Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

OK, so here is Clinton’s channeling transcript that he wanted up for discussion. After thinking about it for a while, I have decided to put it on a new thread, instead of keeping it in the original blog post I made, for two main reasons:

The original blog post of mine was a direct answer to Clinton posting that video of Bashar about “Denial And Separation”.
Despite my commentary on it, Clinton hasn’t responded to it but — no offense meant, Clint —, he never really addressed any other posts of mine (like the one on the anti-duality rule) anyway. So I guess I’ll never hear what Clinton has to say, if anything.

Instead of straight answering, Clinton offered to do this channeling so then we could possibly understand the nature of it, which to me, is another subject, hence this new thread.

I have been wondering for a while how to redact this in order it is as smooth as possible a reading, so I have decided to split the channeling transcript in multiple parts (in bold text, and numbered), my commentary appearing underneath each part.
It will be easier then, if anyone wishes to comment on whatever part.

Transcript of Clinton’s channeling Orin | March 5th, 2009

1) There are frequencies being thrown through the channeler that help him understand who is coming through.
Now, as channelers are able to channel information, anything, any frequency, it is up to them to make sure it is the right frequency they are channeling. For their soul knows what they are channeling.
If it is what you call thought form, the soul KNOWS.
If it is another soul, the soul KNOWS.
If it is collective consciousness, the soul KNOWS.
It is all about soul agreements.

From this, one can say that channelers can receive any information and they are the only ones able to KNOW whether it is valid/reliable or not. I imagine that it is with long practice that such info can be apprehended, which is why, being new to it, you got confused when Nancy once put you in discomfort, using the nickname “Steve” on SoE.
This said, 2 things need clearing up here:

A) You (general lightworkers “you”) keep referring to “thought forms”, which I understand being sort of mind interference — the channeler’s own thoughts/feelings projection, if I may say.
Now, that is a new definition to me because, thought forms, as I always understood it, are also known as tulpas, from Tibetan mysticism and have nothing to do with what you mean. Inventing terms seems to be quite a trend on SOE and I have nothing against it, but then, maybe a glossary might be a good idea?!

B) Define “soul agreements”. I still take it that a channeler’s soul can be certain he is getting information from whatever higher being when in fact he’s just fooling himself, only speaking out his own thoughts and concepts.

2) It does not matter if the information is good intentional or not.
It is about the experience.
It is about learning.
It is about opening up to your awareness into new attributes of what you already know.
It is about expansion.
It is about knowledge of the infinite.
It is about YOU as a whole.

This doesn’t make any sense at all, I’m afraid. If it doesn’t matter whether the info is good or not, valid or not, how can it be about “knowledge of the infinite”? How can it be about learning and opening up to one’s own awareness if it doesn’t matter in the first place if it is totally made-up bullshit?
Does it mean it’s just about “experiencing”, like: Hey, I am channeling, I end up with this or that info: cool, I am happy with myself, I can channel, it works!?

To me, in pure honesty, this sounds a lot like those “mass meditation” sessions: global poverty, haarp, “lifting the veil” and the likes… Very nice intention indeed, but then what? Then people feel good about themselves: they have done do much good to the world just by sitting on their butts. They have seen colors, floated in space while meditating. Very cool. How does that affected their environment in any way? We never were posted about it. Maybe just because it did not change anything at all. I call it Emoto syndrome, coupled with just a twisted dose of self-importance. But do we really want to go tread that ego question…? Maybe in another thread.

3) So, with that understanding, you wish to understand are you aware of that channelers that often channel information that is unreliable?
YES WE ARE. We are very aware. And we know. And it does not matter to us.

That one cracked me up, really. Sounds a lot like someone we both know, when pointed to numerous obvious fake information or “revelations”: “Hey! It’s your truth, I don’t care what you think.”
Are you actually saying that so-called high evolved beings, souls, whatever you call them, are actually telling: “Hey! Yes, we are aware that a lot of bullshit is spoken and we don’t give a shit about it.” LOL Priceless!
Now that’s very evolved and not at all ego-based. Oh but wait, it CAN’T be ego-based since it emanates from HIGHER dimensional beings that are beyond ego and duality...
Could it be… Could it just be a channeler’s “thought form” saying that? *wink*
I guess if that’s so, it really doesn’t matter, because that one is protected by the second amendment above, stipulating that it’s just about experience and who cares if the info is valid or not.
Very smart.

4) Your earthly consciousness has to raise and understand and flow and unite and disunite, and separate and flow and unite and disrelate and flow and unite and disrelate to each other in order to bring relation in the wholeness that everything is.

If only for the form — again, no offense meant —, that one also sounds pretty earthling to me. I haven’t found “disrelate” in any dictionary. Though I grasp the notion, to me, it just shows a lack of vocabulary — which is a very human trait and not something one could expect from any superior so-called higher being.
Now as for the tidal ballet of connecting… standby, I unite and disconnect, sounds like a pretty happy mindless bee to me…
Sounds like a big “Yea, been there, done that: I channel Arcturians and I find them cool, GFOL are shitheads though, but yea, I’m highly evolved, I tap into anything that is and I am omniscient”.

5) The human race fights on petty things. It’s all petty things.
If they are fighting on pettiness, it is not gonna make any difference if any channelers are bringing an unreliable information to the whole or not. It does not matter.

That’s a pretty big statement: “it’s all petty things”.
If that’s so, then, how total wankers those high beings are, really. Why bother with a race of petty people? LOL
Well, at least it allows channelers to speak any bull they like, for it just does not matter: it’s all petty things.

6) The thing is if there is this information it gives the lower consciousness to relate to the channeler.
If the channel medium was of truth all the time it would only relate to a certain truth vibrational consciousness that you have here on Earth.

I might be totally brainless, but this doesn’t make any sense at all: I won’t even comment on it.

7) So, that is why there is the Blossom Goodchild, that is why there is the Global Federation of Light, that is why there is Saint Germain, that is why there are a lot, a lot of thought form energies getting channeled by mediums that is not hundred percent truth BUT does contain aspects of themselves coming through that medium as well.
So, with this new information you can understand that it is needed for the people that do not like channeling, do not like these mediums, to take part in a channelers medium because it vibrates with their frequency and it allows them to expand in their own pace, not going in the group.

In clear this says that Goodchild, McNamara, etc are just channeling bullshit — namely they’re just projecting their own thoughts and hopes and concerns, with maybe a couple grains of salty true truth.

First, the “Global Federation of Light” cracked me up: if that isn’t an Earthly slip, then I’m Joan of Arc, and behold, I am coming soon! :)

Second, I truly think that these people: Goodchild, Bashar, Quinsey and the likes are just obsessed people who desperately need to believe in something “higher”, not recognizing themselves in any of the major belief systems and finding themselves more comfortable with a 21st century version of it, more high tech. By that, I mean devotees to the trendy Kabbalah Center for example are the ones with VCR’s and cassette tapes players, when our UFO-friendly channelers are the Blue-Ray, iPods type.

“New information”??? Well, thank you, Orin for pointing out that this whole channeling thing is just a more contemporary version — far less organized, though —, of ancient “prophets” who managed to breed worms in people’s heads for centuries, exploiting on their fears, hopes and gullibility. I might not be a high-evolved being as you are, dear Orin, but I think I already had a hunch of that.

Now where it gets weird is — as I understand it —, if I don’t “like” (maybe “resonate” would have been more appropriate here?) channelers, mediums and their “knowledge of the infinite”, I am supposed to “take part” in their game (even by criticizing them) as it allows me to “expand at my own pace” — I assume that means learn —, without being part of their “group”??? WTF!

8) Alright. If you are aware of this, how is anybody supposed to believe in what channelers are saying?
They are not. That is the point.
That is what has been pointed out before.
It is not for anybody to TRY supposed to believe. It is not about that.
It is about bringing the soul into new (*) awareness, new place, new understandings. Bringing the soul together with other souls to experience something that is needed for that soul in this time reality.

There! The free will stance! I am not supposed to believe what channelers say. It’s not at all about believing them, it is about elevating myself to their awareness, open my mind and self to new possibilities, like for example that there is no God, but that we were seeded on this planet by aliens, that Jesus was an ET and pyramids were not built by hordes of slaves perishing to the megalomania of some ancient dictator, but beamed by highly sophisticated lightships.
I am not even supposed to believe that, but just to keep it in a corner of my little 3D brain as a possibility as it is a valuable piece of information for my soul evolution “in this time reality”.

Well, in this time reality, I just don’t buy anything emanating from the channelers, nor do I buy anything from the space family saga.
Why can’t I just leave the people who buy into it alone, then? That’s gonna be your question.
Well, first, because I am very interested in my fellow earthling neighbor, mind you. Even if he doesn’t think as I do. At least, I have hope we can discuss and exchange views, grow from it, or just have a good quality time.
Then, because I am open minded enough to have that sort of relationship with my earthly neighbor — and I am fascinated by beliefs systems and how they dramatically impact on people’s life and behavior —, but it seems my earthly neighbor, very often cuts off communication or just ignores my own views or thoughts, not even bothering concerning himself with it, because those views and thoughts are obviously too “lower consciousness” for him. So much for love and oneness, I guess. So much for being open. :)

(*) [ NFTR: I have written “new” here because that’s what you meant, Clinton, but I swear you say “nuke” and I nearly pissed my pants : “nuke awareness” lol — that one was delicious. ]

9) IF, IF, IF, IF, IF you were honored higher dimensional platform where truth existed, then truth would exist. BUT the platform that’s you play truth does not exist. EVER!

Does that mean if I ever was lucky enough to really be omniscient — be godlike —, then only would I be able to speak about truth? As for now, being just a petty little human, I just have a right to shut the f*** up because I’m so un-evolved there is NO truth in my limited brainless environment?

10) There is always, always aspects of play, of misinformation to bring wholeness and unity once again.
It cannot exist because it ISN’T.
It is not there.
The truth is not there you’re all BLINDED from the truth.
Every day you are blinded from the truth by media, by your friends, by your parents by every single person you play with.
It is an illusion.

That one is really something, and quite outrageous, really. Beyond the first aspect of it — very cult-like, by the way, telling that friends, parents, every single soul we interact with is just an illusion is nothing but PURE MADNESS.
As for the “media” question: apart from an obsessive mind, lost in the volutes of perpetual paranoid conspiracy theories, validating any of its twisted foolish views on “the big picture”, I sadly see no other truth in it.

If this is not fanaticism and being BLINDED by absurdity, then I am not even existing writing to you right now, Clinton. That is just an illusion, I am not even here trying to make some sense out of all this insanity.
After all, maybe Orin is right: I do not even exist and that’s why you cannot even answer me when I post something asking you to reply: you just do not see me, since I am not even there, right?

11) So with that understanding I leave you with this:
Love to you, appreciate what you have, allow yourself to be guided with your soul because that is your inner truth, that is your key to understanding yourself, your truth. It is key.
So allow that understanding now and be present and be humble.

I think you might want to possibly try and learn a little from that one, Clint. Try to appreciate what you have, cherish it without considering it as pure illusions, and have the decency of tapping into humility too, allowing your mistakes and wrong-doings.

12) Allow the other channelers to bring in the information, OK?
It is not disharmonizing anything.
See it as an allowance for other people to learn that in certain frequency bandwidth.
So, much love to you, peace be with you and good luck on your earthly journeys.

Is that like a voice from outer space saying “Hey guys, try not to be so racist, will ya, we’re not conflicting anything. We just say we have the truth, you are all blind. Be open but only within our frame. Question anything you want, but know we are absolutely right, and if you can’t take it, just go fuck yourselves, you’re just too low on the evolution scale.”

I allow anyone to claim to channel, and I also allow that I have a right to question about it, have an opinion about it and speak it out, discuss it.

Now if that is too much to take for higher beings and channelers alike, because they only can take praise, no wonder some agitated frustrated man placates rules of anti-duality, anti-this and anti-that, which only close the doors to being open-minded, reducing everyone’s right to think for themselves to a carefully exclusive thought pattern, guarded by rules as thick as high-security prisons.

Not a single one of you has even ever taken into consideration that you all might just be completely wrong about everything. You’re all infused with such a bold pride and close minded frame of mind that it is often quite scary, really. Yet, you keep hammering people like me with “be open”, “allow” when you yourselves actually just turn away from being open and allowing. Isn’t that quite funny?

In the end, I honestly think you’ve tried your best to explain how you experience channeling yourself, and I thank you for that. Despite the slips and glitches, it is interesting to see your picture of it. But as for its content, to me, it’s not even far-fetched, it’s just filled with quite an emptiness, reminiscent of a mishmash of post 60’s psychedelic so-called knowledge, tapped into acid trips and magic mushrooms hitting the sci-fi novel on the shelf.
To me, all this just shows how desperate human beings can be, not being able — because of uncontrollable fears and frustrations they find an answer into beliefs systems —, to enjoy their lives for what they are, being thankful to actually have one instead of dying from Aids in Africa, or being born in some mexican favellas.

Tags: belief, channeling, clinton, evolution, truth


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Replies to This Discussion

He can choose to defend the words stated by "Orin", but looks like he deleted the account instead :P

ilikepies said:
Hasn't Clinton essentially proved himself that he is not channeling, I find it hard to believe someone who could actually channel a being would react in the way Clinton did here

case closed

DeusEx said:
Why delete the account? Here is your chance to recover and get back on topic.

clinton meduim of light said:
haaaha ilike pies peace later...

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damn that kid is so dumb, im sure he didnt even realize that he screwed himself with all this.

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Just putting the offer on the table :)

Mo-Dean said:
who cares, the quotes on the replies remain.

DeusEx said:
He can choose to defend the words stated by "Orin", but looks like he deleted the account instead :P

ilikepies said:
Hasn't Clinton essentially proved himself that he is not channeling, I find it hard to believe someone who could actually channel a being would react in the way Clinton did here

case closed

DeusEx said:
Why delete the account? Here is your chance to recover and get back on topic.

clinton meduim of light said:
haaaha ilike pies peace later...

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