Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


A Message to Brad Johnson about his Live Channeling Video

It will probably be deleted from the thread on SoE. So I am reposting here, out of hope someone makes some sense…

Hi Brad,

From my personal truth to yours, for what it's worth, it was not a very good idea (communication-wise) posting that video. You should know better.
I might not share most of your belief, not "resonate" with it, yet you know well I just rightfully stand for what is true.

Posting such a video is kind of disgrace, to yourself, and to the people you welcomed here.
I do not mean no offense, and if you're honest enough, you'll know that there is nothing mean in my purpose. Just calling things for what they actually are and not for what you want them to be.

I can understand a lot — name it what you want throughout personal truth, law of whatever, et al… —, I just can't get it you post something like that?
From everything you have been browsing through in the past few months, you know even Goodchild is putting up a show at least one can call a show. Coming up with this is, to me, not only an insult to everyone but also to your own intelligence.
Instead of removing comments, you should have removed that video because it deserves everything you want to happen.

Being used to, or at least having a knowledge of script writing, that's where it's not fitting.
Besides, the choice of the opening song is also a major mistake. not only is it put totally out of context (what does irish miners have to do with Ascension?) but also, if only for the line "I am the voice of the future", Brad, sometimes you really behave like a little boy…

You know damn well despite my harsh words I have some kind of respect for you. I just wish you'd have some for yourself and for the people in this community. At times, I truly end up thinking you are looking at all of us like we were some kind of sub-humans, light years away from your super fast comprehension of a universe you actually know nothing about apart from what you've gathered, bits and pieces, from exo-scholars such as Nidle, Collier, Wilcock and the likes.

A "male Ramtha" you said, as far as considering yourself. A male Ramtha would actually be an online entrepreneur. Not someone with a burning dream. Do you think JZ Knight has any remaining piece of heart at all..? She is a tough boss reigning on an empire for years. You can solfeggio yourself all you want you'll never establish yours in 6 months.
Self publish yourself, mingle with the media, mingle with the elite of the so-called UFO community, scam openly and loudly, then, maybe then you'll achieve what your dream tells you.

I am well aware you're gonna delete that post because it does not suits your plaster pattern. I don't care. i don't write this for the people, at first, I write it for you. because I still think there is a spark somewhere of intelligence and compassion in the multi-dimensional being you've worked bit by bit to become.
Why not emailing you, you'll wonder. Simply because I hope some people will be able to read what I have to say. Some people from this site and some passers by.

You gave yourself a very bug responsibility, Brad, when you started this all.
Do you know that people as young as 13 years old are members of this site??? Doesn't that make you feel slightly responsible for what you put out? If only for what leaked from the Rhea whoever else thing...

You're supposed to be a grown up man, Brad. You have a family and kids. I am all for you pursuing your dream as nutty as that one may be. Just consider you have NO right to take ANYONE together your OWN personal rabbit hole.

Of course, you'll soon — if not already — brandish the flag to your personal truth weapon. That flag is the best alibi to ALL of your faults and nonsense, to all of that of anyone here. That's precisely why such a concept is flawed. When it craves ultimate truth, it is the ultimate lie: the best of all. For after all, really, how easy is that to dismiss any responsibility whatsoever on the altar of personal truth. If your truth is SO personal, why then feel the need to put it up on a website to share? Or does that mean you personal truth is slightly better than ours, poor wanderers of the 3D, who have so much progress to achieve to reach papa’s ankle?

Your channeling was NOT a channeling, Brad. You are making a fool of yourself. I just wish you had a little piece of decency to just for once sweep your front door instead of offering tools to people to do theirs.
There is a saying that goes: the shoe maker is the one who has the baddest shoes. Please, for your own personal sake, even if you must pass for a jerk to everyone, get a grip and get back the power on your own life. You, yourself and the ones who love you shall thank you for that, forever. And you know it. For long.
Only truth, as it is, is never a sweet cup, is it?

You always talk about truth. What does the bathroom mirror says. Go have a look, come back to me. You know I’ll have ears and heart always to listen to you. Just be articulate for once, and your self: not an alternative archetypal one you’d only find in Joseph Campbell’s lectures.

I wish you and yours well. You have my fraternal friendship, despite all.

~ Dom

Tags: brad, cult, johnson, soe


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well said dom, i take it the message was deleted?

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can we get a link to this chanelling? I always feel so lost when I read these comments.

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Of course, Apo: here it is:

@Jesus: No apparently, oddly enough it was not deleted but of course, my post was totally ignored [probably under the law of personal truth].

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wow iDom very nice words you got in here...
well written and straight from the heart!
Love to you my Friend

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