surely you wouldnt lie about that as its the primary reason you give for why you now need to have forced donations.....hmm let me guess, you realized in about a day that no one was gonna come to your live class of bullshit and got all panicky and thats why you suddenly came out with forced donations, thinking you could make people think you were popular and busy and start charging money and then suddenly you'd be able to live off peoples "donations"....but oh no...that didnt work either,, no one is willing to pay you any money for stupid shit you've been saying over and over again so now, suddenly, its all gonna be about your next big book, very exciting seen as how the lyra/earth connection was a literary classic........wait...a feeling.. a prediction of energies...manifest timeline....I am making a prediction now.....

You will be charging people money for this "e-book" this time and no one will buy it and people on your site will complain and you'll be all whiney like "wah this is a service give me money"

fucking pathetic

p.s. check out brads latest post on the forced donation channeling event thread for example of his whiney pathetic excuses that we will soon be hearing all the time as he launches one stupid thing after another

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It's like Adronis: Deal or No Deal

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