Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Ah, yes, the first testimonial for EoS has been placed online and who is it...none other that Brad's latest squeeze Miss Kerry. Do these people have any clue on ethics and ethical behaviour?


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The original link:

Christ that is fricken charming and disgusting in every sense of the word. I never for one second would imagine that Brad would actually go as far as USING Miss Kerry for his own benefit.

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this is getting beyond ridiculous now.

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Come on Clinton why don't you respond to this thread, call us all negative losers who need to get laid for thinking that its a conflict of interest and ridiculously unprofessional for the sole testimonial to be written by Miss Kerry. For fuck sakes Brad may as well have written one himself, for all we know he probably did write this and just got Miss Kerry to sign off on it

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LOL It's ok, Pies, don't worry, Brad will write 3 to 5 of them within the next two weeks ;)

I wonder what people would think if that EoS testimonial page was redirecting to the same one, only with the astral sex testimonials too. ROFL

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your right dom, I can see it now..

"Before I found i was overweight, ugly, depressed, bald, had cancer and no legs, after just a few easy 100 dollar sessions with a great man called Brad he taught me how to talk to water before drinking it. Now I'm People magazine's sexiest man alive, have a full head of hair, my cancer is in full remission and my legs grew back. I also won the lottery grew 3 extra inches on my penis and now live in a country where its legal to be married to two Czechoslovakian supermodels. Thanks to expressionofsoul and especially Brad Johnson, you sir are as attractive as you are godlike.

- Brad Johnson..I mean someone else
not the town Brad lives in, Canada

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Hey everybody. I felt the need to share this with you, despite some of the current feelings of EoS. A short time ago, I responded to DeusEx's post on certain members "being in business" with Brad, as I was placed in that list. Following my post, DeusEx immediatley responded both on the post, and a private message sent to me on SoE with the utmost respect. I followed up with DeusEx accepting his words and thanking him for giving me a chance to speak out on who I am, and thank you all as well for that grace. I ask now of you to do the same, as I am just as much as a person as anyone of you, and would not treat or want to be treated any other way. I accept, and especially encourage your thoughts and questions on any matter, the sky the limit. In that respect, I will get to what I want to share, only in regards to of myself, and will not comment on the subject of this post, as I practice strict neutrality in life. In a few days or so, I will be submitting my own Testimonial regarding my connections with Clinton and Brad. In it, I will discuss my experiences I have encountered since I have joined SoE back in early January of this year. Let me make clear, that only recently was I asked if I would be willing to write up such a Testimonial, and it would be truly up to me. At no point to this date or any following have I received or been offered any payments or compensations in any way whatsoever, whether it be from Brad, Clinton, for SoE, for EoS, or anything else. I have chosen to do this by my own decision out of the goodness of my heart. Now, I'm sure some are wondering at this moment what will I be sharing, and why me. This is a fair question, and I have no problem at all sharing that with all of you now. Even way before the idea was shared with me of EoS creation, Clinton, Brad, and a few other members who have no relation to EoS like me and have never held an admin position, have initiated various healings, channeled conversations, and any others of the sort as a no strings attached gift to me either asked for or offered. In result, all that I have experienced from them have been truly life changing for me, just as much however as becoming connected with all of you, SoE, etc. I personally have experienced, and witnessing others have as well, some of the services offered on EoS and some not. In all honesty, for me most importantly, I have benefited so much from those connections in which I will share in the Testimonial. Please understand, I hold no argument or contest to any of you, this post, or anything else for that matter. I just felt, that since we are all family in the end, that I shall never hold shame or non disclosure of my own feelings or sharings. On that note, all that matters is what I have received in my truth, no matter what, why, or how. Just, that it IS. Please don't ask me of my personal opinions in relating matters as it could create debates, which I don't participate in because of my place of neutral grounds in life. However, you may share whatever you wish to, and I will be more than happy to respond the best I can to sustain my place, and hope that I am given equal love that I offer to all of you. These past couple months have been so great for me, as family and friends have just recently began to accept me for who I am, and better yet, have opened their minds to any and all possibilities. If only I could say the same about the whole planet, but it's getting there haha. As always, much love and respect equally for all of you, and appreciate the opportunity to connect, and all the sharing in between. All the best...IB

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That's fine Indigo Bliss but may I ask if you paid for the services Clinton gave you? It seems that so far the only testimonials on this site would be by people in Brads inner circle (not accusing you of being a part of eos but you know what i mean) and not who the testimonials should be from, random objective people who stumbled on the site and actually tried the paid services.

Honestly the fact that you came here with a big long explanation pre empting the posting of your testimonial makes me think maybe a part of you even realizes that this is sort of a dishonest unprofessional way of trying to add legitimacy to this ridiculous moneymaking scheme. But thank you for posting this and Im glad that experiences with Clinton and this kind of stuff has helped out in your life and I respect your opinion but I hope you don't think that posting this is a way of forbidding us from commenting and critiquing the testimonials and everything else that appears on this website. Cause i'm gonna keep doing it

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How refreshing it is to see a SOE member's comment devoid of the cursing, petty insults and threats that seem to have become the disturbing, yet not unexpected norm. My sincere thanks for that, Indigo Child. Now, on to your comment itself. Like my great grandfather used to say "Only people who are too dumb, too afraid, or too pretentious (as in "I am above this") have no opinion and remain neutral". No need to go into which one would fit your case (though, rest assured, I think you're neither dumb nor afraid) because you are anything but neutral. When you put up a testimonial, you are not neutral, you are condoning a product or service.

You say, and I paraphrase, to have chosen to write the testimonial by your own decision, out of the goodness of your own heart. Still, you had to be asked by Brad first.

Testimonials are a weird thing, pretty much like the so called blurbs on dusk jackets of books, they are often written as a favor for friends or colleagues. In the case of expressionofsoul, I strongly feel that testimonials should only come from actual customers, people who have no connection to Brad whatsoever, people who have put down a considerable amount of money and feel they benefited from the 'treatment' they received.

You claim neutrality and that makes me wonder why, then, did you come here and explain yourself? It comes across as an attempt to receive a proverbial "Get out of jail free" card - that by announcing your upcoming testimonial it won't be screengrabbed and discussed on this site.

Sorry for not returning the exclamations of love; you have my respect, but love is a very strong emotion that I do not use as a random catchphrase; it's reserved for my family and close friends.

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Yah I think the fact that all these testimonials are coming from people who got into this stuff through SOE is bad because there's a huggeee difference between getting something for free and paying for it. If your on SOE and Clinton or Brad are talking about this stuff or telling you they're sending you energy or teaching you to connect with stuff or whatever I think someone is more likely to be satisfied when they haven't paid any money. On the other hand if someone throws down 100 dollars they're gonna have more expectations and thus it will seem much less effective. Also very good point Ben, claiming to be neutral just seems like an excuse to drop all this and then not get into any other questions and debate.

Here's an idea, why dont we see if the good people at EOS are willing to give one of us skeptics or some other neutral party a free taste of these services and let us write our own testimonials? If they're able to do a kundolini activation then..why not do one on me? sure I wont pay you nothing but I can at least promise that If i do indeed experience a major change (you'd expect SOMETHING for 100 dollars wouldnt you) I will gladly write up a testimonial talking about how i was a skeptical critic until I actually tried this service and it changed my life blah blah..of course they would never do that and just assume i'll be skeptical no matter what but hey, honestly, if they really could do something like that to me and it really did make such an amazing impact on my chakra spirit I would have no problem admitting it because I'm an honest person and I hold the virtue of truth very very close to my heart.

Even though indigo bliss is not Brads astral hussie soul mate I still don't think its appropriate to only have the testimonials of hardcore SOE followers who received all this stuff for free on SOE

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(deleted my own reply since it was really OT. )

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Would you pay for it IB?

ilikepies said:
That's fine Indigo Bliss but may I ask if you paid for the services Clinton gave you? t

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