Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Clinton Doherty said:
Ok sorry guys I am been a dick. Sorry linda fuck im such a idiot. I really mean it. I am a good person I just thought things would get better. My girlfriend left me and today ive been really fucked. I hope you can accept my apology. Everyone here.

Hey Clinton
Just out of interest but what was wrong with the response you originaly posted? If it jogs your memory or "memory chakras" you basically told Linda to fuck off previously.

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I must say Clinton it seems very childish and irresponsible of you to come out and say "wah fuck all this spirituality shit my internet girlfriend left me wah" Even if you do apologize for it the fact that you would even come out and say something like that EVER is the problem. Didn't you claim to be able to channel beings? if you know that you can ACTUALLY channel a being why would you say something like "fuck all this crap" if you know that you can use abundance and healing and psychic energy magical stuff why would you say "fuck all this shit" It was YOU Clinton who are partly responsible for Brads egomaniacal rise that led to him to attempt to brainwash several girls one of which he scuceeded in taking away from her FAMILY. YOU are the one who came out and said you were mr experienced channeler and brad was like "oh clinton is amazing hes such a powerful psychic" and you and clinton were confirming each others crap brad would be like "Hey new member has clinton told you your origins he hasnt? well then now that I know I won't screw myself over by saying something different from him I will randomly say that your a plaedian hey clinton do you sense that to"
"yes brad I was just going to say plaeidain"
"well I guess that proves it"

it was your name he'd drop when talking about how he was important and had a mission and was the fastest accelerator ever, it was you who joined in with all the fucking bullshit comforting people with the lies they wanted to hear, and yet you can just come out and say "oh fuck it all my girlfriend left me this is all bullshit"

I like you a hell of a lot more than Brad Clinton but I must say you seem to have the same sort of emotional irresponsibility as Brad. I suggest if you really wanna come clean and put all this crap behind you start with some real honesty, start with how neither you nor brad actually have any powers of anything, how you both just supported each others lies to play along, how you would simply confirm each others bullshit for the sake of it, not because you even bothered feeling any "energy". There's nothing I respect more from honesty, and rather than just whining and being all emotional how bout you bring a lil more respect on yourself

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Clinton, thanks for clearing up the confusion. I think you'll be OK in the end and if it doesn't work out with your girlfriend then you're already realized what could have gone wrong. Too much time with SOE and Brad's lies. If Brad has put up your material without your permission, I suggest you contact him and Tony immediately giving them a day to respond and if they have not removed the material, Ning will most certainly take care of it for you as some of it is hosted on the Ning servers. Brad needs to understand that he cannot use your name for his purposes anymore. I was really shocked when I saw your material back on SOE and knew you didn't give him permission. You and Antonela got out and would not be going back to SOE again. Brad counted on that so he could misuse your meditations and name. Also, going with what Pies said, we know you kept quiet when all that shit was going down with Brad and the ladies. You had to or else you would have been demonized by Brad. That time is over, you can clear the air of all that now. You need to get all that stuff you have bottled up inside you out. You can't do it on SOE, but you can here. Take care.

Clinton Doherty said:
Its that im like lost faith in everything dear to me all at once. Thats why I did it. I wanted to get out of all the shit and brad posts my stuff up with out asking. I really just wanted to get on with my life. Thats why. Yes Linda thanks. I take your advice. Just wanna say the internet relationships can work as ive got friends that have got together with there partners over the net. But it is tough and I did not wanna let go of the dream. Yeah so in that aspect, for sure I am getting more grounded. I am not doing much healing work anymore. I am in a photography and videography business doing weddings and events. Thats really my passion. But it was a hectic ride on SOE dam. I just dont wanna get to emotionally invested on sites anymore. Cause I wanted more out than just fun and that didnt work. My whole life became the interenet not doing much else. That's what stopped me. Anyways. We all learn. Thanks guys. Clinton

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Oh Twiddly, welcome back. Glad you remembered the username and password for the account. Senility is a bitch.

Twiddly said:
???? WTF

[i wanted to get out of all the shit] does this summise your response to ILP? what shit are you talking about? your life prior to [the hectic ride on SOE ]?

Clinton Doherty said:
Its that im like lost faith in everything dear to me all at once. Thats why I did it. I wanted to get out of all the shit and brad posts my stuff up with out asking. I really just wanted to get on with my life. Thats why. Yes Linda thanks. I take your advice. Just wanna say the internet relationships can work as ive got friends that have got together with there partners over the net. But it is tough and I did not wanna let go of the dream. Yeah so in that aspect, for sure I am getting more grounded. I am not doing much healing work anymore. I am in a photography and videography business doing weddings and events. Thats really my passion. But it was a hectic ride on SOE dam. I just dont wanna get to emotionally invested on sites anymore. Cause I wanted more out than just fun and that didnt work. My whole life became the interenet not doing much else. That's what stopped me. Anyways. We all learn. Thanks guys. Clinton

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In most cases, yes, but you'll never find out since you don't even have enough balls to say who you are from SOE.

Twiddly said:
Won't that set in until after my balls have dropped?

DeusEx said:
Oh Twiddly, welcome back. Glad you remembered the username and password for the account. Senility is a bitch.

Twiddly said:
???? WTF

[i wanted to get out of all the shit] does this summise your response to ILP? what shit are you talking about? your life prior to [the hectic ride on SOE ]?

Clinton Doherty said:
Its that im like lost faith in everything dear to me all at once. Thats why I did it. I wanted to get out of all the shit and brad posts my stuff up with out asking. I really just wanted to get on with my life. Thats why. Yes Linda thanks. I take your advice. Just wanna say the internet relationships can work as ive got friends that have got together with there partners over the net. But it is tough and I did not wanna let go of the dream. Yeah so in that aspect, for sure I am getting more grounded. I am not doing much healing work anymore. I am in a photography and videography business doing weddings and events. Thats really my passion. But it was a hectic ride on SOE dam. I just dont wanna get to emotionally invested on sites anymore. Cause I wanted more out than just fun and that didnt work. My whole life became the interenet not doing much else. That's what stopped me. Anyways. We all learn. Thanks guys. Clinton

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Clinton my friend, leave all this silly channeler bullshit behind and I will show how to shot fireballs.

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You're already there :)

Twiddly said:
when does the paranoia set in?

DeusEx said:
In most cases, yes, but you'll never find out since you don't even have enough balls to say who you are from SOE.

Twiddly said:
Won't that set in until after my balls have dropped?

DeusEx said:
Oh Twiddly, welcome back. Glad you remembered the username and password for the account. Senility is a bitch.

Twiddly said:
???? WTF

[i wanted to get out of all the shit] does this summise your response to ILP? what shit are you talking about? your life prior to [the hectic ride on SOE ]?

Clinton Doherty said:
Its that im like lost faith in everything dear to me all at once. Thats why I did it. I wanted to get out of all the shit and brad posts my stuff up with out asking. I really just wanted to get on with my life. Thats why. Yes Linda thanks. I take your advice. Just wanna say the internet relationships can work as ive got friends that have got together with there partners over the net. But it is tough and I did not wanna let go of the dream. Yeah so in that aspect, for sure I am getting more grounded. I am not doing much healing work anymore. I am in a photography and videography business doing weddings and events. Thats really my passion. But it was a hectic ride on SOE dam. I just dont wanna get to emotionally invested on sites anymore. Cause I wanted more out than just fun and that didnt work. My whole life became the interenet not doing much else. That's what stopped me. Anyways. We all learn. Thanks guys. Clinton

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Clinton, I agree with Deus. If you want your name and meditations removed from that group Brad created, eliminate the middleman and contact Ning right away. Calling Brad and Tony on it first probably won’t do you much good as Brad and Tony have a funny idea of what rules are for (“rules are imposed on others to protect SOE; SOE may break every rule to protect itself and to guarantee one-sided, incomplete information”).
I hope that you are now really done with all the nonsense; living a spiritual life really doesn’t require you to be online all day or having delusions about great healing powers and alien teachers. I encourage you to instead focus on your video company (sounds pretty cool!). Give it time and I’m sure that sooner or later you’ll find a nice girl in the real world. Enjoy life and don't risk becoming a second Brad or Tony, guys who have seriously fucked up their own life and are no longer capable of dealing with reality.

DeusEx said:
Clinton, thanks for clearing up the confusion. I think you'll be OK in the end and if it doesn't work out with your girlfriend then you're already realized what could have gone wrong. Too much time with SOE and Brad's lies. If Brad has put up your material without your permission, I suggest you contact him and Tony immediately giving them a day to respond and if they have not removed the material, Ning will most certainly take care of it for you as some of it is hosted on the Ning servers. Brad needs to understand that he cannot use your name for his purposes anymore. I was really shocked when I saw your material back on SOE and knew you didn't give him permission. You and Antonela got out and would not be going back to SOE again. Brad counted on that so he could misuse your meditations and name. Also, going with what Pies said, we know you kept quiet when all that shit was going down with Brad and the ladies. You had to or else you would have been demonized by Brad. That time is over, you can clear the air of all that now. You need to get all that stuff you have bottled up inside you out. You can't do it on SOE, but you can here. Take care.
Clinton Doherty said:
Its that im like lost faith in everything dear to me all at once. Thats why I did it. I wanted to get out of all the shit and brad posts my stuff up with out asking. I really just wanted to get on with my life. Thats why. Yes Linda thanks. I take your advice. Just wanna say the internet relationships can work as ive got friends that have got together with there partners over the net. But it is tough and I did not wanna let go of the dream. Yeah so in that aspect, for sure I am getting more grounded. I am not doing much healing work anymore. I am in a photography and videography business doing weddings and events. Thats really my passion. But it was a hectic ride on SOE dam. I just dont wanna get to emotionally invested on sites anymore. Cause I wanted more out than just fun and that didnt work. My whole life became the interenet not doing much else. That's what stopped me. Anyways. We all learn. Thanks guys. Clinton

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This is the whole problem with this "abundance" thing, people may think they can control their lives and make them however they want just by having positive love feelings. i'm not saying meditation and spirituality aren't useful but the way someone like Brad sells it is just ridiculous. I remember in his faq thing he said shit like "oh think about what your greatest dream is what do you wanna do figure it out and write it down make a schedule make a plan set out how you wanna do it blah blah blah" what he didnt say is "if you wanna do something you love then your gonna have to put a lot of effort into it and it might not be easy and you might have to work hard for awhile but stay determined and work your ass off" It was all "ohhh lets sit around at our computers and we can make everything happen by meditating into water wah"

I hope Clinton that you can figure out a way to use your interest in meditation and spirituality to go out there and do what you want in the world WITH YOUR OWN TWO HANDS. I hope you have the guts to make a post on SOE about how you really feel, even though it will be deleted and you'll be banned. Know that you did nothing wrong in making that post against brads adronis bullshit. Brad comes out and says "oh if people dont resonate with the channeling thats fine they dont have to believe it" then he should ALLOW people to speak their minds about what they think of the channeling and not dismiss every opinion they don't like as "an attack" At least make the assholes at SOE choke down another vagrant example of their fascist bullshit having to ban the guy who Brad used to build himself up as some great psychic channeler chosen one

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You've learned a hard lesson and that's what life is about. You understand how EoS was a loophole of sorts but it wasn't doing the right thing and that's why it had to end. Sometimes we fool ourselves into believing we are doing the right thing and get blinded to the real facts. Your eyes are open to all that now and that's good. Don't loose faith in yourself or trying to help people. If you truly want to help people then do so but learn from the past and do not try to make the same mistakes as before. Like you said, we've had our arguments in the past but it was never against you personally just some of the things you had done. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we really wanted the best for you. You current dream may have crumbled, but it's time to rebuild and you will soon enough. Just don't get yourself caught up in the same game as before. Take care and good luck :)

Clinton Doherty said:
Well yeah. I was not directly responding to Ilikepies. I was responding to all that wrote. Yes Brad never asked me. Just put it up. I don't know whats up with people. So many people that are into spirituality are like not truthfull. Its absolute bullshit. Seriously like why. I still don't get it. Like I always just wanna help people as much as I can, but after all this stuff I feel like why should I bother anymore. I was blinded so blinded. Can't believe I fell for this shit so bad. Really. I do take my stuff seriously still. My meditations and all. It's like I wanted to be in light and I was thrown in the dark. Anyway I think we all learnt so much by all this stuff. Like dues, linda, sosoe and all we have known each other now for a long time. Even though we have had disagrements and everything. What I did notice is that people have actually been cool to me even though they disagreed. Like Idom that guy actually did care allot and sosoe thanks for the posting for my dad.

I really got hit hard today. I was putting all my cards into my dream and to see it crumble in my face was hard. I have always fought with the system. Like been against materialism and the money system. I saw it as bad. As most spiritual people do. THe expression of soul was my loop hole. Thinking Oh wow I can do what I love and get paid. But then brad didn't really help at all with all those rediculas prices and charging for each chakra and all dam. Like that was bad. I am so glad the site went down cause I would of been in the shit if that carried on not knowing what was really going on.

I don't wanna fight Brad or anyone anymore I just wanna get on with my life here, grounded. I must say. Twilight is awsome. Really she was so cool to me all the time. There are good people here and I was blinded by protecting Brad which I thought was good intent or what ever. I remember really fighting you guys and that was stupid really. Well thats how I feel laters and respect Clinton.

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((((((((((Clinton)))))))))) lessons like these hurt, but they are also the once you can learn the most from

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Oh Twiddly, you're so ever the good cult member. Now run along little doggy, there's some peanut butter waiting for you in Brad's groin.

Twiddly said:
become a twiddly and twiddly like us, we own nothing. Not even money. To turn over or around idly or lightly; fiddle with: [Couples are twiddling swizzle sticks while waiting for their tables [Bryan Miller]]. To trifle with something, to be busy about trifles. to twirl or rotate without purpose, The act or an instance of twiddling.

Clinton Doherty said:
I don't wanna fight Brad or anyone anymore I just wanna get on with my life here, grounded. I must say. Twilight is awsome. Really she was so cool to me all the time. There are good people here and I was blinded by protecting Brad which I thought was good intent or what ever. I remember really fighting you guys and that was stupid really. Well thats how I feel laters and respect Clinton.

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