Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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DeusEx, you'll have to visit my office next time for a treat! lol
I had lost the link to that forum and really Brad's posts there are nothing less but priceless. Take the same posts, remove the game's subject by any Lightworker subject, what do you get? OMG! It's SoE BEFORE SoE! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

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awesome find that was a great read.

I honestly don't think Brad has EVER changed, all high and mighty and emotional lashing out at criticism being all full of himself, hes probably only gotten worse and worse of an arrogant prick through his new found avenue of self masturbation. I wouldnt be surprised if he was indeed scammed out of the domain name by a smart person who later contacted paramount and sold it, he is ridiculously easy to scam after all what with oct 14th and then the time he thought he had sold his script for cades war when he fell for "the screenplay agency" scam and all those other times people scammed him and...god no wonder this guy hates money so much he must have gotten scammed out of all of his a long time ago

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I can't resist… Really, this is too priceless. Here's a screenshot of the last post Brad wrote on that games forum. I'm pretty sure Mr. Pies will love it! Happy Valentine's Day sweetie Pies! This one is for you :P

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Brad in a nutshell. Getting overly defensive, uses the word 'sickening' when he receives criticism and interprets every form of feedback as a personal attack. He's more interested in the idea of having a game and the idea of being famous (I am sure he loved making the promotional videos for Cade's war and doing the "Interviews") than actually patiently working on the product itself. No wonder it never saw the light of day,

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wow great find. shows how uncredibly brad is.

someone should post this at SOE.

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Categorized under "SOEisms and Bradisms".

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