Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

taken from

Yesterday, I was on my couch entering a meditative state. I was watching a very interesting video based on the teachings of the Tibetan Monks. It was very exciting and they provided a very interesting speech on relaxing through meditation. After I watched the video, I got into the meditative state and got into a very relaxed state of being. After performing this meditation for a few minutes, I felt like I was crystalline. Just very clear and receptive to so much energy. Before I even realized, I laid down on my couch and moments later I was fast asleep.

As I drifted off, all I can remember seeing is speeding through this immense blue energetic tunnel with a light at the end of it. Very similar to what people describe through Near Death Experiences. In my state, I foresaw myself not even as a physical being, but as my soul speeding towards the end of this bluish energy tunnel towards this light near the end. The light from what I could remember was so filled with love and bliss. There was no judgment and no feelings or remorse or resentment when I was in this state. I literally felt like I had passed this plane of existence. That I actually had a near death experience. It was so exciting! I couldn’t even describe how free it felt. Becoming part of that plane where everything is love.

I awoke about 45 minutes later and was just amazed that I was back in my body. Its like for a moment, I felt alien to this entire world, this entire reality. But after remembering that experience, it just brings further confirmation to myself that when the time comes to become non-physical again, you know what everyone, we have absolutely nothing to worry about. Bliss itself does not even do the experience justice. You are so free, you are just one with everything…Everything around you is love. I even got from my own guidance that I literally passed this plane for about 45 minutes in linear time understanding, but only for a couple of moments in the plane beyond this one.

I wanted to share this story because I know people are constantly afraid of the idea of death. This is not the first time I had an experience like this. I have died many times. The whole definition of death itself is your essence leaving your body. That’s it. But you are always able to come back if that is your soul’s choice to do so. We have such an amazing experience everyone and the only reason we fear passing this plane is because of the belief systems we have adopted into our lives thinking that death is horrible…It isn’t.

You here, now, on this plane of Earth is definitely a gift and so is your body, and of course you should always cherish your life while you are here on this world. But when the time comes for you to return to non-physicality, all you will ever experience is joy, excitement, bliss and love beyond your wildest imagination.

Have no fear of where you are now and where you’ll be when you become your true self. There is only bliss and love on both planes of existence.



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oh dear god ive just gotten 5 minutes in and had to stop.

So I assume that all the people who were slaughtered in the holocasut, the rwandan genocide, they all somehow would have magically been able to come back but didnt want to? By this logic like nearly nobody would ever die, so I have to assume you mean that when we die we can go back and live our life in some alternate reality unaffected by the timeline we used to live where death is always final. So parents who lose their children to murderous rapist have to live on in agony while in another life their child chooses to transport back and live out his life? does this universe already exist or is it created by the act of the person going back to their life? Are the deaths we see now only the deaths where the people decided to stay dead and we all just forget when someone comes back? do we all have our minds messed with every time some dead person wants to come back to life?


EDIT just to add something, what hes essentially telling people with this is if they want they can kill themselves right now by jumping out of a window just to experience magical afterlife love and still be able to go back and live the rest of their lives, giving even MORE reason for someone to try killing themself

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STOP HIM !!! PLEASE, stop him before somebody tells him/herself "Brad is a Pro, so he knows" and indeed jumps from a window... its not a question "if" that will happen, but "when"... I think this new edition of "suicide is a wonderful thing" makes this more then clear :-(

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BRAD,have fun trying to get into the U.S. without a passport!!!By the way..if you don't take pictures of my grandchildren off this or any other site..I am going to make a visit to the police and show them all this weird and scary stuff you are into!!!!!!

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Nancy speaks the truth Brad.

Hello Nancy and welcome to SOSOE. When you get a moment could you share with us some background to your affiliation with Brad as you refer to his children as your grandchildren. (preferably in a new thread)

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yes if there are any more pictures on this site featuring brads children im sure we'd be happy to take them down, in fact i think awhile back we had sort of a funny picture up that featured one of the pictures brad put up with his kids and we all decided it should be taken down cause even though it was just a joke and trying to show how horrible an irresponsible a parent he was we respected brads kids right NOT TO BE POSTED ALL OVER CRAZY INTERNET SITES.

It boggles the mind how selfish and reprehensible Brad is, I mean if your gonna post out your kids pictures with their names for all these crazy middle aged people to see you shoul dhave a damn good reason, of course brads reason is ONLY to make himself look better, as we all know he dosen't give a damn about his kids, they're just a burden so he makes believe that because they are children they dont need to be raised cause they have special access to universe juice or something. Then every now and then he'll post up the picture of him with his daughter in the aftermath of being publically humiliated and dumped by miss kerry
"No i wasnt dumped, i jsut want to spend more time with my children, heres pictures of them"

anyway welcome to the site Nancy and we're all behind you with the children issue, I think most of us here have been concerned for their well being for awhile, especially after he was all like "MY FAMILY IS INFECTED BY DARK PSYCHICS IM UNDER ATTACK"

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