Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

DeusEx - 1994 called and wants it's shitty website design back

"Adronis is the name of a Higher Dimensional Entity existing 300 years in our future. He is Channeled Through the consciousness mediumship of Brad Johnson."

Update: May 8th 2009 is officially open for business

About us page:

Teleconference registration and charge:

Products and services pages say they will be available on May 10th.


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LOL! I doubt you'd have to wait long to ask since nobody will be there. Even when listening to the Adronis channelings from Ventrilo there are but a handful of people attending (Nicklas, Clinton, etc) and most of the time there are long periods of silence followed by Brad's awkward breathing. If he ever does have a live event in your area, please take a camera as I really want to see you ridicule him in person :P

ilikepies said:
If he had some free channeling session here in victoria I would go and when it was time to ask questions I'd wait until nobody else had any other questions and I'd stand up and tell him that I am completely convinced and find it obvious from his performance that he is in fact performing and he knows what he's saying and I'd tell him I refuse to address him as if hes really adronis and rather ask a question to what i know is there, just him. I'd tell him if he wants to keep on stumbling through the questions as if in an act go right ahead but I'd ask him why, why in the name of all that is logical is some advanced multi dimensional being from the future ONLY talking over and over again about the vague new age notions of creating reality and love power, all things humans are fully capable of understanding and speaking, all things that have been put much more eloquently by humans being humans, all things that have precedent in human knowledge. I'd ask why some amazing being whose come from the future to teach us dosen't sound like an amazing being from the future should, can't predict anything about anything, can't tell us already don't know. Can only speak of fantasiesand "just wait and see one days", probably all the same shit that early daryl anka was saying in the fucking early 80's. I'd love to confront him like this but alas...I fear he's simply not good enough to ever be in that situation and will have to remain in the safety of his tiny little site where all bad things can simply be banned away.

Brad is lying, he is a lying lie loving liar from lietown, this is the truth, this is so obvious, I MEAN ITS SO OBVIOUS. If these SOE people want to be taken seriously, if they want to be able to go around telling people what they believe. Shouldn't they at least have the decency to put a stop to such a blatant lie like Brad claiming he is actually having any sort of contact with an ACTUAL being from the future or the multiverse or andromeda or whatever fucking bullshit being he picks and then instantly can succesfully channel just by closing his eyes and breathing loud. come on people, please, grow the fuck up and learn to use your fucking brains

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Pies if Brad does do a live event in Victoria you and I are going on a road trip. I'll pay for the rental car and my gf will drive.

ilikepies said:
If he had some free channeling session here in victoria I would go and when it was time to ask questions I'd wait until nobody else had any other questions and I'd stand up and tell him that I am completely convinced and find it obvious from his performance that he is in fact performing and he knows what he's saying and I'd tell him I refuse to address him as if hes really adronis and rather ask a question to what i know is there, just him. I'd tell him if he wants to keep on stumbling through the questions as if in an act go right ahead but I'd ask him why, why in the name of all that is logical is some advanced multi dimensional being from the future ONLY talking over and over again about the vague new age notions of creating reality and love power, all things humans are fully capable of understanding and speaking, all things that have been put much more eloquently by humans being humans, all things that have precedent in human knowledge. I'd ask why some amazing being whose come from the future to teach us dosen't sound like an amazing being from the future should, can't predict anything about anything, can't tell us already don't know. Can only speak of fantasiesand "just wait and see one days", probably all the same shit that early daryl anka was saying in the fucking early 80's. I'd love to confront him like this but alas...I fear he's simply not good enough to ever be in that situation and will have to remain in the safety of his tiny little site where all bad things can simply be banned away.

Brad is lying, he is a lying lie loving liar from lietown, this is the truth, this is so obvious, I MEAN ITS SO OBVIOUS. If these SOE people want to be taken seriously, if they want to be able to go around telling people what they believe. Shouldn't they at least have the decency to put a stop to such a blatant lie like Brad claiming he is actually having any sort of contact with an ACTUAL being from the future or the multiverse or andromeda or whatever fucking bullshit being he picks and then instantly can succesfully channel just by closing his eyes and breathing loud. come on people, please, grow the fuck up and learn to use your fucking brains

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Be careful, Tab. She might not be able to resist:

TheTabarnac said:
Pies if Brad does do a live event in Victoria you and I are going on a road trip. I'll pay for the rental car and my gf will drive.

ilikepies said:
If he had some free channeling session here in victoria I would go and when it was time to ask questions I'd wait until nobody else had any other questions and I'd stand up and tell him that I am completely convinced and find it obvious from his performance that he is in fact performing and he knows what he's saying and I'd tell him I refuse to address him as if hes really adronis and rather ask a question to what i know is there, just him. I'd tell him if he wants to keep on stumbling through the questions as if in an act go right ahead but I'd ask him why, why in the name of all that is logical is some advanced multi dimensional being from the future ONLY talking over and over again about the vague new age notions of creating reality and love power, all things humans are fully capable of understanding and speaking, all things that have been put much more eloquently by humans being humans, all things that have precedent in human knowledge. I'd ask why some amazing being whose come from the future to teach us dosen't sound like an amazing being from the future should, can't predict anything about anything, can't tell us already don't know. Can only speak of fantasiesand "just wait and see one days", probably all the same shit that early daryl anka was saying in the fucking early 80's. I'd love to confront him like this but alas...I fear he's simply not good enough to ever be in that situation and will have to remain in the safety of his tiny little site where all bad things can simply be banned away.

Brad is lying, he is a lying lie loving liar from lietown, this is the truth, this is so obvious, I MEAN ITS SO OBVIOUS. If these SOE people want to be taken seriously, if they want to be able to go around telling people what they believe. Shouldn't they at least have the decency to put a stop to such a blatant lie like Brad claiming he is actually having any sort of contact with an ACTUAL being from the future or the multiverse or andromeda or whatever fucking bullshit being he picks and then instantly can succesfully channel just by closing his eyes and breathing loud. come on people, please, grow the fuck up and learn to use your fucking brains

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I might just get some tshirts made for me and Pies with that image on it, so we can blend in to the crowd. Would that not be the funniest shit ever? What would be a good line for that tshirt?




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LOL, count me in when you open up that cafe press site :P

TheTabarnac said:
I might just get some tshirts made for me and Pies with that image on it, so we can blend in to the crowd. Would that not be the funniest shit ever? What would be a good line for that tshirt?


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dear god yes make a sosoe pilgrimage to bring down the false prophet, I'll make sure I film the whole event even if I have to use a hidden camera

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ANOTHER money scamming site from brad johnson?.... no way! (sarcasm)

I am 100% FOR discrediting this asshole in person.

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Can I wear this one?

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Looks like Brad switched from the cheesy Flash logo to an image. Where the hell did he get the font? The 80s?

I googled some old vector games from the 70s and 80s. Could this be Adronis?

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I have updated the original post with the About US and May 31st teleconference screenshots.

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Response from Brad to Antonela and Clinton pertaining to

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Antonela's response to Brad:

SOErs respond to the opening of

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