Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

If you go to SOE you will see that Brad has posted Adronis's take on the death of Michael jackson, confirming with his Adronis future abilities that he was indeed murdered by the CIA to silence his lightworker powers.... so somebody posts a youtube video saying this and suddenly adronis is confirming it..a youtube video with no references, no sources, no evidence, all hearsay ONE DAY after we ever found out he died....

Fuck you to hell Brad, we know what this is, hell I guess your doing the same thing all the news networks and internet sites are doing, your latching onto the death, you love that hes dead Brad YOU LOVE IT. It's a big event, a big celebrity who died and now you can make up conspiracy theories about how he was killed by robot aliens and I bet your gonna try your hardest to be right smack dab in the middle of this new big "viral craze" pimping your half assed pathetically obvious "channeling" for cash

You are going to latch onto his death, the attention people pay to his death, and you are gonna milk it like CRAZY. Fuck yourself to hell to brad


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I, for one, am so glad to know that balance is back to order for Michael Jackson i.e. he is back to being black and has no plastic surgery. Thanks for the good info, Magenta.

LeavingSOE said:
Michael Jackson in Dreamtime by Magenta Pixie

Now Magenta Pixie joins the MJ bandwagon. Shameless.

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LOL, many thanks to the lightworkers, they bring constant reassurance about the important things in life :p

DeusEx said:
I, for one, am so glad to know that balance is back to order for Michael Jackson i.e. he is back to being black and has no plastic surgery. Thanks for the good info, Magenta.

LeavingSOE said:
Michael Jackson in Dreamtime by Magenta Pixie

Now Magenta Pixie joins the MJ bandwagon. Shameless.

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Found this article today:

While I don't believe in any of this crap, I thought this part was interesting:

Rourke said he fully expects people to come forward claiming to have communicated with Jackson, but that any credible professional psychic or medium will not attempt to connect with Jackson for at least six months to a year and will only do so at the behest of a family member or an intimate friend of the singer.

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