Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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That was some good sleuthing, James! Brad is probably using is old address as he is most likely unable to use his current address as a business address. I'm not sure why he just didn't pay for a post office box to do all his work out of, but we know he's a cheap bastard. As you said, he is willingly commiting fraud by using his old residential address.

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I just went to Mapquest to check the two addresses. I've been to his house on Beatty Street, but one of the addresses didn't seem right. What i found was:

1) The 1425 Beatty Street address is correct and was his address when he was with Cara, (I believe she still lives there right now.)

2) The 1025 Beatty Street one is fake. Mapquest has no record of this, because the street is actually a very small cul-de-sac with only one block number.

That's a pretty shallow thing for him to do, despite everything else he's done already.

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It feels like Brad is just putting every ounce of his lying dishonest manipulative boastful ways into this adronis thing, like just doing every possible thing he can think of, writing fake testimonials, claiming to have a long wait list, registering as a business, suddenly saying that hes been "doing this almost a year" as if hes actually had steady clients for almost a year. I mean there are just no bounds to how much this guy will lie and try to hype himself up and its almost like he's in all or nothing mode, and the fact that hes already in trouble with child support issues just makes me think hes started on an insane path of self destruction

I wonder if the people who know him can let me know if Brad was like this but it seems to me he is steadfast on that obsession that many people get to be famous and loved and respected. I think it was probably this single desire that most drove him to dive into this online life where he was so different than maybe what people knew of him who knew him in real life. I think its clear that what brad wants to do know is insert himself into this growing movement, likely hoping one day he can have a big wait list of people wanting to have 400 dollar readings done and being interviewed on tv and operah and writing the next great new age bestseller and all of that shit. He is I think ultimately obsessed with not the actual content of what he puts out, not the truth of it, not if its gonna help people, not if it makes sense, but that it makes him look like some important smart person who has the right to tell the world whats good for them.

This is what is causing this irresponsible crazyness that is, im sorry, just plain evil. The bottom line is talking about perspective dosent mean shit when you are lying to people, telling people things that play on their emotions and taking advantage of the benefit of the doubt they give you, taking advantage of the fact that people might assume "wow theres no way this guy would just be totally lying about all this stuff" if these people had the full information on you they would never pay for your services and you know it brad, why dont you explain how that fits in with you "oh if from peopels perspectives they believe and like its its ok" its like your saying "oh its ok that i lie to people because they believe it"

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The review sounds like Brad for sure. The style, wording, etc... He's such a con artist.

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DeusEx said:
The review sounds like Brad for sure. The style, wording, etc... He's such a con artist.

LMAO Dues. As you'll see here this was only the tip of the iceberg. :P Viewing the users profile reveals that they also submitted a review to Drunna who has also registered as a business on Google Earth.

Brad even went as far as providing a fake tesimonial for her under the name of grayshotgame. What I do find rather unusual is that all her other "reviews" have reviewed nobody elses services apart from her own.............

Turth be told Brad and Drunna are a match made in heaven come to think about it...............

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LOL! How deep does this rabbit hole go? :P

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Deep enough to reach Japan maybe?? lol... man, oh man... unbelievable !!

DeusEx said:
LOL! How deep does this rabbit hole go? :P

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Brad is probably aiming for the people who feel that achieving such spiritual exercise is a hard task to do on their own, so they have to consider help from teachers or gurus in order to achieve their goals. That is a misconception. The teaching of Buddhism teaches that a teacher cannot teach the truth, the truth must be directly experienced, and a person must be his own master. Another teaching of Buddhism is that everyone needs a cure or prescription, if a person chooses a medicine that is highly exspensive but is uneffective to the individual,than it is no use.

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And now a permanent shitstain has been left behind on Brads business front on Google Earth. Fingers crossed that Google does'nt allow Brad to censor bad reviews. High five Dues! :P

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Haha, it actually worked. It didn't show up for a few hours so I assumed it had to be approved :P I see the new review from James and I've marked it useful ;)

james_uk said:
And now a permanent shitstain has been left behind on Brads business front on Google Earth. Fingers crossed that Google does'nt allow Brad to censor bad reviews. High five Dues! :P

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this is the kind of thing we need to do, Brad dosen't have control over this shit to delete comments sites like this have to allow all opinions about people, I will add a review to this too later today and I also think it may be a good idea to work up a quick little maybe messsage for duplication and posting everywhere brad has his advertisements, like for example putting a warning on all the craigslist topics he has ads in.

like i said before, brad knows that if people have the full information on him they likely wont want his services, thats why he makes up these bullshit excuses where its ok to lie to people as long they believe you, we need to make sure we're out there on these places giving people access to the full information on him, not just to save them from having their money scammed but hopefully to get brad to hop on the first bus out of crazy cult town and get back to living a life among these normal and kind people who are his family and friends

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I dunno about you guys but I only see Druanna's post up there right now


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