Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Effort towards a rebuttal of the notion of "personal truth"


I'm starting this thread and would invite others to participate if they wish to do so. I've seen the notion of "personal truth" being tossed around as fit anywhere argument by the quack channelers and other people whenever confronted with facts or conflicting perspectives. Unless I'm mistaken, I think Blossom Goodchild used this excuse when the GFOL didn't show as well. I would like to see some sort of rebuttal of this idea that would demonstrate clearly how it makes no sense, particularly in the way that it is understood within the confines of this "movement".

I've been looking around for past uses of the idea and would like other people's take on it. Some questions that I have:

- Can we clearly define "personal truth"?
- What's the difference between "faith" and "personal truth"
- How does "personal truth" fit in with the SOE-type worldview?
- What is the logical function of this notion?
- In what circumstances is "personal truth" used and how?
- Is it possible to negate the idea of "personal truth" without hitting the "faith" impasse?

I welcome any more questions that could be asked to help break this down. If you agree with the idea of "personal truth" and the way it's used then you are welcome to discuss it here as well. If this discussion works then maybe we can have a crack at "duality" and "resonate" or any one of the other murky notions that are of popular employ with these people.


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Hi, PrincessHeart. You're not the only one that sees the thought you've put into what you've said, and you also have good company. For what it's worth, I still refresh my memory from time to time by visiting your blog.

For any latecomers, PrincessHeart's blog, Assailants of Earth, is a must-read. The Personal Truth blog post is particularly relevant to this discussion.

PrincessHeart said:
I had lots of material for this in my old SOE posts.. but just checked, and I've been banhammer'd. Without even having been active there for months. I don't feel like typing it all up again. Sorry I didn't get it all at the start of this topic! It crossed my mind..
I've put much thought into most of the stuff I've said, shits me that I'm pretty much the only one that sees it.

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