Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Normally I don't want to post something like this on here, but I think for the last several months, I have been very patient with this community and now it has gotten to the point where immediate action needs to be taken against them.

for those who may be aware or unaware, there is a hate cult site known as Saviors of Saviors of Earth that has been around almost as long as SoE has been. And since day one of their inception, they have continued to insult, ridicule, stalk and belittle any lightworker that is interested in sharing their views publically. I have been a big catalyst within their community, but there have also been several others who have been stalked, ridiculed, harrassed and humiliated by this group of cyberstalking criminals.

Today I have filed a police report against Saviors of Saviors of Earth and they are currently under heavy investigation as I have also talked to several other organizations online including themselves.

I am urging anyone who has been victimized by these cyberstalking criminals, or for anyone who is simply appalled by their nature to contact your local authorities and other online cyberstalking prevention websites as well as Ning themselves so we can end the sharade of these Internet bullies that hold absolutely no respect for those in the metaphysical/spirituality communities. For the longest time, I have tolerated them, but no longer. I will now no longer rest until this ridiculous, cyberstalking community is laid to rest. Anyone who is interested in dissolving these hate-cult bullies from the Internet, your help is greatly appreciated. We have a right to express, to share, to speak on what we believe in, and we will not be silenced or ridiculed by these Internet stalkers any further.

Thank you,
Brad Johnson.


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Hey Greg,
Yep we saw this one and have screenshot from SOE here:

Thanks for this :)

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