Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

If you go to SOE you will see that Brad has posted Adronis's take on the death of Michael jackson, confirming with his Adronis future abilities that he was indeed murdered by the CIA to silence his lightworker powers.... so somebody posts a youtube video saying this and suddenly adronis is confirming it..a youtube video with no references, no sources, no evidence, all hearsay ONE DAY after we ever found out he died....

Fuck you to hell Brad, we know what this is, hell I guess your doing the same thing all the news networks and internet sites are doing, your latching onto the death, you love that hes dead Brad YOU LOVE IT. It's a big event, a big celebrity who died and now you can make up conspiracy theories about how he was killed by robot aliens and I bet your gonna try your hardest to be right smack dab in the middle of this new big "viral craze" pimping your half assed pathetically obvious "channeling" for cash

You are going to latch onto his death, the attention people pay to his death, and you are gonna milk it like CRAZY. Fuck yourself to hell to brad


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whats so sickening is how Brad DOSENT HAVE TO BACK UP ANYTHING HE SAYS cause everything he does is claimed to be channeled through a being, its lazy and stupid and irresponsible. i'm sure all he needed was one fucking youtube video filled with hearsay

Where's the evidence that Michael Jackson was planning some amazing lightworker task during his concernt? give me an example of people talking about something like this before he died. Show me some fucking evidence rather than just instantly turning every big name death into a conspiracy.

Michael Jackson was, in his prime, one of the most ridiculously talented and influential people ever, but lets not kid ourselves, was the thing he turned into in his not so flattering latter part of life REALLY possible of being a threat to the "earth cabal" wouldnt M.J. rambling about conspiracy stuff on his tour just make people make fun of him more? make more people think he was losing his mind? How would he possibly make his planned comeback work going up on stage telling everyone not to get the flu shot, everyone would freak out, this makes no sense, there's no evidence and yet Brad HAS TO BE A PART OF IT, because its where everyones attention is focused

you deserve the sad fucking pathetic life you've made for yourself brad you disgusting subhuman

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And he's just self favourited it on his ootwpcs youtube account. He's also unsurprisingly rated it five stars as well.

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I know some of you guys are upset, but here's a superior version.

I couldn't really find this shocking at all. In fact Brad's whole post had me rofling. This tackiness is predominant through New Age communities.. remember what John Edwards is famous for? the whole mediumship deal in general? And they get away with it. People like this need to be shown for how ridiculous they really are. >.>

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Disgusting how brad would mooch off such a tragedy.

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Nice remake! I'm also with you on the complete lack of shock. To be honest, I was sort of expecting, "Yeah, I had made a prediction that a famous lightworker would die in June." But to go the CIA assassination route managed to hit both his lightworker audience and his conspiracy theory audience. The only thing that could have made the "channeling" complete for me is if he claimed the CIA killed MJ by blasting Neverland Ranch with chemtrails.

PrincessHeart said:
I know some of you guys are upset, but here's a superior version.

I couldn't really find this shocking at all. In fact Brad's whole post had me rofling. This tackiness is predominant through New Age communities.. remember what John Edwards is famous for? the whole mediumship deal in general? And they get away with it. People like this need to be shown for how ridiculous they really are. >.>

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I can see the next video now

"Famous infomercial spokesman Billy Mays was a light worker who was going to expose the illuminati's evil plans during filming of his "oxi clean : extreme kitchen cleaner" commercial. but instead the CIA killed him in their desperate attempt to defeat the great lightworker warriors like brad johnson, however, do not concern yourself with this at all because even though im claiming the cia killed him to stop the revealing of enlightenment I'm somehow also arguing that everything is fine because it was in his soul contract to be killed by the cia to stop him from revealing the truth about mind control poison in non organic vegetables"

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You know pies it could well be a matter of time :D

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Oh, James...

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Haha Mark Huber's cult groupies are also claiming that Michael Jackson was going to be talking about NESARA so he was killed.

DeusEx said:
Wow, I'm really shocked. I had joked that some members of SOE would claim Michael Jackson was a lightworker posthumously, but did not suspect that Brad would stoop so low to prey off the death to advance himself. I'm really sickened by this new turn of Brad. He's used channeling to support anything he's ever said, (try to) get women, hustle people out of money and now this...yet another example of how sick and depraved he is.

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LOL! Huber had to find some way to work the NESARA angle back in huh? :P Let me guess, since Michael Jackson was going broke and reportedly on the verge of bankruptcy he was a proponent of NESARA? Did he rewrite the "We are World" lyrics too?

NE-SA-RA now
NE-SA-RA someday soon
We are the ones who want a brighter day
So let's start taking
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Stephen Bates said:
Haha Mark Huber's cult groupies are also claiming that Michael Jackson was going to be talking about NESARA so he was killed.

DeusEx said:
Wow, I'm really shocked. I had joked that some members of SOE would claim Michael Jackson was a lightworker posthumously, but did not suspect that Brad would stoop so low to prey off the death to advance himself. I'm really sickened by this new turn of Brad. He's used channeling to support anything he's ever said, (try to) get women, hustle people out of money and now this...yet another example of how sick and depraved he is.

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Near enough same except with a spin on Farrah Fawcett. They've gotta be trolls doing it. :D

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Seriously, I read the posts of the people in this group, and its just like sad, and it makes me so angry I want to find a way to shut these places down.

DeusEx said:
LOL! Huber had to find some way to work the NESARA angle back in huh? :P Let me guess, since Michael Jackson was going broke and reportedly on the verge of bankruptcy he was a proponent of NESARA? Did he rewrite the "We are World" lyrics too?

NE-SA-RA now
NE-SA-RA someday soon
We are the ones who want a brighter day
So let's start taking
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Stephen Bates said:
Haha Mark Huber's cult groupies are also claiming that Michael Jackson was going to be talking about NESARA so he was killed.

DeusEx said:
Wow, I'm really shocked. I had joked that some members of SOE would claim Michael Jackson was a lightworker posthumously, but did not suspect that Brad would stoop so low to prey off the death to advance himself. I'm really sickened by this new turn of Brad. He's used channeling to support anything he's ever said, (try to) get women, hustle people out of money and now this...yet another example of how sick and depraved he is.

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