Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


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on Thursday
LOL cuuuuuute!!
on Thursday
lolwut :P
on Thursday
No, but they call bullshit. :P
on Thursday
Do they bite?
on Thursday
Randi actually looks like Randi
on Thursday
So cute and the names are perfect since they both have the WTF look on their face like they are about to bust out on some New Agers :P
on Thursday
on Thursday
Ok, so I finally watched this. This guy may be a douche, but he's still more talented then Brad. XD
on Thursday
LeavingSOE added a discussion
on Thursday
Wow, so out of his hundreds of fans and hundreds of subscribers, the dozen or so here that rate him down are to blame for his low ratings? Tony, care to help us with that math on this one?
on Thursday
Thank you for creating this as a new discussion, Ben. It's very well-said.
on Thursday
Yes, I agree with what ilikepies said. It's Cara's choice whether or not she wants to visit this site. If she's worried about Brad's well-being and she wants to be his ally, maybe checking our site is not the best means to that end. If she's worri...
on Wednesday
Can you please quit the creepy love bombs?!? When you use the "l" word, it makes my fucking skin crawl.
on Wednesday
By the way, Brad, your comedy really hasn't improved from that Spritesapiens shit. Don't quit your day job. Oh whoops, nevermind...
on Wednesday

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My Last Post on SOE

Posted on April 14, 2009 at 11:02pm — 8 Comments


I have been banned from SOE

Today, I received a message from Brad Johnson at 9:41 PM GMT on 13 Apr 2009.

Subject: What is required from you

Brad Johnson has sent you a message on Saviors of Earth

As we are cracking down on any form of conflict/anti-duality, etc, and so the following needs to be removed in regards to your membership here:

- All SoSoE links on your page need to be removed as this is branded as a hate site towards SoE, meaning no reference of it whatsoever can be displayed, and it is p… Continue

Posted on April 13, 2009 at 5:18pm — 13 Comments


A "Thank You" note for my Parents

When I was a baby, I nearly choked to death. My mother noticed I was choking and turning blue. My father administered the Baby Heimlich maneuver. My life was prolonged. With no disrespect intended to the "healing" community, I'm thankful to my Dad for doing what he did rather than putting his hand over my throat chakra or performing muscle testing.

A "Thank You" note for my Parents

Thank you for saving my life that day. Thank you for serving your community as medical professionals. I know both… Continue

Posted on March 1, 2009 at 11:41pm — 4 Comments


A continuation of the attack on HR that was intended for me...

The attack on HR that was intended for me:
Italicized blocks are my commentary and are not part of the chat itself.


6:18pmBrad Johnson Perhaps there's something you can pass onto your boy SoSOE....
6:18pmM S White Raven glad you joined us
6:18pmH.R. Pufnstuf I'm tired of being a 2d ning character, lets move to 3d :P
6:18pmBrad Johnson He's on the verge of getting a law suit big time.
6:18pmH.R. Pufnstuf What do you mean?
6:18pmM S White Raven ouch
6:18pmBrad J… Continue

Posted on February 13, 2009 at 5:35pm —


I should be ashamed of myself...

Brad Johnson has sent you a message on Saviors of Saviors of Earth

I have to admit, I'm asbsolutely disgusted by this and if you do not take this down, I will take action against you. This is completely unacceptable. You guys don't agree with what I have experienced or stated on a spiritual level, then fine. But your members go and post crap like this, it is unacceptable.

So, I would like this taken down in 24 hours time, i… Continue

Posted on February 12, 2009 at 11:02pm — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 11:35pm on July 28, 2009, Twilight_Child said…

Keep up the great work- I always enjoy coming to visit here & find myself staying that little bit too long :P
At 3:52am on July 4, 2009, Apocolypstick said…
Hey sweets, found myself back here. I really missed you guys.
Will try to log on when some of you are on to catch up.

All my love
At 8:40pm on June 26, 2009, Kahless said…
Brad left a comment on a facebook post of mine! Looks like they haven't learnt, some new 'waitata' prophecy sets August 15th as the new date.

'Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it'.
At 5:50pm on June 9, 2009, Kahless said…
Seems that I've been unbanned from SoE!! What's happened? Did my outburst actually inspire some sense? Has Brad learned that anger is a perfectly real healthy thing to vent(rilo)?!
At 7:53pm on June 7, 2009, Stephen Bates said…
I'm doing great. I graduated a few weeks ago and i'm living in Arizona now. I'm going to start doing freelance web design and doing some networking, hopefully I can get hooked up with some contract work until I find a full time job.
At 7:26pm on June 7, 2009, Katrina Joyner said…
It's a shame this forum doesn't let you just respond to comments posted on your pictures and stuff.

Yeah I was thinking about it. It's got practical use as a scientific vehicle or if you need to get somewhere in "real" time... but as a military vehicle not so much unless you want to think James Bond. But I'm sure I can schlipp it in somehow. That's what the comic is for after all.
At 8:36pm on May 26, 2009, Shefqet Avdush Emini said…
Thank you for the welcome !


At 2:30pm on May 19, 2009, Kephisos said…
o oke thx for saying :) i dont rly care tho being banned from SoE.

Greetz Keph
At 5:38pm on May 9, 2009, Kahless said…
Thanks for adding me.

Truth without Lies and Ego
At 9:31pm on May 2, 2009, Katrina Joyner said…
Ascend! Ascend before it's too late!


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